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Mapping Oxfordshire's Cuts meeting 13th 6.30pm

Oxford SOS | 10.09.2010 08:24 | Globalisation | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements | Oxford

Save Our Services is a group of Oxford residents who have formed out of concern that the proposed public sector cuts will severely damage our community, and particularly the poorest people in it (a recent study found that the poorest 10% of people are set to lose the equivalent of 21% of their income).

The event is called Mapping Oxfordshire's Cuts, and is on 7pm-9pm, at Friends Meeting House on 43 St Giles St, OX1 3LW

Save Our Services has also been set up to help ensure a wide input of voices & views, particularly of service users and local groups, into the campaign against public sector cuts that the Trades Council are leading on locally and the TUC nationally.

On 13 September at 7pm-9pm we're running an evening called 'Mapping Oxfordshire's Cuts' that is designed to help people affected by one or more services or involved in one or more campaigns to get a fuller picture of the wide ranging cuts to services across the county. We'll also start to formulate the service users' response to these cuts.

We'd like to invite people to come along to the meeting and take part in the discussion. We are all 'service users' of public services but it would ideal to hear the voices of some of the people that use and depend on them the most.

A flyer is attached for the event at the Friends Meeting House on 43 St Giles St, Oxford,OX1 3LW.

Oxford SOS