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Oppose the English Defence League London rally on October 24th

annt fascist | 12.10.2010 11:37 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

The English Defence League are a racist & Islamophobic organnisation with links to the BNP, Combat 18, Blood & Honour, National Front & UKIP. They have rioted in Newcastle, Dudley, Bolton, Bradford & Leicester. The EDL have been arrested on bombing charges, have placec pigs heads on mosques, pulled off womens hijabs etc. They say they are against extremism but are against all Muslims.

Oppose the English Defence League London rally 24th October

Time 24 October · 10:30 - 23:30 [We are going by EDL times but they are not likely to stay until 11.30pm]

Embassy of Israel
2 Palace Green
London, United Kingdom

The English Defence League [EDL] are holding a rally at the Embassy of Israel in suport of Israel. Rabbi Nachum Shiffren is travelling from the US in support of the rally. Alan Lake is said to be attending. The EDL are an anti Islam group whose rallies have attracted racists from the BNP, National Front, Blood and Honour and Combat 18. They have demonstrated alongside the English Nationalist Alliance whose leader Bill Baker has said that "Muslims should be killed.

Stop the EDL.

annt fascist


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12.10.2010 12:51

Yeah, Combat 18 are likely to be attending a demo supporting a Rabbi outside the Israeli embassy, do you ever actually read the idiocy that appears on here before putting it up.


The war and financial austerity.

12.10.2010 14:08

Excellent job everybody in putting up such a brave fight against the EDL.

Brilliant work done by everybody in opposing some working class idiot skinheads while other trivial matters go on in the background (Afghanistan war, austerity)

Absolutely fantastic to see everybody getting to grips with the problems that are important (fighting with drunks) rather than everyday trivial rubbish (war, collapse of capitalism, building of empire).


I'm not aware of any links between the EDL and UKIP

12.10.2010 19:58

I've studied the EDL in great depth and while I agree they have links with the BNP, NF and Combat 18 etc, I'm not aware of any links between the EDL and UKIP. UKIP aggressively rejected approaches that were made to them by Buster Mottram on behalf of the BNP, and they're even even less likely to sanction any links with the EDL. If I'm wrong, please post hard evidence (photos and/or URLs) on this thread.



12.10.2010 21:18

The links between the EDL and the UKIP is that some EDL supporters vote UKIP.

That's all the evidence Indymedia have (probably).

And what links to Combat 18 does the EDL have? Maybe there was a few infiltrators but they are not welcome at demos.

Wayne Baldwin, was ejected from the EDL demo in Bradford. This shows that Nazi's are not welcome at EDL demos.


Daft Twat

12.10.2010 23:40

If the EDL's Nazis are infiltrators and aren't welcome at demos, why were they still Sieg Heiling at your demo on Saturday?

Get a life

not sure about this one...

13.10.2010 01:40

...opposing the EDL when they attempt to march through citys targetting asian communitys - very worth while. Defenfing communities/estates/shops during their static demo's in case of break outs - again very useful.
Not really sure what opposing them while they 'support' the israli embassy in a largely rich, largely white area of london will achieve. Even if they doubled their largest past demo's it would still be a really minor turnout compared to the anti-zionist/militarist protests against the embassy in the last couple of years, so hardly a PR victory.

What would be a PR victory is them being able to twist any counter-protest as either a)pointless, or more likely b)antisemetic, and with a little overt vocal provecation c)violent.

Any clashes at this demo would likely just give them more media coverage - and this is likely to be the one demo they manage to have with no sieg heiling at it. Although I really hope that they do slip up like that 'EDL sieg heil at israli embassy' is probably not the news report they are looking for.

Better to save your time for organising against their other demo's.


Seig Heiling?

13.10.2010 10:58

They are not seig heiling though are they, they are holding up their hands like football fans do when singing songs, because they err, sing football songs.

The divvy skin caught sieg heiling while dressed like a member of Combat 84 in Brum was of course a UAF dressed up and his name and address was put up on the EDL faceboook page, it seems the UAF are quite happy to disgrace the memory of the holocaust and the nazis for a great pic op though.


EDL Sieg Heiling

13.10.2010 21:45

@Newspeak "the divvy skin caught sieg heiling while dressed like a member of Combat 84 in Brum was of course a UAF"? No wank-stain Wayne Baldwin is of course Combat 18, which is why he's also been photographed at C18 meetings in Morriston, Swansea, and photographed alongside the same people who attended those C18 meetings - EDL organisers Steven White and Luke Pippen - while making even more Nazi salutes. Here's the proof....

As for opposing the EDL outside the Israeli embassy I agree, it's a waste of time - the EDL might think protesting there enhances their credibility but the Israeli establishment hardly wants to be associated with a bunch of closet Nazis and drunken football thugs. Tell you what, Jeff Marsh write to the Israeli ambassador and see if, with your criminal record, you can get yourself invited to an official cheese and wine do, hob-nobbing with the elite and being photographed cheerfully reminiscing about football violence with the ambassador's wife. If not then the EDL will just have to stand around on the pavement outside along with the dried leaves and pigeon-shit

Star of David