40 Animal Rights Activists Invade Brick Lane
Fur Free Brick Lane | 03.10.2010 18:28 | Animal Liberation
40 Animal rights activists yesterday spontaniously invaded Brick Lane, London, to send out a clear and strong message that the sale of real fur will not be tollerated.
40 Animal rights activists yesterday spontaniously invaded Brick Lane, London, to send out a clear and strong message that the sale of real fur will not be tollerated.
First of 2 Cheshire Street, who tried to put on a brave face, before shutting the shop early, so campaigners moved next door to The Shop (020 7739 5631), who have a full rail of real fur coats and stoles. The owners tried to ignore the noisy demo outside, however could not ignore the knocking on their door and megaphone through the letterbox. As a result they shut early and House of Vintage's owner from over the road tried to confront the demo, however were quickly sent packing when they were confronted about their sale of fur.
Next, everyone ran around the corner to This Shop Rocks (020 7739 7667,
thisshoprocks@hotmail.co.uk) who also sell a large amount of real fur. The owner immediately closed the doors and called the police, however could not ignore the anger of activists outside and put on a false brave face. Lots of locals gave support to the demo and many vowed to boycott the company.
Over the road, activists congregated outside The Vintage Store, however the owner came out and announced that real fur would not be sold again.
An impromptu march was then held down Cheshire Street, as chants echoed around the area of "Fur trade, Death trade!", with locals and shop owners coming out and giving support. The protest then stopped outside Dumb Blonde at 68a, who took information and leaflets for the owners to discuss a fur-free policy.
The march then continued down to Beyond Retro (Tel: 020 7613 3636), one of the largest sellers of real fur in the Brick Lane area. A nosiy and angry demo continued, with customers turning away unable to get through the three rows of activists. Locals joined in the protest as no customers entered and the shop emptied. Staff shut the shop early, however the management refused to face the demo and were delayed leaving for an hour, before being escourted out of the premises by police officers.
A strong message was sent and the fur-selling community in Brick Lane was extremely rumbled and is beginning to crumble. Regular demonstrations in the area will be increasing over the coming weeks as the pressure mounts against the fur trade in London.
40 Animal rights activists yesterday spontaniously invaded Brick Lane, London, to send out a clear and strong message that the sale of real fur will not be tollerated.
First of 2 Cheshire Street, who tried to put on a brave face, before shutting the shop early, so campaigners moved next door to The Shop (020 7739 5631), who have a full rail of real fur coats and stoles. The owners tried to ignore the noisy demo outside, however could not ignore the knocking on their door and megaphone through the letterbox. As a result they shut early and House of Vintage's owner from over the road tried to confront the demo, however were quickly sent packing when they were confronted about their sale of fur.
Next, everyone ran around the corner to This Shop Rocks (020 7739 7667,

Over the road, activists congregated outside The Vintage Store, however the owner came out and announced that real fur would not be sold again.
An impromptu march was then held down Cheshire Street, as chants echoed around the area of "Fur trade, Death trade!", with locals and shop owners coming out and giving support. The protest then stopped outside Dumb Blonde at 68a, who took information and leaflets for the owners to discuss a fur-free policy.
The march then continued down to Beyond Retro (Tel: 020 7613 3636), one of the largest sellers of real fur in the Brick Lane area. A nosiy and angry demo continued, with customers turning away unable to get through the three rows of activists. Locals joined in the protest as no customers entered and the shop emptied. Staff shut the shop early, however the management refused to face the demo and were delayed leaving for an hour, before being escourted out of the premises by police officers.
A strong message was sent and the fur-selling community in Brick Lane was extremely rumbled and is beginning to crumble. Regular demonstrations in the area will be increasing over the coming weeks as the pressure mounts against the fur trade in London.
Fur Free Brick Lane
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