Hunger strikes in Swiss prisons by anarchist prisoners Marco, Billy, Costa and S
Bristol ABC'er | 15.09.2010 15:40 | Repression | Social Struggles | World
Eco-anarchist prisoners Marco Camenisch, Luca Bernasconi, Costantino Ragusa and Silvia Guerini started an hunger strike the past 10th September.
We - Billy, Costa, Silvia and Marco - eco-anarchist and revolutionary individuals hostages of the Swiss state have decided to start a hunger strike from 10th September 2010. Because of our situation and the delay in communicating with each other (which for 3 of us means we can't communicate with each other at all because we're under preventative arrest), the arrangements and organisation of this initiative are very difficult and most probably you will only be able to have more detailed news, confirmations, and individual declarations only later on during the month.
As revolutionary anarchist individuals this is what we want to affirm strongly:
Solidarity and international participation - from the inside and beyond each individual's political inclination - with all revolutionary initiatives and struggles, outside and inside, against repression, prison, isolation, torture...For the liberation of all those who are hostages of the revolutionary war against the system; for the liberation of every individual; for the destruction of every prison, fence and society that needs destructing. This includes our total support and solidarity with the recent liberation campaigns for long-term revolutionary prisoners.
This strike is a continuation of our struggles together with all those who have never wanted to passively endure this war and the brutal social, economic, political and environmental crisis of the system. It's a continuation of all those strong affinities and relationships as "green/anticivilisation" anarchist individuals that connect us since many years. Against every state, priest and master; against every prison and repression; against the exploitation of humankind, animals and the environment.
The coalition - among us and with other individuals - in a radical war against all old and new toxicity and destruction and the system that produces them and makes them necessary. We mean this present system of technoscientific production, industrial, capitalistic, monopolistic and imperialist consumerism practiced by corporations and their States. Despite the fact that, with their typical arrogance and deceit, the masters and their arselickers try to paint these things as humanitarian, necessary and sustainable practices - we're talking about scientists, the media, politicians, cops, priest and all those organisations paid by and/or allies in the masters' "democratic dialogue" who support, for example, biotech and GMO's, "alternative energies", and even nuclear energy! Despite the fact that this imperialist, warmongering and terrorist system of masters, institutions and accomplices defines as "vandals", "terrorists", "eco-terrorists", and so on, us and anyone who dissents, resists and struggles for a society of free, autonomous individuals, without slavery, oppression, exploitation and destruction!
Our radical critique and struggle against the roots of the present system - the destructive expression of a millenary anthropocentric civilisation based on technological and industrial dominion (production-consumption), patriarchal domestication, social control and classism, massification and carceration of our cities, exploitation, organised violence and war of man against man, man against woman, man against other species, against nature, and the rest of the universe.
Last, but certainly not least: This initiative is also a contribution in solidarity and greeting to all of you revolutionary individuals of every inclination that - as individuals or in groups - support us with your true and free revolutionary love, with your initiatives, with your resistance and revolutionary offensive in open dayligh or open nightlight, by any means necessary, against every expression of the Monster State and Capital.
Together we're strong, solidarity is our best weapon!
Write to them:
Silvia Guerini, Regionalgefängnis Biel, Spitalstrasse 20, 2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
Costantino Ragusa, Regionalgefängnis Bern, Genfergasse 22, 3001 Bern, Switzerland
Marco Camenisch, Postfach 3143, CH-8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland
Luca Bernasconi (Billy), Regionalgefängnis Thun, Allmendstr. 34, 3600 Thun, Switzerland
We - Billy, Costa, Silvia and Marco - eco-anarchist and revolutionary individuals hostages of the Swiss state have decided to start a hunger strike from 10th September 2010. Because of our situation and the delay in communicating with each other (which for 3 of us means we can't communicate with each other at all because we're under preventative arrest), the arrangements and organisation of this initiative are very difficult and most probably you will only be able to have more detailed news, confirmations, and individual declarations only later on during the month.
As revolutionary anarchist individuals this is what we want to affirm strongly:
Solidarity and international participation - from the inside and beyond each individual's political inclination - with all revolutionary initiatives and struggles, outside and inside, against repression, prison, isolation, torture...For the liberation of all those who are hostages of the revolutionary war against the system; for the liberation of every individual; for the destruction of every prison, fence and society that needs destructing. This includes our total support and solidarity with the recent liberation campaigns for long-term revolutionary prisoners.
This strike is a continuation of our struggles together with all those who have never wanted to passively endure this war and the brutal social, economic, political and environmental crisis of the system. It's a continuation of all those strong affinities and relationships as "green/anticivilisation" anarchist individuals that connect us since many years. Against every state, priest and master; against every prison and repression; against the exploitation of humankind, animals and the environment.
The coalition - among us and with other individuals - in a radical war against all old and new toxicity and destruction and the system that produces them and makes them necessary. We mean this present system of technoscientific production, industrial, capitalistic, monopolistic and imperialist consumerism practiced by corporations and their States. Despite the fact that, with their typical arrogance and deceit, the masters and their arselickers try to paint these things as humanitarian, necessary and sustainable practices - we're talking about scientists, the media, politicians, cops, priest and all those organisations paid by and/or allies in the masters' "democratic dialogue" who support, for example, biotech and GMO's, "alternative energies", and even nuclear energy! Despite the fact that this imperialist, warmongering and terrorist system of masters, institutions and accomplices defines as "vandals", "terrorists", "eco-terrorists", and so on, us and anyone who dissents, resists and struggles for a society of free, autonomous individuals, without slavery, oppression, exploitation and destruction!
Our radical critique and struggle against the roots of the present system - the destructive expression of a millenary anthropocentric civilisation based on technological and industrial dominion (production-consumption), patriarchal domestication, social control and classism, massification and carceration of our cities, exploitation, organised violence and war of man against man, man against woman, man against other species, against nature, and the rest of the universe.
Last, but certainly not least: This initiative is also a contribution in solidarity and greeting to all of you revolutionary individuals of every inclination that - as individuals or in groups - support us with your true and free revolutionary love, with your initiatives, with your resistance and revolutionary offensive in open dayligh or open nightlight, by any means necessary, against every expression of the Monster State and Capital.
Together we're strong, solidarity is our best weapon!
Write to them:
Silvia Guerini, Regionalgefängnis Biel, Spitalstrasse 20, 2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
Costantino Ragusa, Regionalgefängnis Bern, Genfergasse 22, 3001 Bern, Switzerland
Marco Camenisch, Postfach 3143, CH-8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland
Luca Bernasconi (Billy), Regionalgefängnis Thun, Allmendstr. 34, 3600 Thun, Switzerland
Bristol ABC'er
Hide the following 7 comments
15.09.2010 16:57
However, I am a little shocked (lol) that as far as I can see, all it amounts to is burning things, deruction of everything and tearing down of anything organised.
Not very forthcoming about hard facts, just sticking "ethical" or "sustainable" before something is exactly the same wooly crap that large multinationals put up when they tout their lastest geegaw.
Search hard on the internet, you will stuggle to find a single blueprint of generators, design specs for sustainable toolmakeing or even the most basic large scale water treatment system. All they have is cloudy, something will come along, it will all be wonderfull just as long as the whole of the faberic of organised society iss ripped down and we get our burning government buildings.
Bring me something I can work with or shut the fuck up
npot all
15.09.2010 18:22
Prisoner support is also very important.
Fire to the prisons
15.09.2010 20:19
Freedom for all!
also anon
You people really don't have much to do, eh?!
15.09.2010 21:59
Marco Camenisch has suffered incredible oppression by the Swiss prison system who labelled him as "mentally ill" simply because he calls himself an anarchist. Silvia, Costa and Billy are being practically cut out from the rest of the world by severe censorship on their mail, and this simply because they're anarchists, therefore "terrorists".
I mean, we can talk shite as much as we want to, but when the times actually come to stick up for ourselves and do something, where are you gonna be? Writing a bloody pamphlet against eco-anarchism and primitivism? Get a grip! And try to actually READ stuff before you start judging and ranting.
Bristol ABC'er who translated the article
Bring me something I can work with or shut the fuck up?!?!?!?!?
16.09.2010 03:26
why does this sound like a boss talking??
you just want someone to do all the hard work for you. If you look hard enough you can find this information, and not why does it have to be on the internet or are you just another of the lost techno geek generation who has forgotten how to read books and use libraries???
plus, why do you want them to describe what to do in the future, or after we have got rid of this capitalist statist death culture society- you sound like you want someone else to come up with yet another stagnant dogmatic reactionary leftist marxist ideology for you that is out of date as soon as it is written.
are you some kind of managerial class brain dead moron???
learn to think for yourself you parasitic lefty scumbag and ask some decent questions that will get a more intellectual reply
solidarity with all prisoners and people in struggle
fire to the prisons
love and rage
many anarchists are scientists, some are even into nanotech but agree there
16.09.2010 15:15
There are nanoscale structures in nature & nano titanium dioxided etc has been used "safely" since 70s in suncream, but its taken millions of years for natural nano to evolve & the potentials for toxicity are much higher than any problems with CERN.
Chemical structures& Particles safe at a micron can become toxic at nanoscale, can any nano scientists please point to any legislation or laws seriously regulating this???
Its uses in fuel like that by stagecoach of the envirox additive to stop knock & increase efficiency are given the highest warning currently by scientists.
Military nanotech & self replicators also are of serious concern& could make nuclear war & global warming look like a walk in the park.
They were acting on behalf of humanity & all life& deserve out support, but also they need our encouragement to stick to lobbying & direct democracy.
"ABC" please dont abc to call for blanket support of any "anarchist" prisoners, please explain situations what they are trying to do or to stop, or at least put up a simple link please.
Iam sure they would want this on such a serious matter.
Dangerous Tactics using explosives etc are counterproductive in the longrun,especially when we need a increase in real direct democracy to help solve this & many other matters,
like any serious believers in mutual aid & anarchism,peoples rule.
Joe Public
another nutter...
16.09.2010 21:16
ain't you that regular nutter known as 'green syndicalist'? everything you write detracts from the news that is posted up, and your views are not worth reading. just because there is a comment form here doesn't mean your opinion is worth reading. Please go to libcom and debate there.
also anon