Audio: Their Crisis and Ours (Corporate Watch) | 24.10.2010 14:22 | London
Their crisis and ours - A discussion about financial capitalism
Despite incessant reference to the 'economic crisis', for many it is still unclear what exactly is meant by the term 'crisis' or how and why it happened, let alone what it means for anarchists. This session will begin with an accessible introduction to the financial crisis, followed by a discussion of the political implications of government programmes of 'privatizing profit and nationalising risk', what the impact on communities and workplaces will be and how we can organize locally against austerity.
imc-london note: we don't have amazing recording gear so the audio isn't that great, but we've attempted to clean it up as much as possible. The discussion participants were unfortunately mumbling and it wasn't possible to pump up the discussion enough to be audible. (Corporate Watch)
Original article on IMC London: