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Nuneaton, Muslim youth put to flight

Peter | 26.09.2010 20:30

Bad day for anti fascism.

Today in Nuneaton anti fascists handed out leaflets to the public exposing the EDL, nothing wrong with that.
The bad side, is that after they enraged the local Muslim youth, the Muslim youth went and charge at some EDL members who they out numbered 5 to 1.
The EDL ran straight at them and put the Muslim youth to flight.

Anti fascists stood there and watched, and did nothing.
To much hard man Internet bragging by anti fascists, saying they did this to the EDL, and that to the EDL.
It seems anti fascists have not regognised, or won't, the ability of the EDL to defend themselves.
Bad day for anti fascism.



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26.09.2010 21:49

That doesn't sound like a bad day, it sounds like a minor scuffle in which some thick as shit foitie hooligans beat their chests like the macho dickheads they are. A really bad day would be - for example- calling a demo, labellumg it the 'big one' and mouthing of that thousands would be there, only to find that only 700 or so turn up to get laughed out of town. Wake up mate, the edl was exiting to a few thick dickheads fir a while, but now the foitie season is up and running, your 'supporters' have realised they've got better things to do.

A sab

EDL coming to a town near you & breaking up SWP stalls

26.09.2010 22:23

Direct action, happening on your doorstep, get used to it.

We are the future, you are the past.



26.09.2010 23:10

gotta be honest if they outnumbered them 5to1 and still had it on there toes cant blame the antifahaha who relish those kind of odds for not joining in but dont worry when the odds are 10 to 1 you can give those horrible working class types of the edl a damn good thrashing see you on the streets oops no i wont youre a bunch of spineless cunts who dont seem so keen to engage in violence when youre intended victims fight back whos streets are they ??


Video of Muslims fleeing the scene!!! YEAH

26.09.2010 23:16

End the occupation of Afghanistan.

Stop killing our brave boys.

Bring the troops home now.


Their discussion of said events on their forum.............

27.09.2010 00:28

Gives you a better idea of what the above article is trying to describe happening


EDL = terrorists

27.09.2010 09:03

"Wow! In my opinion, patriots and Muslims/UAF alike have been boiling beneath the surface for months, waiting eagerly for that 'excuse' to do battle. Both sides thought that that would happen at the Bradford EDL demo, it didn't; Then both sides thought it would happen yesterday on the 9/11 anniversary - it didn't! So now the excuses for unrest grow thin and anything could set it off. I don't think either side will let the year end before having a rather large conflict. It's that old warrior spirit rising up and the bottled aggression is ready to blow."

Pure fascism.... the myth of the phoenix rising. If there is one terrorist threat in the UK, it's coming from these guys - who seem to want to start a racial war.


Your time is up.

27.09.2010 12:29

Do any of these people actually live in the real world?

The population of the UK is 60 million people, of that somewhere around 2% are muslim.

How do the EDL come to believe that England is being taken over by muslims?

Under the numerous laws and standards of Islam, a nation can only become an Islamic state if over 50% of the population are muslim. If that happens, it can only do this by conversion. Islam will not recognise any nation that attempts conversion without a majority.

Why does the EDL continue to lie to its members that England somehow needs defending from a threat that doesn't exist? It doesn't need defending at all. Do the English people not exist in the world of the EDL? Are we invisible?

The EDL is a fraud, nothing more. It is clearly under the influence of foreign interests.

If you are reading this as an EDL member, then you are a traitor. I despicable turncoat of the worst kind.

Patriotism my arse!

It is time to teach the EDL a lesson. Betrayal will not be tolerated.



27.09.2010 12:46

What is the EDL position on the war in Afghanistan.

I read on the forum from the link that the word illegal was used. How many EDL agree with this?


Bradford hurt the EDL bad.

27.09.2010 19:06

It must have done if they are promoting a tiny insignificant scuffle like this as a victory, deperatly trying to hold on to what face they hae left after their "Big One" fizzled out with approx only 700 people turning up and videos of them getting chinned being plastered all over he internet. Probly why the flash demo's have sprung up - no forwarning = no opposition giving them the 5 to 1 odds they so obviously prefer.