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Mass national anti-Afghan war demo Saturday 20 November central London

Stop The War Coalition | 04.10.2010 11:09

There will be a massive anti-Afghan war demonstration in central London on Saturday the 20th of November. This will be hopefully the biggest anti-war demonstration in this country since the mamoth 2003 anti-Iraq war demo. We are expecting at least 250,000 people to attend.

The war in Afghanistan is in crisis. Talk of withdrawal dates is an admission of failure. But there are more NATO troops in Afghanistan than ever and the violence is growing. If British troops stay in Afghanistan till 2015 as David Cameron plans, hundreds more soldiers and thousands more civilians will die. The war is unwinnable. It must be stopped before too many more suffer. Make sure you join this crucial demonstration.
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04.10.2010 11:43

Ten years of legal (police and local authority licensed) marches have proved toothless. The reality is that society will go to war when ever it's leaders want it to. But this march could be different. Societies leaders may be looking for a way out (to save money). This time it could be allowed to work and the leaders of the march could be bathing in glory (and further the myth that it never pays of to break the masters law).

old git

The Time Is Now

04.10.2010 17:23

This is a war that is being conducted in our name, and with our money. If we aren't going to protest about the killing of children, secret assassination squads, and the terrorising of a whole population - then we might as well give up all pretence of radicalism and watch the telly.


Video of last years anti-Afghan war demo

05.10.2010 11:20

Here is a video of last years anti-Afghan war demo :

Anti-war activist

radical bloc?

06.10.2010 15:57

why don't we organise a radical bloc, storm the MOD?

someone else

radical block ?

09.10.2010 00:28

because radical blocks are too predictable.
You want to get photographed in the kettle?
better to go somewhere totally away from any protest action and hit an economic target.
Bankrupt the war.

rule britania