statement about the delirium spread about our persons.
naruaideias | 13.10.2010 03:02
refers to this this statement, published in this site a few days ago.

Statement about the delirium spread about our persons.
in face of the delirium that is circulating in internet, in face of this monstrous non-sense and without notion that are inventing with sadism and crazy about our persons, we want here to expose some truth.
Who knows us knows that we are not of saying ourselves as owners of the truth, but in this situation we don’t feel daring or arrogant in saying that yes, we got the truth, because we got our clean, tranquil and full conscience of all we say, of all we are and our acts.
About our persons.
We are involved with anarchism, punk and counterculture since 10-7 years. In this time we’ve made infinite ruptures, we have been revolutionated ourselves and have deconstructed infinite oppressions that the culture we born imposed us and made us live. All the standards we took are a reaction to things we lived and saw in our childhoolds and our youth. When child and theres not much time even inside of the punk scene I, sheyla, suffered tries of sexual aggression and based on the things we lived and learned from people that shared with us their experiences, we have developed in the last years our moves very focused on the issue of gender, in the repulse of oppressions and aggressions that envolve sexualty and all that knows us, people that likes us and people that doesn’t likes us, know that we always adopted the most fight standards in any case of sexual aggression or abuse (not for making ourselves look better, but because we really feel it. All that already had the opportunity of meeting us know that what we feel and what we say it’s not and never was just from our mouths out, many times we get angry with the most small things that can indicate a possibility of violence in the relations between people.
About our time in Argentina.
In this year of 2010 we left college, studies, friends and families for traveling to Chile, where we expected learn and in what would be possible support the people from there with all they are passing through. After passing for two cities, we arrived in Buenos Aires, where we spent the winter and the first days of spring. Most part of the time we were in the house where is being invented and conspired this nonsense crazy history.
There are many spaces in the city, many things going on, many people. We arrived in a moment of tension because of what happened in Greek Embassy, and with worries related with the general security (beyond the sinister cold that for us was our first winter, and for me, sheyla, my first cold ever) we closed ourselves a lot. We decided dedicate and help specifically the people in the house where we were in their moves, in their projects and create with this restricted number of people honest and deep relations, into where was possible, into where affinities existed.
We passed between 4 and 5 months there and we obtained success in our idea. During the 4 months that we were in the house we know and everyone that visited the house could see very clearly that things where fluid, that we were in a friendship and partnership relation with the most part of the people in the house. We participated in activities, we presented theaters and we helped in what they let us help.
By more that they are inventing and taking this crazy ahead, we know that at least some that are there deep there know that this history is not right. We know and they know what we lived, how do we behaved, which were our differences, how we are as people, the standards we assume, they know which jokes they made which we are able to laugh and which we didn’t. they know it too much and for us its scary that with all they know, with all they saw from us, they are acting in this sinister way.
About the physical space of the house where we were.
The house is constituted of two small rooms, a room for serigraphy, a living room/kitchen and a backyard. The only places of the house, of the area with a ceiling, what we had to live and to do anything was the room for serigraphy, that was where we sleep, and the room/kitchen. Both spaces where there were always people circulating and where there was no privacy, and we didn’t worried about it.
All the experiences and social relations we had in this house we lived inside of this small area of a room for serigraphy and the living room/kitchen.
Inside of this small area lived together, daily, more then ten people, including the mother and the child, that didn’t live there, that never sleep there, that never spent 24h there and that were always there with more other eight people, more other 5 people, more other 3 people, and never less than it. All that already was there know it.
We grew and lived our entire life in a place where the whole year is hot. The cold of the winter in Buenos Aires made us stay in practice most part of the time inside of the house and inside of this small area that protected us from the cold and where we felt harmer because of the relations we had with the people there and because of the constant visits that daily were in the house.
About how the child related with the house and about how we related with the child and about how we relate with any child that we have affinities.
Along this time that we spent there the mother and the child visited daily the house. Everyone in the house related with the child in a very familiar and lovely way.
According Maria and Ilze (that is the person who translated their statement to English), people that live there, the kid faces a bunch of problems there’s more than 4 months and we don’t even know which problems are these, because we didn’t asked (all you that live in this house knows that gossip is something that we don’t like to do and that we always feel shit when talking of someone who’s not there to listen, all you that live there and that knows us KNOW IT VERY WELL.)
We learn to let things develop naturally, the trust, the conversations and the confessions of secrets. ALL YOU IN THE HOUSE KNOW IT. All know that all we lived together, all that you told about your lives and all that we told about our lives and you that you told about other people lives was told naturally, avoiding to the maximum the context of gossip of talking on backs, ALL YOU.
Since we arived in the house the kid showed a lot of curiosity and fascination about us (as many child do when they see two punks) and always having many attention to her and to her mother we developed a health and attentious relation with the child, in a perspective of helping her with her problems, of stimulating her imagination and stimulating her critical sense. Some may think that due to the fact that we focus our speech and practices in the sexualty thing the problem may have come from some misunderstood with something we said or done about it. in any moment we not even touch in any kind of issue that has to do with it not even with the child, not with even with the mother of the child about the child and not even about the child with other people. The way we realted with the child and which we opted to transmit our ideas to her was only stimulating her to question the powerful in general. All that we shrad with the child that has to do with ideas and games were always on the eyes and the knowledge of her mother and of everyone in the house, AND EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE KNOWS IT.
It would be impossible not knowing it! How is that possible that in such a small physical area surrounded by insurrectionary full of attention anarchists and daily visits we could develop any aggression? How is that you people can take this history ahead knowing all this?
In ANY moment the child was alone with me, Sheyla, in ANY moment the child was in the house without receiving the attetion not only from the two of us, but of all the others that were in the house. And ALL that live there, that go there or that know there KNOW IT. in ANY moment we did no game with the child that the mother and that the others in the house had no knowledge.
The “most” thing that happened was when (it was there Ilze, Maria, the mother, the child, me Sheyla and me Ruy) I Sheyla, Ilze and the child started tickle each other and then the child started to tight the buttocks of me, Sheyla, of me, Ruy and of Ilze, with no reciprocity of the part of none. The child sewed dresses of her dolls with me, Sheyla. The child saw me, Ruy, playing capoeira. The child draw with us. The child told histories of her imagination and we asked her to tell. I, sheyla, published a zine with a draw of the child. My bag is full of gifts that the child gave me. The child involved herself in a theater presentation that we made in a animal liberation activity in the house, and she gave up doing it at the end because of the pressure that Camper made on her, pressure that we tried to undo, but we didn’t tried with the strength we should had (because, for us, it was after this situation that the child became strange to the house, and that is a supposing, its not part of the rest of truths that we are saying here). We played of dolls with her. ALL THAT IN THE EYES OF ALL, inside of the reduced area of a public room for serigraphy and a kitchen/room, with open doors and on the eyes of all. Social areas. ALL that happened with the child we immediately said to her mother, when she was not there to see with her own eyes, like most of the times.
about how was made the accusation.
Friday, September 27, late night, after an activity that happened in the house, we were getting ready to eat and sleep when some of the people in the house got together in a room and suddenly left charging me, Sheyla, of such an absurd.
From this moment ahead all seems like a sinister and bizarre nightmare, the most surreal and nonsense situation that we experienced in our lives, even more because we know that the people in this house know all they know, KNOW that even more that they are blind or they are cowards to say it, THAT THID DIDN’T HAPPENED: because of what we are and was all the time we lived together in this house and because for that existing it would be necessary a great number of facilities that DIDN’T EXISTED.
When we asked them where, how, when, no one answer nothing. The mother (she is not anarchist, not punk, not nothing – just a neighbor that helps) said that want to kill me (sheyla). All the others said that we should leave the house, and when we look then in their eyes they put their head down. BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE.
During the whole week before it the mother was already with a strange behaviour and in any moment she was able to take an attitude that could come to put things clear in a rational and prudent way, taking in count the own welfare of the child. During a whole week she salute us, and five minutes before doing what she did, when I, Ruy, asked about the child, she said calmly that she was alright.
10 minutes after we were with 20 kg of bags in our backs walking in the dawn in a dangerous area of a foreign country crying without believing that just us, with all we did, with all we said, with all we belive, with all we share, with all our honesty and transparency were being charged of such an absurd.
We can not measure the size of the consequences of the collective delirium not only for our lifes, but for the lifes of many people that in different ways are related with this history. The people that are conspirating this delirium are proving in different ways that they are completely lunatic and that they are able to invent the most bizarre lies to justify their crazy, their imprudence, their attitudes that only show that they look more like hypocrites fascists than libertarians worrieds with the welfare of the child.
We publish this statement know that after they read it they’re going to do even more sinister and inconsequent things for many people. We fear not so much for ourselves, because we are already alright and safe (and yes, in a place where there a kids, and how we were never stupid to do anything with then, we still acting the same way as we always did, without fear, without regards). We also fear for those who are in Buenos Aires and that have already realized the size of this lie and are positing in defense of us. We fear for a whole move that these people are putting in risks. We fear, mainly, for the own child, because the attitudes of these people only potentialize to the extreme the big problems she has.
How about the people of this house, of this space, we feel a unique feeling that mixes dismiss, deception, hate and sorry. We can imagine many things that can come to happen. We imagine that know they are united around the common enemy, how they did many times (the state logic repeats in infinite communities..), but we know that deep there they hate each other and probably they hate themselves. From there we took two or three that for all we seen, for all we shared and lived together we imagine that had a heart, but their passivity and their contribution with this delirium for sure made them all that they denied, that they opposed, and that one day, when they recognize to themselves that NOTHING OF IT WAS TRUE, they’re gonna feel a even harder pain that they are feeling know. And they can kill themselves, because they made efforts to kill us for something we never did, that never existed, that is an absurd, a fiction, a delirium.
For those that doesn’t know us, believe in whoever you want, we don’t have too much to do about you. We don’t have the intention to start one of these eternal virtual novels that only show that those who say wanting to build a new world only prove how much they are only able to create an even worst world. Our intention in publish this stantement, and then go ahead with our lives without fearing dying charged of something we never did.
If you don’t know us, you may jump this paragraph. For those who knows us, and especially for those who knows us very well, be sure that we are not and that we have no intentions to be the same again. What we had of most beautiful was murdered. It doesn’t seen arrogant or soberb for me to say that all that we think, all that we create, all that we are and the way we relate with all you that we like, that we love or that we already had nice moments together, lately we became even more beautiful and unique. Now we feel that the same thing that made us beautiful and unique is the same thing that made us naïve and stupid, that makes people think that they can treat us the way we are being treated and that we were already treated many times in this very little time of our lifes. After this becomes harder to live, after this becomes harder to relate, after this becomes harder to believe in something. We go ahead, into our graves, with our anarchist vegan queer ethics, our way of relating, our feelings, our ruptures. We don’t have how to go ahead, however, the belive that communities or movements that call themselves anarchics can create really something different. The future of mankind seems terrible for us because mankind is trerrible and take care of yourselves more than we did, because it seems that we did it very bad. Be careful with the people that are around you.
We are not very worried in who’s going to believe or not in what we say. For us its enough to know that we are saying the truth.
What we feel inside of us when we think that this is not a nightmare, that this is reality, it’s a unique and sinister feeling that is only comforted because we know that we have one each other and because we are already beside people that makes us feel safe.
ps: Just exposing some contradictions, we would have to be galactically and superhuman smart and hollywoodian people to in a physical área of 30-40 m² living with more than 10 people for 5 months get to abuse of a child without making none of these people realize it and at the same time we would have to be very stupid to still living in this place after doing it and we would have to be even more stupid to say our names in the case of some shit happen to us two days before to the people in the house, and we would to be very very very stupid to let out photos in the computer of the mother of the child. We are not even so smart and hollywoodian like this, ant not even so so so so stupid. We just trust the relations we were living with all these people, including the child.
Beyond that, for those Who have the opportunity to read the english statement, you’ll see some very strange things. The statement says the “the worst of all this is that these people claim to be anarchists”. like others realized, no one can see that if this absurd had happened, the worst of it has nothing to do with the fact that we are anarchist? Beyond that, in this same English statement, published in pages of England and Germany, they say that we probably would be running off to these places. The next hallucinations that they’re going to invent are going to come from the same place where came this one, and from it we confess that we are going to laugh and not to suffer.
For us it’s more than clear the capacity of this fascists to invent things to justify their sinister attitudes.
The novel may go on, the lies may go on, many distortions may come to happen and IF they are not able to measure the consequences of their attitudes we ALWAYS were. Have more notion that more than digging our own grave, you are digging your own grave without the necessity of we move one of our fingers. Have more notion of what you’re doing not because of us, because you already fucked us, you already shut us and created scars that will never stop bleeding. Have more notiong for the child, for what you’re doing with her, for what you’re feeding on her. Have more notion for yourselves and for a whole move that you’re compromising.
For those Who are following it, that are now judging us, we only say that you must have a lot of attention because they’re are making you of stupid and Will probably try to do it even more.
With an untranslating feeling.
in face of the delirium that is circulating in internet, in face of this monstrous non-sense and without notion that are inventing with sadism and crazy about our persons, we want here to expose some truth.
Who knows us knows that we are not of saying ourselves as owners of the truth, but in this situation we don’t feel daring or arrogant in saying that yes, we got the truth, because we got our clean, tranquil and full conscience of all we say, of all we are and our acts.
About our persons.
We are involved with anarchism, punk and counterculture since 10-7 years. In this time we’ve made infinite ruptures, we have been revolutionated ourselves and have deconstructed infinite oppressions that the culture we born imposed us and made us live. All the standards we took are a reaction to things we lived and saw in our childhoolds and our youth. When child and theres not much time even inside of the punk scene I, sheyla, suffered tries of sexual aggression and based on the things we lived and learned from people that shared with us their experiences, we have developed in the last years our moves very focused on the issue of gender, in the repulse of oppressions and aggressions that envolve sexualty and all that knows us, people that likes us and people that doesn’t likes us, know that we always adopted the most fight standards in any case of sexual aggression or abuse (not for making ourselves look better, but because we really feel it. All that already had the opportunity of meeting us know that what we feel and what we say it’s not and never was just from our mouths out, many times we get angry with the most small things that can indicate a possibility of violence in the relations between people.
About our time in Argentina.
In this year of 2010 we left college, studies, friends and families for traveling to Chile, where we expected learn and in what would be possible support the people from there with all they are passing through. After passing for two cities, we arrived in Buenos Aires, where we spent the winter and the first days of spring. Most part of the time we were in the house where is being invented and conspired this nonsense crazy history.
There are many spaces in the city, many things going on, many people. We arrived in a moment of tension because of what happened in Greek Embassy, and with worries related with the general security (beyond the sinister cold that for us was our first winter, and for me, sheyla, my first cold ever) we closed ourselves a lot. We decided dedicate and help specifically the people in the house where we were in their moves, in their projects and create with this restricted number of people honest and deep relations, into where was possible, into where affinities existed.
We passed between 4 and 5 months there and we obtained success in our idea. During the 4 months that we were in the house we know and everyone that visited the house could see very clearly that things where fluid, that we were in a friendship and partnership relation with the most part of the people in the house. We participated in activities, we presented theaters and we helped in what they let us help.
By more that they are inventing and taking this crazy ahead, we know that at least some that are there deep there know that this history is not right. We know and they know what we lived, how do we behaved, which were our differences, how we are as people, the standards we assume, they know which jokes they made which we are able to laugh and which we didn’t. they know it too much and for us its scary that with all they know, with all they saw from us, they are acting in this sinister way.
About the physical space of the house where we were.
The house is constituted of two small rooms, a room for serigraphy, a living room/kitchen and a backyard. The only places of the house, of the area with a ceiling, what we had to live and to do anything was the room for serigraphy, that was where we sleep, and the room/kitchen. Both spaces where there were always people circulating and where there was no privacy, and we didn’t worried about it.
All the experiences and social relations we had in this house we lived inside of this small area of a room for serigraphy and the living room/kitchen.
Inside of this small area lived together, daily, more then ten people, including the mother and the child, that didn’t live there, that never sleep there, that never spent 24h there and that were always there with more other eight people, more other 5 people, more other 3 people, and never less than it. All that already was there know it.
We grew and lived our entire life in a place where the whole year is hot. The cold of the winter in Buenos Aires made us stay in practice most part of the time inside of the house and inside of this small area that protected us from the cold and where we felt harmer because of the relations we had with the people there and because of the constant visits that daily were in the house.
About how the child related with the house and about how we related with the child and about how we relate with any child that we have affinities.
Along this time that we spent there the mother and the child visited daily the house. Everyone in the house related with the child in a very familiar and lovely way.
According Maria and Ilze (that is the person who translated their statement to English), people that live there, the kid faces a bunch of problems there’s more than 4 months and we don’t even know which problems are these, because we didn’t asked (all you that live in this house knows that gossip is something that we don’t like to do and that we always feel shit when talking of someone who’s not there to listen, all you that live there and that knows us KNOW IT VERY WELL.)
We learn to let things develop naturally, the trust, the conversations and the confessions of secrets. ALL YOU IN THE HOUSE KNOW IT. All know that all we lived together, all that you told about your lives and all that we told about our lives and you that you told about other people lives was told naturally, avoiding to the maximum the context of gossip of talking on backs, ALL YOU.
Since we arived in the house the kid showed a lot of curiosity and fascination about us (as many child do when they see two punks) and always having many attention to her and to her mother we developed a health and attentious relation with the child, in a perspective of helping her with her problems, of stimulating her imagination and stimulating her critical sense. Some may think that due to the fact that we focus our speech and practices in the sexualty thing the problem may have come from some misunderstood with something we said or done about it. in any moment we not even touch in any kind of issue that has to do with it not even with the child, not with even with the mother of the child about the child and not even about the child with other people. The way we realted with the child and which we opted to transmit our ideas to her was only stimulating her to question the powerful in general. All that we shrad with the child that has to do with ideas and games were always on the eyes and the knowledge of her mother and of everyone in the house, AND EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE KNOWS IT.
It would be impossible not knowing it! How is that possible that in such a small physical area surrounded by insurrectionary full of attention anarchists and daily visits we could develop any aggression? How is that you people can take this history ahead knowing all this?
In ANY moment the child was alone with me, Sheyla, in ANY moment the child was in the house without receiving the attetion not only from the two of us, but of all the others that were in the house. And ALL that live there, that go there or that know there KNOW IT. in ANY moment we did no game with the child that the mother and that the others in the house had no knowledge.
The “most” thing that happened was when (it was there Ilze, Maria, the mother, the child, me Sheyla and me Ruy) I Sheyla, Ilze and the child started tickle each other and then the child started to tight the buttocks of me, Sheyla, of me, Ruy and of Ilze, with no reciprocity of the part of none. The child sewed dresses of her dolls with me, Sheyla. The child saw me, Ruy, playing capoeira. The child draw with us. The child told histories of her imagination and we asked her to tell. I, sheyla, published a zine with a draw of the child. My bag is full of gifts that the child gave me. The child involved herself in a theater presentation that we made in a animal liberation activity in the house, and she gave up doing it at the end because of the pressure that Camper made on her, pressure that we tried to undo, but we didn’t tried with the strength we should had (because, for us, it was after this situation that the child became strange to the house, and that is a supposing, its not part of the rest of truths that we are saying here). We played of dolls with her. ALL THAT IN THE EYES OF ALL, inside of the reduced area of a public room for serigraphy and a kitchen/room, with open doors and on the eyes of all. Social areas. ALL that happened with the child we immediately said to her mother, when she was not there to see with her own eyes, like most of the times.
about how was made the accusation.
Friday, September 27, late night, after an activity that happened in the house, we were getting ready to eat and sleep when some of the people in the house got together in a room and suddenly left charging me, Sheyla, of such an absurd.
From this moment ahead all seems like a sinister and bizarre nightmare, the most surreal and nonsense situation that we experienced in our lives, even more because we know that the people in this house know all they know, KNOW that even more that they are blind or they are cowards to say it, THAT THID DIDN’T HAPPENED: because of what we are and was all the time we lived together in this house and because for that existing it would be necessary a great number of facilities that DIDN’T EXISTED.
When we asked them where, how, when, no one answer nothing. The mother (she is not anarchist, not punk, not nothing – just a neighbor that helps) said that want to kill me (sheyla). All the others said that we should leave the house, and when we look then in their eyes they put their head down. BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE.
During the whole week before it the mother was already with a strange behaviour and in any moment she was able to take an attitude that could come to put things clear in a rational and prudent way, taking in count the own welfare of the child. During a whole week she salute us, and five minutes before doing what she did, when I, Ruy, asked about the child, she said calmly that she was alright.
10 minutes after we were with 20 kg of bags in our backs walking in the dawn in a dangerous area of a foreign country crying without believing that just us, with all we did, with all we said, with all we belive, with all we share, with all our honesty and transparency were being charged of such an absurd.
We can not measure the size of the consequences of the collective delirium not only for our lifes, but for the lifes of many people that in different ways are related with this history. The people that are conspirating this delirium are proving in different ways that they are completely lunatic and that they are able to invent the most bizarre lies to justify their crazy, their imprudence, their attitudes that only show that they look more like hypocrites fascists than libertarians worrieds with the welfare of the child.
We publish this statement know that after they read it they’re going to do even more sinister and inconsequent things for many people. We fear not so much for ourselves, because we are already alright and safe (and yes, in a place where there a kids, and how we were never stupid to do anything with then, we still acting the same way as we always did, without fear, without regards). We also fear for those who are in Buenos Aires and that have already realized the size of this lie and are positing in defense of us. We fear for a whole move that these people are putting in risks. We fear, mainly, for the own child, because the attitudes of these people only potentialize to the extreme the big problems she has.
How about the people of this house, of this space, we feel a unique feeling that mixes dismiss, deception, hate and sorry. We can imagine many things that can come to happen. We imagine that know they are united around the common enemy, how they did many times (the state logic repeats in infinite communities..), but we know that deep there they hate each other and probably they hate themselves. From there we took two or three that for all we seen, for all we shared and lived together we imagine that had a heart, but their passivity and their contribution with this delirium for sure made them all that they denied, that they opposed, and that one day, when they recognize to themselves that NOTHING OF IT WAS TRUE, they’re gonna feel a even harder pain that they are feeling know. And they can kill themselves, because they made efforts to kill us for something we never did, that never existed, that is an absurd, a fiction, a delirium.
For those that doesn’t know us, believe in whoever you want, we don’t have too much to do about you. We don’t have the intention to start one of these eternal virtual novels that only show that those who say wanting to build a new world only prove how much they are only able to create an even worst world. Our intention in publish this stantement, and then go ahead with our lives without fearing dying charged of something we never did.
If you don’t know us, you may jump this paragraph. For those who knows us, and especially for those who knows us very well, be sure that we are not and that we have no intentions to be the same again. What we had of most beautiful was murdered. It doesn’t seen arrogant or soberb for me to say that all that we think, all that we create, all that we are and the way we relate with all you that we like, that we love or that we already had nice moments together, lately we became even more beautiful and unique. Now we feel that the same thing that made us beautiful and unique is the same thing that made us naïve and stupid, that makes people think that they can treat us the way we are being treated and that we were already treated many times in this very little time of our lifes. After this becomes harder to live, after this becomes harder to relate, after this becomes harder to believe in something. We go ahead, into our graves, with our anarchist vegan queer ethics, our way of relating, our feelings, our ruptures. We don’t have how to go ahead, however, the belive that communities or movements that call themselves anarchics can create really something different. The future of mankind seems terrible for us because mankind is trerrible and take care of yourselves more than we did, because it seems that we did it very bad. Be careful with the people that are around you.
We are not very worried in who’s going to believe or not in what we say. For us its enough to know that we are saying the truth.
What we feel inside of us when we think that this is not a nightmare, that this is reality, it’s a unique and sinister feeling that is only comforted because we know that we have one each other and because we are already beside people that makes us feel safe.
ps: Just exposing some contradictions, we would have to be galactically and superhuman smart and hollywoodian people to in a physical área of 30-40 m² living with more than 10 people for 5 months get to abuse of a child without making none of these people realize it and at the same time we would have to be very stupid to still living in this place after doing it and we would have to be even more stupid to say our names in the case of some shit happen to us two days before to the people in the house, and we would to be very very very stupid to let out photos in the computer of the mother of the child. We are not even so smart and hollywoodian like this, ant not even so so so so stupid. We just trust the relations we were living with all these people, including the child.
Beyond that, for those Who have the opportunity to read the english statement, you’ll see some very strange things. The statement says the “the worst of all this is that these people claim to be anarchists”. like others realized, no one can see that if this absurd had happened, the worst of it has nothing to do with the fact that we are anarchist? Beyond that, in this same English statement, published in pages of England and Germany, they say that we probably would be running off to these places. The next hallucinations that they’re going to invent are going to come from the same place where came this one, and from it we confess that we are going to laugh and not to suffer.
For us it’s more than clear the capacity of this fascists to invent things to justify their sinister attitudes.
The novel may go on, the lies may go on, many distortions may come to happen and IF they are not able to measure the consequences of their attitudes we ALWAYS were. Have more notion that more than digging our own grave, you are digging your own grave without the necessity of we move one of our fingers. Have more notion of what you’re doing not because of us, because you already fucked us, you already shut us and created scars that will never stop bleeding. Have more notiong for the child, for what you’re doing with her, for what you’re feeding on her. Have more notion for yourselves and for a whole move that you’re compromising.
For those Who are following it, that are now judging us, we only say that you must have a lot of attention because they’re are making you of stupid and Will probably try to do it even more.
With an untranslating feeling.