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Info evening on Afghanistan Sunday 26th Sept Brighton 18:00

afghans' voice | 20.09.2010 16:14 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Terror War | South Coast | World

The Afghans’ voice must be heard.
Sunday 26th of September 2010, 18:00, South Wing Hall, Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton

A unique Afghan – British conference on the invasion of Afghanistan. The opportunity to listen to what Afghan’s have to say on the invasion of their country, and to exchange views and knowledge.

The open secret that the West has used the ‘war on terrorism’ is falling apart. Afghans were very hopeful that it would end the dark days of their country made hostage to the Al Qaeda, ISI and fundamentalist Taliban, but it is turning out to be perceived by majority of Afghans, who feel made hostage to the extremist wrong doers, as an invasion and occupation of their land.

After 9 years of war, loosing and destroying lives, not winning the hearts and minds of Afghans and very little progress, knowing that we are in the wrong place to fight the core of terrorism and propped up the wrong people in the positions of the Afghan Stage, people start questioning more and more what we are actually doing there.

The whistle blower group Wikileaks is shaking up the pubic and mainstream media with exposing most of the 95,000 war logs and still more to come. The Western war propaganda machine is operating in extreme overdrive at the moment, while the support for the invasion is only getting less.

afghans' voice
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