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Pope logo

Poop | 15.09.2010 16:11 | Gender | Health | Repression

An old but appropriate logo for the Pope's visit.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Feel free to print and use.



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He he

15.09.2010 16:29

Pope on a rope?

Sorry I'm against the death penalty it just came out......he is a very bad man though who should resign

Lynn Sawyer

Seems Guy Fawkes day is early this year

15.09.2010 19:03

That solves the death penilty problem. Don't hang him to death. Then you can draw a quarter him and if Geshtalt is correct the sum of the parts will be greater than the hole.

Wait a minute. For the Pope NOTHING is greater than the hole.

Paul King

Good stencil

15.09.2010 19:03

Hilarious, have printed this out as a stencil for some graffiti.

Paint the walls

Great idea

15.09.2010 20:21

Everyone should follow your lead.


I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15.09.2010 20:50

Pregnant nun ice cream firm in Pope poster protest. An ice cream company banned from using an advert that shows a pregnant nun eating its product has vowed to place similar posters in London along the route of the Pope's visit.

Sarah Walsh

Forging a better World

16.09.2010 05:43

To call September 18th a 'protest' would be like calling the Battle of Hastings a skirmish. This day represents the first and perhaps the only chance we may have in our lifetime to deal a decisive blow against the Evil Empire, called the Vatican.

History is shaped by single dramatic events and many empires have crumbled before when faced with the will of the people expressed in an uncompromising display of total outrage. Let this action be something that you can be proud of all your life and commit to it all the passion and energy that such a just and nobel endeavor demands. March forth brave warriors and forge a better World with your will of steel.

Mark Hanau

trouble is

16.09.2010 08:33

he is actually the first pope ever to take any positive action whatsoever on the issue of sex abuse within the catholic church. too little too late? perhaps but it seems a bit wierd that so many are getting so aroused about it now when its been going on for centuries and like i say he is at least taking some action, including meeting with and listening to survivors. just the fact he acknowledges it happened/happens is pretty radical considering his position and the attitude of previous popes.

there is so much wrong with this man, but im not sure the child abuse scandals are the best thing to focus on here. especially when most of those protesting will be people who have never done anything to support us survivors. id rather see people supporting survivors, in all cases of abuse, than focussing so much on the perps, personally.

a woman

We EDL and loyalists will be at the anti-Pope protest in massive numbers

16.09.2010 12:03

We EDL and loyalist football fans will be at the anti-Pope protest in massive numbers. We will turn out in huge numbers to show that we hate the Pope.


supporting survivors or focus on the perps?

16.09.2010 16:10

a woman: "id rather see people supporting survivors, in all cases of abuse, than focussing so much on the perps, personally."

Supporting the survivors is great but unless you tackle the people doing the abuse it will just continue for ever for more generations.


power to the survivors is preventative

16.09.2010 23:32

if abusers knew that survivors were always believed, supported, and powerful they would not feel safe to abuse, and if they did it would not stay secret for a second because survivors too would know this.

abuse requires secrecy. survivors keep these secrets because they don't expect to be believed or supported. abusers are cowards - they only pick on those they perceive to be weak and without support, those they think will keep their secrets for them.

if anyone is to attack the perps let it be the survivors. we lose so much control over our lives, our bodies, when we are abused, then it happens all over again when others wade in to attack without first asking us how we want it dealt with. we should be the centre of attention not the perps, and we should be the ones with the power not others acting for us/over our heads as if we are nothing but weak and pathetic victims.

a woman