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British Freedom Party: Fluffy Fascism

'Malatesta' | 17.10.2010 10:03 | Anti-racism | World

The newly formed BFP are promoting a form of 'fluffy fascism.' Will The Fluffies be a threat to the BNP?

It is hard to credit the British far right with any abilities short of frothing at the mouth at ‘immigrants’ but you have to give them their due when it comes to organising splinter factions and parties. So convinced are they of their political importance that it is hard for them to agree with each other and fall outs are frequent. The latest development is the British Freedom Party which has drawn in former BNP members. However, none of the far-right websites appear overtly impressed and the odious BNPers on VNNuk claim the BFP is “full of people with bizarre obsessions, misfits, mutants, swamp dwellers, and addicts and screaming fat ugly mongrels and sexual deviants..” Unlike the BNP with their paedophiles and hedgerow terrorists.

The BFP website, featuring what looks like a Gap advert, appears to be promoting a kind of ‘fluffy fascism’ and is registered to Simon Bennett who famously pulled the plug on the BNP website the day before the general election, much to the amusement of anti-fascists everywhere. He has since been attacked by most of the British far-right websites. The Fluffies claim to be ‘Cultural Nationalists’ but are BNP by any other name - they just don’t have the baggage of holocaust denial, violence, corruption or criminal records. Yet. The Fluffies pledge financial transparency and have laid out their immigration policy. Batty Barnes has also made up a policy about political correctness for Old Bill. No more PC for the PCs he says sternly. Jings!

Apparently, setting up a new party was Plan B for Bennett and Eddy Butler following the failure of the BNP leadership challenge and the unlikelihood of reforming the constitution. It will be no surprise that ‘The Expelled’ from the BNP will scramble onboard in the hope of regaining their sense of worth and a much coveted title. Batty Lee Barnes has been puffing it on his bilious website as well as on the British Democracy Forum. This was not unlikely seeing as he has been howling like a sick dog in the political wilderness having nothing to do. Barnes could well be tempted into the coven with the promise of a title like his former BNP Legal Adviser handle although given the BNP’s legal worries they’d better steer clear of him. Batty Barnes has been a bit depressed recently but his whining blog has not lost its rancorous savour.

At the moment the main far right organisations you can vote for if you wish are the BNP, NF and BPP and the Fluffies want a slice of the action. Let’s have a look …

The BNP has been rocked by its disastrous fortunes at the hustings and ever since then has imploded in a frenzy of expulsions, resignations and allegations of fraud. Former golden boys like Mark Collett, Batty Lee Barnes, Simon Bennett, Eddy Butler, Richard Barnbrook and many more have fallen by the wayside so it was pretty inevitable that, starved of the benefits of being a ‘somebody’ in the BNP hierarchy, a new party would emerge and be attractive to these losers. Butler and the reformists have realised that the chances of booting Fatty Griffin out of the driving seat is fucking remote and that significant changes to the BNP constitution are not going to happen. Griffin intends to stay put until 2013 when he will step down and hand over the party to a favoured mug, probably leaving very little housekeeping money in the tea caddy.

However, Nickclops is very sensitive about members and potential members being siphoned off and the thought of all that lovely cash not being paid into Griffin PLC brings a tear to his glass eye. He has a very loyal team of dissemblers at his command over on the VNNuk forum who constantly rubbish the reformists, the Butler-ites, BNP dissidents and now have the scent of The Fluffies in their nostrils. Despite the fallouts, many members and former BNP members will wait to see how it pans out in case The Fluffies turn into another ill-fated, blowhard grupuscule.

The BNP is on the ropes. It is only a matter of time until Griffin is standing like the Boy on the Burning Deck with all having deserted him. The question of the accounts is still not settled. He set up the Scrutiny Committee to monitor the BNP books and they have given it the okay. This is irrelevant because, as one Nazi poster pointed out, unless it is okayed by the Audit Commission it is of no legal consequence.

The NF
The NF suffered a coup last year when the Eddy Morrison clique outmanoeuvred the former leader Tom Holmes and took over.
Morrison is well dodgy, an alcoholic and known to have assisted shadowy state forces in the past and is seen as completely untrustworthy. The conspiracy theory is that he took over the NF and the state can therefore control and neutralise any threat by the NF as the BNP collapses and members defect. Well that’s the story, anyway … What we do know is that the NF reneged on their promise that they would not stand candidates in the same wards as the BNP thus splitting the racist vote and that they are keen on standing more candidates – although where they get the money from is unclear. They are skint. Joining costs a tenner and they haven’t got that many members. The NF have just announced that they are standing a candidate in the Thames Valley by-election soon which we will be closely monitoring. When Morrison et al took over the NF they soon got a semi-professional website going and published a regular newsletter. Holmes was a geriatric technophobe and sent out photocopied letters to the few members he had retained from the glory days of the 1970s. The NF website tells of a recent meeting were Morrison ‘launched a ferocious attack on the absurdities of political correctness’ – Yikes! They also claim ‘rapid growth’ but this must surely allude to leader Tom Linden’s beer belly.

As for the tiny British People’s Party, they are a laughable collection of alcoholics stuck in the past, claiming to be ultra-nationalists. Double Yikes! Their ‘spiritual leader’ is Colin Jordan who was once arrested for stealing ladies underwear from Tesco’s. Amongst their alumni are the aforesaid Morrison, Kevin Watmough and Pete ‘Sid’ Williamson who are either alcoholics or drug users or both. Watmough started the Redwatch website, has links to the ageing porkers of Combat 18 and has received many a pasting from anti-fascists. Williamson is also known as the Saltdean Sofa Soaker by left and right following an incontinent embarrassment on a comrades couch. Last week one of his comrades battered him senseless in Brighton. If you’re reading this Sid, let us know how you are or at least deny Darren did you over!

So what will happen with the fluffy BFP? After the initial launch they will no doubt attract a percentage of disenfranchised BNPers but many on the web forums are being cautious, hostile or sceptical. It is likely that Butler will be elevated as boss and Bennett his close second with help from Peter Mullins but the crucial thing is their membership and immigration policies and how they phrase these. They may be seen as BNP-lite minus the bad PR of Griffin’s boys. If they get to the hustings they will help split the racist vote, like the NF when they stand in the same wards as the BNP. Is there a future for fluffy fascism? We shall see …

NB: Copyright free. Pass it on to anyone who may find it useful.

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nazism is horrible

17.10.2010 10:24

my mum was a holocaust survivor, parts of her skin were used to make lampshades with in belson, she was also gassed seven times, that`s why i am totally against the BNP and any other parties of a similiar nature.

gerry gable
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What next?

17.10.2010 15:53

for the anti-fascists now that the far right is in disarray?

One thing's for sure. They won't go away. They derive their pleasure from teling others what to say and how to behave. The same old rentamob people who imagine they are the ones to have protected the rest of us from the dangers of the far right are exactly the same people who attempt to boss us about on all sorts of issues - anti-nuclear, anti-semitism - oh sorry, that's anti-Zionism in their lingo, anti-flying (for others, not themselves), anti-meat eating etc etc.


Eddy Butler is old school NF

18.10.2010 17:40

I wouldn't call these wankers "Fluffies". Eddy Butler himself is an old-school NF veteran who put together a home-made documentary seeing the history of the East End, through the distorting lens of NF/BNP eyes, in which he freely admits attending gigs by the Nazi band Skrewdriver (it's a long documenary, in several parts)

And if I'm right in guessing Richard Edmonds has got anything to do with this, he's a known holocaust denier with a criminal record for racist violence


British Freedom Party is neither fascist nor far-right, but anti-Islamic

13.11.2011 01:03

British Freedom Party resembles Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom, German Freedom Party, and UK Independence Party. It will probably become a member of Geert Wilders' International Freedom Alliance. Unlike the Independence Party, the Freedom Party opposes Muslim immigration. I believe that many members of the Freedom Party want to deport Muslim immigrants. Conservative writer Paul Weston (born in 1963) is the chairman of the Freedom Party. His articles are posted here: Weston is a political twin of Wilders - he is conservative, pro-Israel and pro-gay. His only political experience is Independence Party candidate for the Cities of London and Westminster. Weston said: "Nick Griffin is a Holocaust-denying Nazi lunatic but in my view he is also stupid." source:


Most Europeans oppose Muslim immigration, but most politicians encourage Muslim immigration. This conflict has spawned sizable anti-Islamic parties in all of Europe, with the exception of
UK, which has tiny BNP. The British Freedom Party will stumble for a few years due to its lack of experience, but it will get about 20 percent of the votes in ten years. At the same time the BNP will become extinct.

Across Europe, opposition to Muslim immigration runs at a steady 60 to 65 per cent; the people of the Continent didn’t want the immigration in the first place, are not happy with the way in which the incomers have failed to integrate and do not want any more. source:

In a poll taken for the Davos World Economic Forum, stunning numbers of Europeans fear a "threat" from Muslims with whom they "interact": 79 percent of Danes, 67 percent of Italians, 68 percent of Spaniards, 65 percent of Swedes and 59 percent of Belgians. source:

The Pew survey shows that almost 60% of Europeans believe Muslims are "fanatical," 50% believe they are "violent" and only 22% believe they are "respectful of women." In response to the question "Which religion is most violent?" 90% of French say Islam, as do 87% of Spaniards, 79% of Germans and 75% of Britons. source:

Freedom Lover
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