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'Cops are workers like us, let them do their job'

PUME | 02.10.2010 23:44 | Public sector cuts | Repression | Social Struggles | Terror War

Trade Unionists help cops 'neutralise' anti-capitalist bloc.

Has resonances of 'Land and Freedom' (Ken Loach)

SWP solidarity anyone?



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fucking traitorous scum

03.10.2010 13:46

I really, really hope that Belgian comraders will sort out those "union rep" scum that collaborated with police and stopped other workers from helping arrested people. This was fucking digusting to watch, people being members of those unions should really seriously consider doing something as well, but they probably won't.


They aren't traitors; just part of the system.

03.10.2010 16:40

The left wing, just like the right wing, just like the middle wing, all believe in a centralized institution which they call "society". But unlike most clubs and societies, membership of their "society" is not voluntary, according to their rules, members must register their children at birth. Failure to do so will result in attacks, imprisonment and death. You CAN struggle for power within the club. You CAN even break the rules in your quest, so long as it furthers the interest of club. But you CAN NOT refuse membership of the club.

This vidio explains the bigger picture quite well I think.

Anarchist 2
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