Sheffield Protests Against the Cuts
IMC Sheffield | 19.10.2010 12:45 | Public sector cuts | Sheffield
On Saturday 23rd October 2010 the Yorkshire and Humber TUC held a regional protest against the cuts outside Sheffield Town Hall. The protest was joined by a march from Sheffield University.
On Wednesday 20th October, there was a protest outside the Town Hall organised by UNISON, the day the Con/Dem government announced "spending cuts of 25 percent and more across most departments" which target people on welfare, rather than the rich. Bob Crow, general secretary of the RMT, described these cuts as "the most brutal assault on public services, jobs and living standards since the 1930's and show that the ConDem government are prepared to force working people to carry the can for an economic crisis cooked up in the boardrooms and on the trading floors. This is all-out class war with its roots firmly planted in the playing fields of Eton."
Links: Rally photos and audio | March photos
The Yorkshire and Humber TUC Expenditure Cuts Protest was rumored to be addressed by Brendan Barber and Ed Milliband, but they didn't show up.
The Right to Work campaign, which was set up by the Socialist Workers Party, organised the feeder march from Sheffield University.
At the start of September there was a Sheffield Trades Council protest against Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister and Lib Dem MP for Sheffield Hallam also outside the Town Hall.
IMC Sheffield
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who is the rally for?
19.10.2010 16:55
This is all-out class war
20.10.2010 13:28
Bob Crow
Several articles about the cuts
20.10.2010 18:14
Con-Dems swing their axe at the poor
Public sector to lose half a million jobs
Pension age to rise faster
Tenants 'biggest losers' as Osborne raises rents
Rail fare cap to rise from 2012
Health service 'not saved from axe'
Colleges could face closure after £4bn cuts
Greenpeace: £1bn green bank won't do
Morning Star
Labour still pretending to be a friend of the underclasses:
20.10.2010 20:54
Labour still pretending to be a friend of the underclasses in the UK caste system. Still we, do hate the Tories, but don’t think for one second that the Labour/The Liberal Democrats/ Green Party aren’t neo-fascists.
Of course, everyone wants something for free, but if someone is offering you something for free, you would be wise to be suspicious.
The central government is quite happy to maintain a redundant labour force to curtail wage inflation, so the unemployed are providing a valuable service to the ruling oligarchy.
The rulers are happy to provide free schooling because they get to set the curriculum, an influence the mind set of the next generation of their tax slaves.
Pensions directly support the financial service industry. Housing benefit supports the privet rental sector, which supports the financial service industry.
Whatever you think is being provided out of benevolence is designed to give a “kick back” to the ruling classes, you just have to look at it from out side of the left wing / right wing paradigm, pretty hard to do if you’ve been educated in the state system.
What are described as ‘public sector jobs’ can be seen as “government sector jobs” because the workers are accountable to the government, not the public. And the government is accountable to it’s underwriters, the financial institutions, not the public.
The financial services controls the government, and it’s the government that controls the public/government sector jobs, which in turn control us through policing, schooling, etc. Society truly functions as one single top down hierarchy. It is so designed to be in everyone’s interest to support the level above them. Of cause the public don’t like being robed, quite so directly as the “bail outs” because it confronts them with the reality of their own financial captivity.
While we are all fighting for the interests of our respective positions, we are avoiding the real issue.
If we get something for free, we lose the ability to make it for ourselves, and that includes the ability to make our own social provisions. We are losing contact with our most basic means of production and so, getting locked in to the system of exploitation, presided over by the rulers of the global financial services industry.
As 8,500 staff at Sheffield face advance notification of redundancies, we need to understand that the former Labour/Conservative Governments have attacked The Working Class. The cries of the left wing and trade union bureaucrats such as Peter Davies are nothing new, you can not reform capitalism but only work towards the abolition of the problem that is capitalism.
a little bird told me.....
21.10.2010 08:06
No leaders!
21.10.2010 09:53
Alternatively, join the Judean People's Front.
Stewart Grey
Pre-meeting nfo from the TUC
21.10.2010 14:10
If unions have organised coaches, they will drop off at the town Hall, and park up on the Parkway. They will then pick up back at the Town hall when the rally has finished.
Libertarian Tough Love
21.10.2010 15:41
- the shrinking of the state
- the shrinking of the police force
- the shrinking of the prison population
- the shrinking of the armed forces
- the reform of a bloated welfare system that is encouraging our class into idleness and lifelong poverty…………………
a little bird told me.....