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"Exotic" rotting animal corpses for sale at Three horseshoes pub in Hereford

Tigerfeet | 17.10.2010 12:26 | Animal Liberation | Ecology

Kangaroo, crocodile, bison and ostrich "steaks" have appeared on the menu at The Three Horseshoes pub in Hereford. Please contact the pub asking them to remove the corpses from their menu and stop adding to the destruction of our world's wildlife. Thank you.

Three Horseshoes Inn,
Tel: 01981 570329
Current menu (PDF)



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"Rotting corpses" my arse

17.10.2010 12:53

They're farmed, veg-brain...


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"Rotting corpses"

17.10.2010 13:10

What happens when something is killed? It rots, pretty fucking obvious eh lard arse?


Worse than eating cows or pigs?

17.10.2010 13:34

Why is it any worse than eating any other animal?

Vegan for life

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Thanks for the tip...

17.10.2010 13:50

I'll pop down for a tasty ostrittch burger later this evening


Normalisation of further carnage

17.10.2010 13:57

@"Vegan for life" so this is to go unnopposed in your world and left to become "normal" like all other dead animals for sale. Needs nipping in the bud now before it becomes another acceptable commodity of death.

Jonny Gee

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17.10.2010 13:59

Yeah, hope it slowly chokes you.

Jonny Gee

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One of the breeders

17.10.2010 14:19

crocodiles included

[Admin: address removed]


He's being HONEST

17.10.2010 14:48

This is of course a strategic/tactical question for animal rights activists but shouldn't simply put down those among you who feel maybe something dishonest.

"Vegan for Life" --- although not of your camp I will try to explain the "politics" and make sense of that response you drew. The problem from the acitvist point of view is that while morally there is no difference between eating a croc and eating a cow the number of people who do the former are few and the number of people who do the latter are numerous.

In other words, maybe can have success attacking a store selling furs (only the rich buy those) but if you went after the wearing of lether shoes ......... The point here is that maybe you can succeed throwing a bucket of paoint on some posh lady wearing furs and survive but of you tried that on a crowd of workers because of their shoes you'd need false chompers to chew your brown rice.

The current state of the campaigns where minor successes are wanted and not just symbolic protests has to be limited to "soft targets". Take on a hard target and you'd get your a*se kicked.

So you are right on the ethical question but it may be impolitic to raise it. You deserved a better response (explanation) form your own camp than a put down.


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Hook, line and sinker

17.10.2010 15:18

Wow, it's so easy to get a bite out of you people. And you wonder why most people think animal rights activists are loons.


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who gives a crap.

17.10.2010 16:15

it provides jobs, and tastes good.
59 million people in the country, and most of them don't give a shit about this sort of thing.

joe blogs

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17.10.2010 16:49

It's no different to eating other animals but its a crying shame to see more and more species being farmed and slaughtered to feed fat, greedy flesh eaters!!


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17.10.2010 16:52

Is this really a priority? I mean a pub serving some kind of meat? Really? We really are doomed.


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Why would they stop?

17.10.2010 17:13

Why wouldn't they just tell you to fuck off?

They arn't breaking any laws.

Until it is illegal, they have every right to do what they are doing.


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Hook, line and sinker

17.10.2010 20:07

Wow, it's so easy to get a bite from you people. Maybe if you weren't so quick to start hurling abuse or wishing death upon people you might get taken more seriously.


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Ignorant and uneducated

17.10.2010 20:15

Crocodiles and such like are farmed.

stupid idiot

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18.10.2010 00:57


Thanks for the contact details - now I know where to order some from. Yum!


Job done

18.10.2010 13:38

The info's out there now, regardless of the stupid comments from the laughable troll nation. Job done!


Thing is

18.10.2010 15:50

These types of posts aren't specifically designed to spark debate, they serve to directly inform the active animal rights community of abusers in specific locations so action can be taken, and thanks to the imc newswire and the publicity generated in the majority of cases action is taken.

There's loads of AR forums around @vegan for life where you can debate stuff till the end of days,maybe check them out.




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