US troops and Iraqi torture
Ray Mitchel | 23.10.2010 16:01 | Guantánamo | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Terror War
US troops ordered not to investigate Iraqi torture ........ United States troops were told not to investigate allegations of torture by Iraqi security forces, according to documents found in the war logs. A comprehensive trawl of the secret military files show that US soldiers witnessed, or were told of, more than 1,300 cases of detainee abuse by Iraqi authorities. But following the Abu Ghraib scandal of 2004, they were given explicit orders not to investigate unless coalition personnel were involved.
The logs reveal that more than 180,000 people were detained in Iraq between 2004 and 2009. This is equivalent to one in 50 of the male population. In comparison, the number of people detained in Afghanistan, which has a similar population, was 7,500. Most of those detained in Iraq detentions were in state-run centres. ..... .....
The logs reveal that more than 180,000 people were detained in Iraq between 2004 and 2009. This is equivalent to one in 50 of the male population. In comparison, the number of people detained in Afghanistan, which has a similar population, was 7,500. Most of those detained in Iraq detentions were in state-run centres. .....

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Published 2010, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism .....

Ray Mitchel
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