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Muslim Defence League originally formed in 2006 by Aki Nawaz of Fun-Da-Mental

anon | 14.10.2010 09:29 | Anti-racism | Repression | Terror War | Sheffield | World

In his first interview about MDL in 2006, founder Aki Nawaz (pictured) said it was time British Muslims were more assertive of their rights – like the way black Americans behaved when faced with racism in the past. He said MDL was a reaction to the post 7/7 Islamophobia sweeping Britain, during which racist attacks on British Asians have increased dramatically.

The original MDL interview with Aki Nawaz from Fun Da Mental is as follows [with amendments due to changes since 2006]

THE new Muslim Defence League (MDL) will take inspiration from the black power movement of 1960s America.

In his first interview about MDL, founder Aki Nawaz (pictured) said it was time British Muslims were more assertive of their rights – like the way black Americans behaved when faced with racism in the past. He said MDL was a reaction to the post 7/7 Islamophobia sweeping Britain, during which racist attacks on British Asians have increased dramatically.

Nawaz warned that MLD had martial arts experts as members who would train Muslims in self-defence as a last resort if the police did not get a better grip on racist attacks.

He said: “It’s apparent that Muslim women are being attacked and everybody has the right to defend their community.

“If the authorities won’t protect us, then we will have to protect ourselves.

“It’s a grassroots movement to tackle the ignorant, arrogant, and contrived assaults on the Muslim community. It will look at international issues.

“We want to assert, not ask, about our rights, an arena to discuss and confront these pathetic policies. Look at the way Tony Blair says about us, it is not acceptable.”

Nawaz was referring to the governments message that ethnic minorities had “a duty” to integrate or should stay away [2006]. David Cameron has since likened Muslim extremists to neo Nazis.

The outspoken star of hip-hop act, Fun Da Mental, will be head of MDL, which he says gains some inspiration from the notorious Black Panthers group, a civil rights and self-defence organisation set up by blacks in America in the 1960s.

They will hold monthly meetings nationwide, organise protests and campaigns, and hold debates. The first meeting was in Nawaz’s hometown of Bradford on December 23, at the Marlboro Cinema.

Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg, journalist Yvonne Ridley, and soldiers who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan were among the chief guests.

The Muslim Council of Britain, (MCB), Muslim Safety Forum (MSF) and Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPACUK) were also been invited.

Nawaz, who has spent the last six months setting up the project, said he would fund the MDL himself .

The organisation’s mantra includes rejecting the Government’s claims that their foreign policy has nothing do with events like the July bombings and that Tony Blair stand trial as a war criminal,

MDL also believes that Muslim MPs should not be automatic spokesmen for all Muslims, and they should be free to practise Islam without the Government interferance.

The new Muslim Defence Leagues that have formed in 2010 appear to be seperate from the MDL formed by Aki Nawaz in 2006. Aki Nawaz was criticised for lyrics that "seemed to glorify terrorism" and "gave bomb making instructions from the Anarchist Cookbook in All Is War."

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The latter formed MDLs are different groups. Very confusing....

14.10.2010 10:45

The first and original MDL was formed by Aki Nawaz in 2006 and not by Foisal Uddin who formed the Chechnyan Wolf MDL following a split with the SWP led MDL. Quite why a Bengali boy wants to be a known as a Chechnyan Wolf is questionable. Whtat does he think of what happened at Beslan?
Two of the groups have extremist leanings and the third has been taken over by the UAF.


Beslan school massacre

14.10.2010 10:50

The Beslan school massacre photos are to horriffic to post on here. The MDL led by Foisal Uddin aka The Chechnyan Wolf post photos of Palestinian children who have been maimed and killed but is strangley silent on the masscre of innocent kids at Beslan.

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Aki Nawaz said he'd spent 6 months bulding the MDL in 2006. Just to clarify

14.10.2010 11:34

Aki Nawaz spent 6 months in 2006 building MDL just to clarify. It would be interesting to find out whether or not he is still funding the MDL.
