"Working Class Peoples Bloc WILL disrupt the Conservative Party Conference!"
CPC Direct Action Bloc | 24.09.2010 13:46 | Public sector cuts | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Birmingham
Unauthorised Working Class Bloc march in face of police repression and promises to disrupt the Conservative Party Conference.
We are not BIG SOCIETY, we are people from small communities, small pockets of resistance to BIG CORPORATIONS that have a detrimental effect on our villages, towns and cities, we don't have BIG bank accounts or BIG houses, but now, we have BIG plans.
They get pay-rises, we get p45s, they get bonuses, we get default notices, they reap the benefits of our labour, then remove our benefits when we can't find work.
As expected the new coalition have developed a plan of cutting deep into the lives of only the poorest members of society, leaving the rich with corporate tax breaks amounting to £24 billion.
The Tory Party Conference will be hosting talks from heads of corporations which degrade and enslave our communities, exploit and support the murder of people worldwide and destroy environmental land bases.
These companies include: RBS, BAES, A|D|S, G4S, ASDA / Wal-Mart, Tesco and the Tobacco Manufacturers Association.
What can cavorting with these companies do to help us?
On the 3rd of October an Unauthorised March organised by various working class action groups around the UK will take place, we will take back our streets from authorities who denied us the right to march, we will do everything within our power to stop those attending the conference from getting to the host venues using civil disobedience and direct action.
We serve notice on those in power that this stops here, capitalism is in its death throes and we are here to toast to its demise!
More information:
Press enquires:
email: smashcpc@gmail.com
They get pay-rises, we get p45s, they get bonuses, we get default notices, they reap the benefits of our labour, then remove our benefits when we can't find work.
As expected the new coalition have developed a plan of cutting deep into the lives of only the poorest members of society, leaving the rich with corporate tax breaks amounting to £24 billion.
The Tory Party Conference will be hosting talks from heads of corporations which degrade and enslave our communities, exploit and support the murder of people worldwide and destroy environmental land bases.
These companies include: RBS, BAES, A|D|S, G4S, ASDA / Wal-Mart, Tesco and the Tobacco Manufacturers Association.
What can cavorting with these companies do to help us?
On the 3rd of October an Unauthorised March organised by various working class action groups around the UK will take place, we will take back our streets from authorities who denied us the right to march, we will do everything within our power to stop those attending the conference from getting to the host venues using civil disobedience and direct action.
We serve notice on those in power that this stops here, capitalism is in its death throes and we are here to toast to its demise!
More information:
Press enquires:
email: smashcpc@gmail.com
CPC Direct Action Bloc
Hide the following 10 comments
24.09.2010 18:25
Are you SURE you want to do that?
24.09.2010 21:54
It's one thing to protest the decisions/positions of an emeny political party.
It's quite another to try to DISRUPT their political organization.
The problem here is that it cuts both ways. Either we want to have democracy and the idiots get their say too no matter how wrongheaded that might be or we don't. Unless you qualify what you want to accomplish the message you would be sending is "we are fascists of the left". In which case while the capitalists are my enemies you are also (the enemy of an enemy is not necessarily my friend).
Luckily, for the time being I can concentrate on the capitalists and ignore you as you don't have diddly squat power.
Sounds great!
25.09.2010 10:28
Fuck off MDN
25.09.2010 10:30
I hope people are organising into groups among themselves and not hoping that the march will spontaneously become effectively disruptive solely the existent of a stated militant march. So come on people! There's much preparation needed and fun to be had!
anarcho advice guy
define TROLL
25.09.2010 12:19
And ROFLOL not a "mddle class" (your usage of that term) liberal. Not a "liberal" at all.
A REAL anarchist recognizes that any rights claimed for ourselves we have to acknowledge to others. Sorry, but that means if I claim the right to disrupt the POLITICAL organization of others then I confer upon them the right to disrupt mine. No right to complain if they do.
Are you REALLY menaing to say that you want this fight with the ruling class (and the people who for whatever foolish reason support their rule in prefernece to ours) carried out with guns instead of ballots? You fancy our chances would be better?
I wasn't saying what you should do but asking you to THINK about all of the implications of choices of action. To suggest that maybe we should limit our actions at the POLITICAL organization of our enemies is a different matter from what actions we might take against them in other contexts.
Fuck off MDN
25.09.2010 13:05
Also, most anarchists reject the notion of rights because due their rejection of a hierarchical body holding authority over the population, hence to have rights structures need to be inplace to allow them. 'Real anarchists' call for liberation.
anarcho advice guy
25.09.2010 17:40
Including from pseudo anarchists who think it's about a fashion statement.
And no of course not. No anarchists think of "rights" as being fixed. But neither are all of us opposed to making social conventions. Stop confusing advice to THINK from giving anybody orders.
Democracy is a social convention. Real anarchists think about origins and base meanings. What are we doing when we do a "show of hands" except counting potential sword arms on one side or the other. And maybe a "voice vote" makes sense too, because push come to shove it might not be just pure numbers on each side since enthusiasm and determination count too.
You want something else at the national/politcal level? Please frend, I am NOT telling you not to choose to make it decision by force instead. But I'm afraid I'd be sick of your bleating about how unfair as they gunned you down. REA:L anarchists are willing to accept responsibility for the consequences of their choices.
Let me ask you a question. Is your anarchism entirely theory or have you ever DONE THINGS? Organized groups which carried out some constructive purpose* while operating under anarchist principles. You did this WITHOUT your group having consensus as to some conventions about how your decision making porcess would work? Could even start with what you mean by consensus (does everybody have to be happy with the decision or just accept that no other compromise would be better).
* In other words, I'm talking about accomplishing things beyond running a demo, etc. I'm talking about BUILDING something.
What are you lot like....
26.09.2010 11:02
'Please ignore the middle class liberal/BNP troll above' What are you on?
Anyone who thinks any different is a'TROLL!' or ' FASCIST!' or my favorite 'MIDDLE CLASS'.
99% of the anarchists I've met have been middle class. You lot are kidding yourselves if you think you've got a working class movement.
Do you wanna to live like common people? Wanna do whatever common people do?
What are you lot like....
26.09.2010 11:03
'Please ignore the middle class liberal/BNP troll above' What are you on?
Anyone who thinks any different is a'TROLL!' or ' FASCIST!' or my favorite 'MIDDLE CLASS'.
99% of the anarchists I've met have been middle class. You lot are kidding yourselves if you think you've got a working class movement.
Do you wanna to live like common people? Wanna do whatever common people do?
mbm fuck off
26.09.2010 11:28
anarcho advice guy