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English Defence League misogyny, Nazi outfit, Seig Heil & Leicester promo vid

Dr Spok | 28.09.2010 06:01 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Birmingham | World

The EDL are the racist, Islamophobic & neo Nazi hooligan organisation who plan to hold a rally attracting fascists in Leicester on the 9th October. The EDL say that they are "for womens rights" but their misogny is revealed alongside Nazi costumes, Seig Heils & an outrageous promotion youtube video for Leicester that is so ridiculous that it has to be seen to be believed : "EDL Simply The Best"

Gary Short of the EDL is revealed here in a Nazi costume giving a Seg Heil salute. His facebook profile photo is of a woman in a burqa with cut away holes over her breasts and genitalia alongside the words "Muslim prostitute."

Another example of hatred towards women is exposed on "Jam EDL"s facebook profile where he writes of wanting to commit horrifying violence against the mother of his child.

The EDL promotion video for Leicester titled "EDL Simply The Best" shows semi naked women, bloodstained men, scenes of riot and arrest to the theme tune "Simply The Best." You couldn't make it up...

Dr Spok
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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

thanks dr spok

28.09.2010 08:12

thanks for your input dr spok i.e uk fightback neil lees, you clearly have an obsession with nazism, you must spend all day playing with yourself whilst looking at nazi imagery.

doctor who

What's with the toy gun?

28.09.2010 08:15

I mean really, what's with the toy gun? What a FREAK!


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