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Job vacancies at Ecoworks (Ecoworks) | 01.10.2010 11:24

Ecoworks delivers community environmental projects in Nottingham, particularly targeting those experiencing disadvantage. We have been providing environmental, educational, and health promoting activities from our community allotment gardens in St Ann's (the oldest and largest site of its kind in England), for 18 years.

We are currently recruiting for two positions, Finance and Admin Co-ordinator and Food Projects Co-ordinator.


Finance and Administration Co-ordinator

We are seeking an exceptional finance and administration co-ordinator to provide support to our diverse range of community projects. You will be responsible for managing Ecoworks' financial systems, and providing financial reports. You will support staff and management committee to carry out their respective roles, ensuring that office systems provide a strong backbone to our practical, hands-on community activities, and will manage our building and facilities. You will supervise volunteers and potentially an administrative assistant.

You will be an experienced and very well organised administrator, with knowledge of a range of computer programs. You will have excellent interpersonal skills and strong financial management skills.

Deadline for applications: 9.30am on Thursday 21st October.

Food Projects Co-ordinator

We are seeking an exceptional Project Co-ordinator with a demonstrated interest in healthy, sustainable food and communities. You will take responsibility for managing our food social enterprise projects and the staff that deliver these, alongside some educational projects with food as their main focus. As a member of Ecoworks' Management Team, you will also take an active role in the strategic and operational management of Ecoworks, and the development and management of some projects that may not have food as the primary focus, as needed. You will research and develop new projects, develop partnerships and secure funding in order to safeguard existing and develop new projects.

Closing Date for Applications: Tuesday 26th October

To find out more information, as well as links to download application forms, job descriptions and person specs please go to (Ecoworks)