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Whats the point in a black bloc?

no-one | 11.10.2010 16:36 | Policing

What were the 'Toffs Out' doing in Birmingham?

What's the point in a black bloc?

Sunday the 3d October the Tory Party conference took place at the
Birmingham ICC and yet another time those who want to rule our lives could
go about their business without being disturbed even in the slightest.
The main demo attracted around 8,000 while the anarchist bloc called for
numbered about 40. The callout for this bloc on the web had been put
together by a few individuals and was named 'Toffs Out' (which in itself
does not reflect the anarchist perspective). They had put together a map
with the different restricted and non-restricted venues and information on
the different events going on that day. A convergence space had been
advertised but eventually fell through and those who turned up beforehand
had to be on the lucky side to find cover for the night. Anyway most of the 'masked up in black' people had come on the same SWP buses that take thier members to the beginning of an A to B march and then pick them up again at the end.

After getting together at the official fenced in meeting point the 'black
bloc' went along among the other protesters not really knowing what to do. We didn't want to do what the cops were telling us to do but we did not have much of an idea what we were going do instead. We did not plan and very few of us had looked at the route of the march.
Of course they had planned ahead and, as scared as they are of those who's
best interests they supposedly have got at heart, put up a heavy metal
security fence to prevent any unauthorised access to the restricted area
of the ICC. If the idea would have been to get past the cops and get into
the place it was futile. So what else could have been done than trodding
along the march trying to avoid being kettled, to then split off at a
random point just to get kettled without much resistance anyway? While
the kettle was forming the main body of the black block huddled together
in the corner instead of expanding and breaking out while the police line
was still weak. Once it was formed and police with dogs were surrounding
it little scuffles with the cops seemed futile and as they moved us on
with their arrogant politeness we lost all the will to fight the power
they want to impose on us. The little resistance we had showed had
evaporated and apart from a very small group of people staying on for the
sake of it most were happy to be searched and photographed just to get out
of there and move on to the pub.

It seems the prevailing attitude was to go to an event and see what happens
seemingly without questioning what our aim for that day was. While it is
great that on the march people that aren't affiliated with the anarchist
circles find the little that happened a radicalising experience, we need
to be aware that no thought was put into whether it was enough to have a
visible anarchist presence on a basically reformist march without even any
related literature to give out or whether we wanted to create a situation
that would put the power of the state into question nor how that could be
achieved. As long as we keep on reacting to the state's power without being clear about our aim nothing will happen and everything we do will feel just as disempowering as this demo did.



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Maybe it should be called the waste of space bloc?

11.10.2010 17:37

have to laugh. Lot of wannabe hardmen dressed in black trying to look tough but really just a bunch of social retards who need to sit down in the pub.


factually incorrect

11.10.2010 18:35

there were more than 40 people on the black bloc.
Most people came up on trains or national express, not on the swp coaches.
If we're going to attempt to do constructive criticism, lets try at least to get our facts straight!



11.10.2010 18:37

i dont think you know what you, or this article, are talking about...

blac bloc

black bloc in the uk

11.10.2010 19:53

I was not in brum, missed this one. and I am glad. Have been involved in many bloc's and actions. And have noticed a growing trend in the UK. WE SUCK. That really sums it up, black block is not about what you wear, it is not about looking good at the weekend with yer crusty mates from uni.
It is a tactic, one we don't use in uk any more. You could be wearing anything, red, white whatever. as long as it is difficult for police to tell difference.

We have got weak in the UK.

oi oi


11.10.2010 20:12

Much was learnt about what NOT to do next time around, people who were there will have realised this and that's a good thing.


Its what you do

11.10.2010 20:17

Its what you do that makes you an anarchist; not what you wear.



11.10.2010 20:36

Yes, like setting fire to cop cars, busting windows and getting infiltrated by the fuzz lols


Burnin cop cars

11.10.2010 21:14

There was a cop car parked in a narrow street where the march was, jus standin there empty all on its own, and you know that is when i knew that the so-called blac bloc was not up for much, coz they jus walked on by it not even takin one bit of notice of it. Twas an ideal moment to strike. Most in the blac bloc were kids. A couple of burnt out anarcs were there, but you could see there was no organisation. At this point i am afraid we are already losin out to the toffs.



11.10.2010 21:31

>> A couple of burnt out anarcs were there, but you could see there was no organisation. At this point i am afraid we are already losin out to the toffs.

Thats the trouble with anarchists - they can't get anything organised !!!
Anarchy = lack of order

Don't see the problem with toffs myselfs. The jobless students are more of a liability.

Jonny Toff


11.10.2010 21:35

It was a total embarrasment to see the very people who critisize UAF etc for being kettled by cops doin exactly the same thing. Suddenly runnin off in a little group then straight into the clutches of the police. They poked their lil red and black flags up for all to see that it was namely anarchists that had happily walked into a kettle. Like did they really expect the SWP to come runnin to their aid? All thier talk of stayin mobile and avoidin cops is all a joke in practice.



11.10.2010 21:39

It was a total embarrasment to see the very people who critisize UAF etc for being kettled by cops doin exactly the same thing. Suddenly runnin off in a little group then straight into the clutches of the police. They poked their lil red and black flags up for all to see that it was namely anarchists that had happily walked into a kettle. Like did they really expect the SWP to come runnin to their aid? All thier talk of stayin mobile and avoidin cops is all a joke in practice.


stayin mobile and avoidin cops

12.10.2010 09:58

For ideas, experiences and things to make you think about how you stay with your aims and out of the clutches of the cops, try the Guide to Public Order Situations,

how to guide
- Homepage: http://


12.10.2010 11:18

The problem with black bloc tactics is that you're instantly recognisable to the police as the ones most likely - in theory - to kick off. So unless there's several hundred then you'll get shut down pretty quickly, just as happened in Brum.

If the planning of the 'unauthorised march' had been more open and organised things might have worked out differently. Still, you live and learn... After the march got to the coaches me and a friend walked back towards the city centre. Lo and behold, the 8ft metal fences were wide open for all and sundry to wander in! Had several hundred people spent the afternoon going into the conference area in small numbers, maybe we could have done something to disrupt the conference.


tying up the bill

12.10.2010 14:35

ok heres a thought, whilst 10x as many plod as demonstrators are marching with and then hanging around to listen to some old swper rumble on about 1918, isn't that just the perfect time to go and check your account in a branch of rbs or santander in a very different bit of town, you might even consider dressing in the style of the 'saturday shoppers bloc.' The black sheep in numbers just become a flock for the farmer to herd to pen with his sheep dogs. Just a thought

the unbloc'ed