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Israeli troops open fire at protest in Gaza

@ | 14.09.2010 21:59


The Israeli army opened fire at Palestinian and international protesters who gathered on Tuesday at the borders near Beit Hannon town, in northern Gaza Strip.

As soon as the work started Israeli soldiers stationed at the borders opned heavy fire on the unarmed civilians. Protesters with nowhere to hide moved back, later they decided to resume work the army opened live fire at them at this point the organizers agreed to call it off for the day.

After the work was stopped, Saber Al Zaaneen, from the Local Imitative – Beit Hannon, the organizers of today’s event, said that the such activities will continue to counter the buffer zone the Israeli military is trying to make along the borders with Gaza and its devastating effects on the local farmers.



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Palestinian cell launches anti-tank missile at Israeli troops by border fence

15.09.2010 04:24

1 terrorist dead, 4 wounded in IDF response to Gaza attack
09/14/2010 18:51

IDF returns fire after Palestinian cells launches anti-tank missile at Israeli troops by border fence; top Hamas military leader threatens wave of violence intended to derail peace talks.

One Palestinian was killed and at least four were wounded on Tuesday after the IDF returned fire in response to a terrorist attack in the northern Gaza Strip.

The IDF said that a force operating near the fence came under anti-tank fire and responded with tank shells and light gunfire. One of the terrorists was killed and four others were wounded.

On Tuesday, Ahmed Jaabari, leader of Hamas’ military wing, issued a rare statement threatening a wave of violence intended to derail the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

On Sunday, three Palestinians were killed after one of them picked up an RPG found in a field near the security fence and aimed it at nearby IDF troops. Two of those killed – a 91-yearold man and his grandson – were later identified by the IDF as innocent civilians who were not involved in terrorist activity.

Rocket attacks from Gaza have increased since before the Rosh Hashana holiday. Predictions in the defense establishment are that Hamas will continue to carry out attacks against Israel as the peace talks progress.

Commander of the Gaza Division Brig.-Gen. Eyal Eisenberg said that the IDF held Hamas responsible.

“The Gaza Strip is controlled by Hamas, which is a terrorist organization,” he said. “Hamas is in control of the territory and we hold it responsible for what happens in the Strip.”

What really happened

21st Century Aparthied.

15.09.2010 06:50

"The Gaza Strip is controlled by Hamas, which is a terrorist organization,” he said. “Hamas is in control of the territory and we hold it responsible for what happens in the Strip.”

Nobody, except Israeli extremists and loony zionists, really believes that anymore. Hamas has friends all over the world. Hamas is a legitimate democratic organisation that has much more support on the world stage than Israel and its terrorist sympathisers..

So if Israeli racists and extremists want to continue calling it a terrorist organisation, then let them. It is their funeral.

These peace talks are clearly an attempt to flagpole public opinion before it inevitably launches another offensive against Gaza. When it does this, it will say it had no choice. The Palestinians had no interest in peace so we had to kill them.

And the land grab will continue once again.

Israel is not a legitimate state. It is a false declaration.

Henry Kissinger.

'Israel is not a legitimate state'

15.09.2010 08:37

Really? I thought it had been declared legitimate by the United Nations in 1948 - is this not so?


The modern world.

15.09.2010 15:47

"Really? I thought it had been declared legitimate by the United Nations in 1948 - is this not so?"

It has been recognised by the UN as sovereign in 1948. The UN does not declare legitimacy, it just recognises sovereignty. Which, as we all know, means nothing in reality.

Israel's sovereignty was only declared after a long bout of terrorist atrocities were committed by the state. At that time the UN relinquished its humanitarian mandate in favour of recognising its sovereignty as a result of these atrocities.

Israel is a sovereign entity born from the fundamental tactic of organised terrorism. It continues to use this tactic today.

In 2010, it is illegitimate.

Henry Kissinger

you're illegitimate.

15.09.2010 17:57

You're illegitimate. Who cares what a bunch of religious nuts, bigots and petulant Western rich kids think?


Hamas are terrorists

15.09.2010 18:09

>> Nobody, except Israeli extremists and loony zionists, really believes that anymore. Hamas has friends all over the world. Hamas is a legitimate democratic organisation that has much more support on the world stage than Israel and its terrorist sympathisers..

Bullshit. Absolutely crock of shit.
Hamas' spokesmen have been crying on about how they are going to cause lots of violence and trouble for the peace talks. They are a bunch of tossers.

The sooner Hamas is wiped out, the better the Palestinian people's situation will be.

Maybe one day Hamas will stop attacking Israel. Then maybe there will be some peace.


Statehood gone sour.

15.09.2010 22:40

"Bullshit. Absolutely crock of shit.
Hamas' spokesmen have been crying on about how they are going to cause lots of violence and trouble for the peace talks. They are a bunch of tossers.

The sooner Hamas is wiped out, the better the Palestinian people's situation will be.

Maybe one day Hamas will stop attacking Israel. Then maybe there will be some peace."

Hamas is a democratic body with the persistent confidence of its electorate and international support which now dwarfs that available to Israel.

What has brought this situation about?

Israel is unable to continue with the tactics it has been using because the generation who have supported it in the past are largely no longer with us. With the passing of that generation passes a natural sympathy that was born of guilt more than reason.

As this generation pass by, it is replaced by a new generation that do not labour under such guilt, and with that freedom, comes a new realisation that Israel is international slang for terror, theft, racism and brutal illegality. For this generation, Israel is pariah, violence and deception writ large on the international scene like the weather. For this generation, Israel is best left abandoned.

Hamas now enjoys unrelenting consensus among the vast majority of the international community and that consensus is gifted, wealthy and clever.

Israel has again embarked on a fraud of a peace process with one eye on the opinion polls and one finger on the trigger, ready to act to dish up the violence when the peace becomes too inconvenient to fit within its perpetually narrow vision for the future of the Palestinians. Its malevolent and sinister 'world view' ready to burst forward the moment peace takes a hold.

They are kidding no-one.

Play on!

Henry Kissinger.

Play on ...

15.09.2010 23:04

No, Mr Kissinger, dream on ...


Get it done

15.09.2010 23:24

Hamas is a democratic body with the persistent confidence of its electorate and international support which now dwarfs that available to Israel.
Hamas now enjoys unrelenting consensus among the vast majority of the international community and that consensus is gifted, wealthy and clever.

Never heard any many clusterfucks in a short amount of words before.
Hamas MAY have vast support amongst the lettuce eating, guardian reading, hand wringing cappucino slurpers, but that doesn't really count for much in the real world. So we can all go around london wearing a big black and white chequered scarf. So what?! Totally without meaning or weight.

Israel has huge trade and economic support from the world community. That counts for a lot.
Thats would international support is interested in. Israel is hugely strategically important. Thats why they have a lot of very powerful friends. Palestine is just an irratation.

Who did bush support? Israel or Palestine?
At the time, one of the the most powerful men on the planet. Who was he heard blaming for the troubles. Yes thats right - Hamas.

Who do you think Obama supports. Who do you think the UK supports. Who do you think much of Europe supports.

Just because the middle east don't like them, doesn't mean we like the middle east either.


Oh Mr K, you are spoiling us.

15.09.2010 23:42

"No, Mr Kissinger, dream on ... "

1-0 to Mr Kissinger then...:-)

Benjamin Neat and Yahoo.

Old Skool.

16.09.2010 00:30

"Who do you think Obama supports. Who do you think the UK supports. Who do you think much of Europe supports.

Just because the middle east don't like them, doesn't mean we like the middle east either."

Well, young man,

You have, in your diatribe, dismissed London as Guardian reading scarf wearing liberals, Hamas will stick with the numbers, Israeli supporters can keep the scarves.

And you say Bush supports Israel!

How many hate Bush?

Israel is often cited as being strategically important, but for who? It isn't us, nor is it America. Israel's strategic importance is largely in its head and that, broadly speaking, is the only place it remains.

The west now occupies a position on the chessboard in which Israel is only a forward pawn, in a precarious position.

You see, the west, will always go with popular opinion. That's where the money is!


Henry Kissing'ya Goodbye.