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Brutal rape in Bedminster - attacker still 'on the loose'

silenceisviolence | 02.10.2010 14:22

An invitation for community response...
A woman in Bedminster has been raped and beaten in her home. Leaving her with 'life-changing injuries', as well as the permanent mental and emotional scars of sexual assault, he then attempted to set the house on fire to cover his tracks. She managed to escape and is now in hospital. She did not know her attacker and he has not as yet been apprehended.
Most rapes and sexual assaults go unreported, unnoticed and unchallenged by the community. We must show support for and solidarity with the survivor and send a clear and visible message to her attacker and others like him that we refuse to stay silent any longer.

A chance for the male-dominated anarchist community to redeem and mobilise itself with a grassroots community response to violence against women.

- Original article on IMC Bristol: