US threat to attack Iran with nukes is “criminal”
Sherwood Ross | 12.10.2010 14:49 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
The U.S. today is threatening to attack Iran “under the completely bogus pretext” that it might have a nuclear weapon, a distinguished American international legal authority says.
When Obama administration officials, like those of the Bush regime before it, say “all options are on the table,” they are threatening nuclear war and that is prohibited by international law, says Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois at Champaign.
Not only has the International Atomic Energy Commission said this charge against Iran “is simply not true,” Boyle pointed out, but threatening Iran with nuclear war in itself constitutes an international crime.
When Obama administration officials, like those of the Bush regime before it, say “all options are on the table,” they are threatening nuclear war and that is prohibited by international law, says Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois at Champaign.
Not only has the International Atomic Energy Commission said this charge against Iran “is simply not true,” Boyle pointed out, but threatening Iran with nuclear war in itself constitutes an international crime.
The U.S. today is threatening to attack Iran “under the completely bogus pretext” that it might have a nuclear weapon, a distinguished American international legal authority says.
When Obama administration officials, like those of the Bush regime before it, say “all options are on the table,” they are threatening nuclear war and that is prohibited by international law, says Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois at Champaign.
Not only has the International Atomic Energy Commission said this charge against Iran “is simply not true,” Boyle pointed out, but threatening Iran with nuclear war in itself constitutes an international crime.
“If we don't act now, Obama and his people could very well set off a Third World War over Iran that has already been threatened publicly by (President George W.) Bush Jr.,” he asserted.
In a speech on nuclear deterrence to the 18th conference on “Direct Democracy” in Feldkirch, Austria, Boyle said it has been estimated an attack on Iran with tactical nuclear weapons by the U.S. and Israel could kill nearly 3-million people.
(Boyle charges the U.S. has already committed “acts of aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and has authorized, armed, equipped, and supplied Israel to commit...outright genocide against Lebanon and Palestine.”)
Nuclear weapons and “nuclear deterrence” have “never been legitimate instruments of state policy but have always constituted instrumentalities of internationally lawless and criminal behavior,” Boyle said.
Thus, the governments of all the nuclear weapons states are “criminal” for threatening to exterminate humanity. Boyle named the U.S., Russia, France, Britain, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel. He reminded that “If mass extermination of human beings is a crime, the threat to commit mass extermination is also a crime.”
“The whole (George W.) Bush Doctrine of preventive warfare, which is yet to be officially repealed by Obama now after 18 months, was made by the Nazi lawyers for the Nazi defendants at Nuremberg, and it was rejected,” Boyle said.
He noted Article 2 of the UN Charter “prohibits both the threat and the use of force except in cases of legitimate self-defense” and the U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, “do not qualify under that definition.” He adds the U.S. today is engaged in “ongoing international criminal activity” for “planning, preparation, solicitation, and conspiracy to commit Nuremberg crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.”
What's more, “the design, research, testing, production, manufacture, fabrication, transportation, deployment, installation, storing, stockpile, sale, and purchase and the threat to use nuclear weapons are criminal under well-recognized principles of international law,” Boyle said.
And the leaders of NATO states that go along with U.S. nuclear policies “are all accomplices as well,” Boyle said, noting that pressure is mounting within Germany for the removal of U.S. nuclear warheads and that public opinion in much of Europe favors the elimination of nuclear arsenals.
The expansion of NATO, Boyle says, has now drawn in “almost all of Europe” and that even Sweden, Austria, and Finland have basically abandoned their neutrality. “Even Ireland,” Boyle says, has been compelled to join the so-called Partnership For Peace and send troops to Afghanistan. “The only state in Europe still holding out is Switzerland,” Boyle says, and because it refuses to commit troops to the wars in the Middle East it has been subjected to much pressure by the U.S. “including an attack on its banking and financial system.”
The nonpartisan Arms Control Association of Washington, meanwhile, has published an article in the October issue of “Arms Control Today” calling for NATO ministers at their forthcoming Oct. 14th session “to initiate a comprehensive review of outdated NATO nuclear policy” to “reduce the role and salience of nuclear weapons and support reductions of U.S. and Russian tactical nuclear bombs.”
Co-authors Oliver Meier and Paul Ingram point out that NATO's 28 states “remain divided” over key issues, including “the future role of nuclear weapons in NATO's defense posture.” What's more, they say, in Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands “there now exists broad parliamentary and popular support for a withdrawal of U.S. nuclear weapons from their territories.”
In a related development, the Associated Press reported October 9, “From the 1950s' Pentagon to today's Obama administration, the United States has repeatedly pondered, planned and threatened use of nuclear weapons against North Korea, according to declassified and other U.S. government documents released in this 60th-anniversary year of the Korean War.”
“Just this past April,” AP writers Charles Hanley and Randy Herschaft said, “issuing a U.S. Nuclear Posture Review, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said “all options are on the table” for dealing with Pyongyang---meaning U.S. nuclear strikes are not ruled out.”
During the Korean War (1950-53), U.S. Air Force bombers flew nuclear rehearsal runs over North Korea's capital and on August 20, 1953, after the fighting ended, the Strategic Air Command sent Air Force headquarters a plan for “an air atomic offensive against China, Manchuria, and North Korea” if the Communists resumed hostilities. Called OpPlan 8-53, it advocated use of “large numbers of atomic weapons.
President Jimmy Carter scaled back the U.S. nuclear arsenal in South Korea and its complete withdrawal was announced in 1991, “although the North Koreans at times accuse the U.S. of maintaining a secret nuclear stockpile,” AP says. Korea specialists generally accept Pyongyang's stated rationale that it sought its own bomb for defensive reasons in response to U.S. positioning of nuclear weapons in South Korea, AP reported.
Professor Boyle is the author of “The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence” and “Destroying World Order,” both published by Clarity Press.
* Sherwood Ross is director of the Anti-War News Service, of Coral Gables, Florida. To comment on this article or contribute to the news service, reach him at Ross worked as a reporter for the Chicago Daily News and contributed weekly columns for many years to several wire services.
When Obama administration officials, like those of the Bush regime before it, say “all options are on the table,” they are threatening nuclear war and that is prohibited by international law, says Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois at Champaign.
Not only has the International Atomic Energy Commission said this charge against Iran “is simply not true,” Boyle pointed out, but threatening Iran with nuclear war in itself constitutes an international crime.
“If we don't act now, Obama and his people could very well set off a Third World War over Iran that has already been threatened publicly by (President George W.) Bush Jr.,” he asserted.
In a speech on nuclear deterrence to the 18th conference on “Direct Democracy” in Feldkirch, Austria, Boyle said it has been estimated an attack on Iran with tactical nuclear weapons by the U.S. and Israel could kill nearly 3-million people.
(Boyle charges the U.S. has already committed “acts of aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and has authorized, armed, equipped, and supplied Israel to commit...outright genocide against Lebanon and Palestine.”)
Nuclear weapons and “nuclear deterrence” have “never been legitimate instruments of state policy but have always constituted instrumentalities of internationally lawless and criminal behavior,” Boyle said.
Thus, the governments of all the nuclear weapons states are “criminal” for threatening to exterminate humanity. Boyle named the U.S., Russia, France, Britain, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel. He reminded that “If mass extermination of human beings is a crime, the threat to commit mass extermination is also a crime.”
“The whole (George W.) Bush Doctrine of preventive warfare, which is yet to be officially repealed by Obama now after 18 months, was made by the Nazi lawyers for the Nazi defendants at Nuremberg, and it was rejected,” Boyle said.
He noted Article 2 of the UN Charter “prohibits both the threat and the use of force except in cases of legitimate self-defense” and the U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, “do not qualify under that definition.” He adds the U.S. today is engaged in “ongoing international criminal activity” for “planning, preparation, solicitation, and conspiracy to commit Nuremberg crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.”
What's more, “the design, research, testing, production, manufacture, fabrication, transportation, deployment, installation, storing, stockpile, sale, and purchase and the threat to use nuclear weapons are criminal under well-recognized principles of international law,” Boyle said.
And the leaders of NATO states that go along with U.S. nuclear policies “are all accomplices as well,” Boyle said, noting that pressure is mounting within Germany for the removal of U.S. nuclear warheads and that public opinion in much of Europe favors the elimination of nuclear arsenals.
The expansion of NATO, Boyle says, has now drawn in “almost all of Europe” and that even Sweden, Austria, and Finland have basically abandoned their neutrality. “Even Ireland,” Boyle says, has been compelled to join the so-called Partnership For Peace and send troops to Afghanistan. “The only state in Europe still holding out is Switzerland,” Boyle says, and because it refuses to commit troops to the wars in the Middle East it has been subjected to much pressure by the U.S. “including an attack on its banking and financial system.”
The nonpartisan Arms Control Association of Washington, meanwhile, has published an article in the October issue of “Arms Control Today” calling for NATO ministers at their forthcoming Oct. 14th session “to initiate a comprehensive review of outdated NATO nuclear policy” to “reduce the role and salience of nuclear weapons and support reductions of U.S. and Russian tactical nuclear bombs.”
Co-authors Oliver Meier and Paul Ingram point out that NATO's 28 states “remain divided” over key issues, including “the future role of nuclear weapons in NATO's defense posture.” What's more, they say, in Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands “there now exists broad parliamentary and popular support for a withdrawal of U.S. nuclear weapons from their territories.”
In a related development, the Associated Press reported October 9, “From the 1950s' Pentagon to today's Obama administration, the United States has repeatedly pondered, planned and threatened use of nuclear weapons against North Korea, according to declassified and other U.S. government documents released in this 60th-anniversary year of the Korean War.”
“Just this past April,” AP writers Charles Hanley and Randy Herschaft said, “issuing a U.S. Nuclear Posture Review, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said “all options are on the table” for dealing with Pyongyang---meaning U.S. nuclear strikes are not ruled out.”
During the Korean War (1950-53), U.S. Air Force bombers flew nuclear rehearsal runs over North Korea's capital and on August 20, 1953, after the fighting ended, the Strategic Air Command sent Air Force headquarters a plan for “an air atomic offensive against China, Manchuria, and North Korea” if the Communists resumed hostilities. Called OpPlan 8-53, it advocated use of “large numbers of atomic weapons.
President Jimmy Carter scaled back the U.S. nuclear arsenal in South Korea and its complete withdrawal was announced in 1991, “although the North Koreans at times accuse the U.S. of maintaining a secret nuclear stockpile,” AP says. Korea specialists generally accept Pyongyang's stated rationale that it sought its own bomb for defensive reasons in response to U.S. positioning of nuclear weapons in South Korea, AP reported.
Professor Boyle is the author of “The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence” and “Destroying World Order,” both published by Clarity Press.
* Sherwood Ross is director of the Anti-War News Service, of Coral Gables, Florida. To comment on this article or contribute to the news service, reach him at

Sherwood Ross
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William Hague: UK leads the way in imposing tighter sanctions on Iran
12.10.2010 14:57
William Hague speaks at the Conservative Party Conference, 3 October 2010
excerpt from: William Hague: Sovereignty clause will enshrine key principle
The Conservative Party website, 6 October 2010
"[A]s long as the Iranian nuclear programme is pursued in defiance of the world and without a clear peaceful purpose, this country will continue to lead the way, as we did this summer, in imposing tighter sanctions on Iran both at the United Nations and in the European Union. Those sanctions are beginning to bite"
[UK Foreign Minister William Hague's speech at the annual Conservative Party Conference, Birmingham, 6 October 2010]
from the archives:
UK’s new prime minister: An Iran free from nuclear weapons is vital to our security
Dandelion Salad, 26 May 2010
William Hague: I have Iran in my sights
Hague pledges to re-engage in Middle East peace process if the Tories win
The Jewish Chronicle, 29 April 2010
Averting the Iranian Nuclear Flashpoint
Foreign Secretary David Miliband writes in the International Herald Tribune on Iran's nuclear programme
British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) website, 27 March 2010
British intelligence services accuse Iran of designing nuclear warhead
Dandelion Salad, 30 September 2009
UK: New sanctions on Iran is a priority – Israel: Time is running out
Dandelion Salad, 25 August 2009
dandelion salad
Unjust War, Illegal Violence.
12.10.2010 16:53
The U.S. Constitution signed on to international treaties says that those treaties are to be treated as the 'supreme laws of the land'. This shows that the U.S.A. has stopped the practice nationally and internationally of upholding the anti-fascist side and its covenants to which it is signed on to since the second world war, and has begun to uphold the discredited military methods of the Third Reich Nazis State that are, 1) might makes right, 2) Unilateralism, 3) Pre-emptive strikes.
Further the U.S. Constitution says that when the elected government no longer serves the needs of the American people, it is the duty of the American people to alter, (impeach) or to abolish such goverment (revolution) and replace it with one that does serve the needs of the American People.
Planning and aggressively attacking Honduras, Haiti, Grenada, Cuba, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chile, Canada (twice), Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Pakistan, Ossetia, Iran, Korea, China, Russia, Yeman, etc. such as nearly all the countries of South America, not once by hundreds of times since their 1823 manifest doctrine was declared by U.S. Empire's President James Munroe, which says that the U.S. is the only country in the western hemisphere that has jurisdiction.
These attacks of aggressive war are war crimes in international law by the U.S. Empire for the conquest and possession of the resources of those countries. It is only since the comming into being of the anti-fascist liberation side and its anti-fascist covenants that there has been a consistent lawful and correct international condemnation of the aggressive Imperialist camp for Planning and doing of the worst sort of crimes possible on the planet earth.
However since 1945, the U.S.A. has taken the lead role of the entire Imperialist camp, and set the path of 'anti-communism' as its foreign policy (the same policy as the fascist axis-powers practiced) which is disallowing and ignoring the anti-fascist goal of collective agree as democracy to settle disputes amongst nations. This trend since the collapse of Soviet Social Imperialism has become more pronounced, and shows the vicious nature of the U.S. Imperialist Empire.
It is lawlessly wrecking of the world economy (motivated by coal, gas, oil and atomic energy) and threatening state terror to all countries that do not follow its dictate globally. The peoples are organizing resistence now to the de facto replacement of a U.S. government that no longer serves their needs, and in fact has passed internal laws that threaten the U.S. people with concentration camps if they resist further ( more than half a million spaces). (the Patriot Act) which allows the loss of habeous corpus, public trial by jury, charges with determinate time, lawyers, judges and courts. etc.
The illegal use of torture and cruel and inhumane treatment, as forbidden in the Geneva Conventions of War has been taken up, the discarding of the United Nations Charter which says that the United Nations comes into being to make aggressive war just a long distant memory for the comming generations. This threat of an aggressive atomic war attack against Iran, (a member of the United Nations General Assembly) is the worst possible threat of the worst possible crime on earth (Nuremburg Trials), and forbodes the beginning of a new world war against the Pre-emptive strike method that the U.S. Empire is employing.
The liberation path remains the same and is based on ending the materialism of pollution and aggressive war, which is not the way to go, but is in fact the re-conquest of the planet for maximum private profits for the U.S. monopoly ruling elites. All this is at the expense of the entire working classes of the world, who fought long and hard against the fascist axis powers to bring about a world without exploitation such as aggressive war and polluted air, land, water, plants, animals, and people. End pollution wars, not endless wars for more pollution. Re-tool to the renewables. Viva socialist liberation.
Union Jack