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The BioCulture Breakdown

NAVA | 15.10.2010 02:35 | Animal Liberation

"The primate staff complained repeatedly about a young monkey with a broken
arm being left untreated in his cage for four days. The head vet at Covance didn't
know what to do about the bone break, and so he waited for a junior
veterinarian to return from her time off"

"The primate staff complained repeatedly about a young monkey with a broken
arm being left untreated in his cage for four days. The head vet at Covance didn't
know what to do about the bone break, and so he waited for a junior
veterinarian to return from her time off"

Every year, 10,000 primates just like the one above are exported from the
island of Mauritius for vivisection to laboratories globally, including
Covance. Last week, we covered one of the companies involved - Noveprim. The
other is Bioculture Farms.

This week, another major victory has been announced against Bioculture and has
delivered a large blow to the global monkey trade. The Puerto Rico senate have
released the details that they how refused permission for a large breeding
colony of thousands of Mauritian macaques to be constructed by the company,
but have also outlawed the use of monkeys in experiments, plus their future import
and export. With El Al last month refusing to be involved in transporting
primates from the Bioculture Mazor Farm in Israel, not a single monkey has
been exported from that facility since, nor imported. This only leaves the one
Bioculture breeding centre left in the world, decreasing the company's
capabilities to function by a large amount as the future looks uncertain for
two of their three farms.

The global eye of the anti-vivisection movement has now turned to the
Mauritian monkey trade, seeing the weaknesses and the capacity for effective victories.
Please contact Bioculture Farms and voice your disgust at their involvement in
supplying thousands of monkeys for vivisection:


To Whom It May Concern,
I was sickened with the recent expose of your company, Bioculture Farms,
exporting thousands of primates every year to laboratories for

From the attitudes of your staff towards the animals, to the trapping of
monkeys in the wild for export was disgusting.

Once these primates have experienced the brutality shown by your staff,
they will be used in toxicology experiments and poisoned to death, or
university research where electrodes will be implanted into their brains.

I ask that BioCulture is closed down once and for all.
Yours Sincerely,


Riviere des Anguilles,
Tel: +230 626 2843 / +230 626 2503
Fax: +230 626 2844

BFC Israel
PO Box 84,
Mazor 76130,

La Vanille Reserve (Sister Company)
Tel: +230 626 2503
Fax: +230 626 1442


Owen Lee Griffiths (MD & Owner),

Moshe Bushmitz (MD - Bioculture Israel)
Mobile: +972 544 452254,,,,

Ze'ev Brin (BFC Israel - Communications Director),


ALL EMAILS:,,,,,,,,,,,

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