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A Better Bristol For All

Nick Thomas | 22.10.2010 16:22

Your chance to shape Bristol!
There’s an opportunity to get serious about the city we love on Wednesday 27th October. If you have a genuine interest in Bristol and a passion for its future, then A Better Bristol for All will let you set the agenda!
A Better Bristol for All is a day-long workshop that explores the issues that really matter to Bristol citizens. Whether it’s an elected Mayor or the future for our young people or the disappearance of the house sparrow, the floor is yours to get people talking! We will be working in small groups and big groups, exchanging ideas and speaking our minds. What we won’t be doing is sitting listening to “the experts” tell us what they intend doing with our lives. This city is our home – and if we don’t decide its future then someone else will!

A Better Bristol for All is a free event. It takes place at the Council House, but it’s not run by the Council – it’s run by groups in Bristol who are concerned to make the city a more democratic and inclusive place. The results of the day, the recommendations, thoughts and proposals, will form a report which will be presented not just to the Council but to Iain Duncan Smith’s Department for Work & Pensions. June Burrough, one of the day’s main organisers, sits on the DWP’s Social Inclusion Advisory Group.

2010 is the European Year for Combating Poverty & Social Exclusion – and Bristol has been at the forefront of Britain’s response to it. The Department for Work & Pensions held the national launch for it here, and the Pierian Centre’s June Burrough has been appointed national campaign ambassador. Bristol reframed EY2010 in a more positive light, looking at ways to promote prosperity and social inclusion. Nearly 11,500 people visited the Portents installation on College Green – a project that the Pierian Centre ran to give a public profile to the unheralded groups and individuals working on social inclusion in our city. A Better Bristol for All is the next step on the way to creating the city we want.

A Better Bristol for All is a day for everyone. It’s fun and it’s free! It runs from 10am to 4pm on Wednesday 27th October at the Council House, College Green. To book a place ring 0117 924 4512 or email We hope you can join us!

Nick Thomas
- Original article on IMC Bristol: