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Oppose the English Nationalist Alliance on November 20th 2010

Stop The English Nationalist Alliance | 15.10.2010 05:14 | Anti-racism | Gender | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

The English Nationalist Alliance are going to be marching through central London on November the 20th. The ENA's Bill Baker has stated that he thinks Muslims should be killed. The ENA facebook shows a number of homophobic rants written by ENA admins who described Islam as "gay." At ENA demos racist thugs were photographed Seig Heiling at opposition protesters.

Details, times and meet up points for anti fascists are to be confirmed.

Stop The English Nationalist Alliance
- Homepage:!/pages/Stop-The-English-Nationalist-Alliance/156910594329131


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Bill Baker of ENA: "Muslims Against Crusades Are Gays"

15.10.2010 08:03

Bill Baker said of the BBC and MAC:

"So what is your verdict? Should the Biased Bullshit Corporation put gay sex on the Television as being normal or should homosexuality still be considered deviant to normal behaviour and shunned?.

Most homosexuals keep themselves private and do not exasperate their private lives all over the media but unfortunately there are a few 'gay libbers' out there that ridicule the homosexual community by their activities. Look at Anjem Choudary and the Muslims against Crusaders for instance, who attract many homosexuals into their ranks because of their inferiority complex and inability to get on in real life. Most Gay Muslims are 'closet queers' because they are shunned by Islam,which is ridiculous when you consider the fact that Mohammed himself was a bi sexual and very devious when it came to his sexuality.

Personally I think any form of sexuality and explicit expressiveness should not be on regular TV channels and if people want to prescribe to such depraved viewing then let them go and do so from the pay to view channels'. We already have moral dilemmas with our youth so why enhance it by having the BBC and other organisations add to the rot that has set in.


This has been changed to December 11th

15.10.2010 09:58

The ENA have changed the date to December 11th


English Nationalist Alliance say Kill Muslims and Socialists

18.10.2010 12:27

Detailed info on Bill Baker's available on this thread ...

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