Activists Occupy Parliament!
PetroSiege | 08.09.2010 16:46 | Anti-militarism | Terror War
Two activists have today occupied the Houses of Parliament, with banners against the illegal war in Afghanistan, and even a section 6 legal warning. They intend to stay for as long as possible.
Skywarrior from the PetroSiege squat, in solidarity with the peace strike campaign, has today occupied the Houses of Parliament with several banners. He intends to make this his home for as long as possible. He hopes that this direct action will inspire others to rise up and challenge the current political system. This is a signal of resistance to unjust, illegal wars being carried out undemocratically, without consent of the people, in America, the UK and other global powers.
Skywarrior today said: “This afternoon at 4:30pm, I took my life in my hands for the future of my children, and the children of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. Not in my name!”
We at PetroSiege resent and reject the current austerity measures, which in fact, are nothing more than a war tax. We echo the words of the honourable Tony Benn, and call for open revolt against the attack on the welfare state to pay for these atrocities, that are being carried out without our consent, in our name.
No Pasaran!
Skywarrior from the PetroSiege squat, in solidarity with the peace strike campaign, has today occupied the Houses of Parliament with several banners. He intends to make this his home for as long as possible. He hopes that this direct action will inspire others to rise up and challenge the current political system. This is a signal of resistance to unjust, illegal wars being carried out undemocratically, without consent of the people, in America, the UK and other global powers.
Skywarrior today said: “This afternoon at 4:30pm, I took my life in my hands for the future of my children, and the children of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. Not in my name!”
We at PetroSiege resent and reject the current austerity measures, which in fact, are nothing more than a war tax. We echo the words of the honourable Tony Benn, and call for open revolt against the attack on the welfare state to pay for these atrocities, that are being carried out without our consent, in our name.
No Pasaran!
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Good Lord!!
08.09.2010 18:24
Master at arms.
pointy birds
08.09.2010 21:29
A good lesson of how to only preach to the converted.
a pointy pointy
more pics, vids and report on indymedia london
08.09.2010 21:35
Bloody idiots!
09.09.2010 12:02
fucking heroes!!
09.09.2010 15:16
Maria is wonderful
09.09.2010 17:03
jo blogs
@ jo blogs
09.09.2010 18:22
Andy Citizen
09.09.2010 20:32
Oh, change the @?(+!?@ record will you.
Well done to Mr Skywarrior and Maria the herione. Top marks. Nice to see somebody at the Square actually getting up off their arses and taking the fight behind enemy lines.
Well bloody done.