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Christians must match Pastor Terry Jones by burning Bibles

Ilyan | 10.09.2010 07:28

Make Peace not War.

Could Terry Jones strike his match if he knew that there were thousands of Christians all over the world ready to put a match to their Bilble if he burns the Korans he has acquired?



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Extremist group in USA burns crosses, but no reaction from christians!

10.09.2010 16:25

An extremist group in the USA regularly hold cross burning ceremonies but strangely there is no reaction from christians? When asked senior christian leaders responded by saying they might pray for members of this extremist group but that they held no hatred for them.

A video of a cross burning by this American extremist group:

The conclusion most people have drawn from this in the wake of the threat to burn a Koran is that Islam is a religon of hate, intolerance and war while christianity is a religon of love, tolerance and peace.



10.09.2010 18:07

You missed one!
