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Shell to Sea Occupy Shell's Drill Rig For 12 Hours

jen debender | 23.09.2010 15:04 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Social Struggles | World

As a continuation of Rossport's Beat the Boreholes campaign, this Monday 20 September two protesters from the Rossport Solidarity Camp tied themselves to a drill on one of Shell's platforms, and remained up there stopping work for a total of 12 hours, from 7am to 7pm.

Just before 7am, nine people swam out to one of Shell's drilling platforms in the Sruwaddacon Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) which is in the northwest corner of Ireland in County Mayo. Two people climbed up the drill and secured themselves with a hammock while the rest of the swimmers remained underneath the platform.

For the first hour a team of five swimmers and two kayakers remained in the water underneath the platform in support of the two climbers. Around 8am IRMS (Shell's private security) violently removed several campaigners, dragging them through the water by their life jackets. Shell had 13 safety and security boats surrounding and keeping people away from the platform for the duration of the protest. A police boat arrived at about 9am and arrested two kayakers who were paddling around the platform, but they were both released without charges.

For part of the morning Shell began drilling with the second drill on the platform, despite the fact that two protesters were virtually up inside the platform at the top of the main drill. This was completely illegal, a major health and safety violation. The noise was deafening for the two occupiers but Shell continued working anyway, until complaints were made to the Health and Safety Authority and work on the second drill was forced to halt as well.

Most of the day was fairly relaxed. Overall it was quite an amazing action, and people's spirits were high. There was a lot of singing, and even bagpipes! At 7pm when the two occupiers came down from their position, they were not arrested.

Come visit Rossport! Come Beat the Boreholes!

jen debender
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godamn thats a beautiful thing

23.09.2010 16:00

amazing work, huge congratulations. It boggles me how the people of Eris and the crews that go to support them just keep beating the odds and messing with Shells plans. Massive love and respect to all of you.


hear hear

23.09.2010 20:32

this campaign is truly inspiring.
total respect

countryside anarchist
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27.09.2010 18:31

this is great, INSPIRING, well done all at the camp - I REALLY recommend getting there soon if you can and helping with the resistance before the winter sets in.....or make plans to get there next spring and STOP SHELL!
