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Report of EDL London demonstration on Saturday 11th September.

Reporter | 14.09.2010 12:00

On Saturday the 11th of September about 800 EDL supporters attended a vigil outside the American embassy for the 9/11 victims. Then went onto to protest outside the Saudi Arabian embassy. There was a small muslim demo when they arrived at the embassy at about 12:30pm, but police managed to keep the two sides apart.

The EDL supporters held their vigil for about an hour before marching off through the back streets of Mayfair under heavy police escort. They were marched around the streets for about an hour before finally coming to the Saudi embassy. There they stood and shouted slogans from across the street, such as "muslim bombers off our streets" and "close down the Saudi Embassy". There were a few speaches, then after about half an hour most started to disperse most heading down to pubs in Victoria.

The strange thing was at this event there were no counter demonstrators from UAF, AFA etc. Despite this being one of the biggest EDL mobilisations at around 800. A few UAF and AFA under cover camera men did turn up to video the protests but there was no counter demonstration at all. Is this a new tactic from UAF and AFA, don't call out counter demonstrators just pretend to be from the press and film the EDL demos?



Hide the following 11 comments


14.09.2010 12:35

this was a major disapointment that anti-fascists did not counter demo the EDL, who turned up in London, nuneaton, oldham, and went unchallenged



14.09.2010 12:58

that's a really good article EDL.

Thank you for bigging yourself up again.

If nobody turns up to your demos, I think you'll find it's because no one gives a fuck about you.

Please do keep providing us with these reports about your own actions, however, it's very kind of you. x


Perhaps you're a tabloid 'reporter'?

14.09.2010 13:47

Or maybe you're just an EDL knuckle dragger whose mathematical abilities are as poor as your grasp on reality? It's already common knowledge that there were barely 100 of these drunken racist football hoolies staggering around at this 'demo'.

You EDL trolls will really have to do better than this, I'm afraid.

Crazy Barry


14.09.2010 15:58

Well if you count everyone 8 times and then add the number you first thought of.

Go slither back under your rock.


Trying to trick Anti-Fascists into walking into a trap

14.09.2010 16:06

This article is I think EDL misinformation / trolling. It's a proven fact EDL numbers outside the US Embassy were far lower than reported here - 120 max, so why would anyone claim the EDL drew 800, blatantly lying? Why also would this article claim there were photographers from AFA - a militant Anti-Fascist group that ceased to exist years ago (the mis-spelling of the word "speaches" is also a bit of a clue)? The answer I think is that this article was posted by EDL as EDL are disappointed no militant Anti-Fascists turned up to confront them, and they want to encourage Anti-Fascists to confront them in similar situations. Why are they disappointed by this? Because the EDL would love to be able to photograph and film Anti-Fascists at a protest like this, so the EDL can misrepresent the Anti-Fascists as siding with Anjem Choudary's Islamist protestors, and so the EDL can misrepresent Anti-Fascists as disrespecting the memory of 9/11 victims. I think the author of this article is trying to trick Anti-Fascists into walking into a trap. The EDL are trying to box clever here so it's important we all stay sharp and make sure we continually outwit them.

The EDL tried a similar ploy with the EDL / Casuals United demo about the alleged pedo murder in Blackpool - the EDL was DESPERATE for Anti-Fascists to show up so they could misrepresent them as opposing justice for the victims of pedos, but very sensibly Anti-Fascists stayed away. This is the same reason why Anti-Fascists never attacked NF Remembrance Day rallies in central London, as Fascists taking the piss out of British war veterans make themselves look bad anyway, while the last thing Anti-Fascists needed was to be sucked into a confrontation in which they could be misrepresented as disrespecting the memory of veterans who defeated Hitler. Anti-Fascists used (and still use) the NF Remembrance Day rallies as an opportunity to get good photographs of currently active NF members, and quite rightly did not get sucked into potentially counterproductive confrontations.

In situations like this the EDL are best left to their own devices, as, on their own, the EDL are so stupid they usually fuck things up for themselves - on Al-Quds day the EDL turned up and 2 of their number made Nazi salutes, scoring a massive own goal, and in Bradford EDL were separated from Anti-Fascists but spontaneously took it upon themselves to attack the police anyway, which they also did the other day in Oldham.


Anti-fascists should protest against Loyalist parades

14.09.2010 16:54

Anti-fascists should also protest against loyalist parades as they represent imperialism and oppression, both oliver Cromwell and william of Orange were terrible leaders that were backed by capitalists in their crusades. The republican movement represents a genuine peoples cause against capitalism, anti-fascists have long history in supporting the IRA, such as AFA and Mensi of the Angelic Upstarts also has supported the Irish Republican cause, this year many Loyalist parades went unchallenged.

uk fightback

Anti-Fascists should protest against the racist...

14.09.2010 17:20

...who is campaigning to become the leader of the Labour party namely Dianne Abbot.

She's pretty much the black Nick Griffin with her Anti-white bias.

Racism cuts two ways but, we won't see anyone on the cowardly left protest against her because they're scared of looking racist.

A Man

Anti-Fascists should protest against the racist...

14.09.2010 17:20

...who is campaigning to become the leader of the Labour party namely Dianne Abbot.

She's pretty much the black Nick Griffin with her Anti-white bias.

Racism cuts two ways but, we won't see anyone on the cowardly left protest against her because they're scared of looking racist.

A Man

ALL the "Anti-fascists should protest against...." comments are EDL

14.09.2010 18:48

ALL the "Anti-fascists should protest against" comments are EDL trolling and nothing to do with UK Fightback. (Jeff Marsh do yourself a favour and crack open another can, or have you been banned from watching TV as well as football matches? Your Arryedl videos on You Tube are like "Eight Ace" in Viz)

Photo - Ken Davies (aka Ken "Jacks") and David Powell of the Welsh Defence League

UK Fightback


14.09.2010 19:29

Jeff, how soon do you want to go back to jail?

Amherst Crescent

Woooo, Mensi supports the IRA!

15.09.2010 10:11

" Mensi of the Angelic Upstarts also has supported the Irish Republican cause, "

Mensi is an inarticulate thicko who has embarrassed himself many times with his idiotic pronouncements over the years. That's to say nothing of his consistently shit records. Why should anyone care what he says?

Crazy Barry