Regards to Mayour Chernovetsky for caring homeless animals
Stefan_Blog | 05.09.2010 07:31 | Animal Liberation | Health | Repression
It appears our mayor has always been grateful foreign partners with which they have managed to share the rewards and have not omited to mention exceptional humanity and sensitivity of the Kyiv City authorities in relation to homeless animals.
Significant progress in humane regulation achieved only countries where the government introduced Programs sterilization and strict legal prohibition of cruelty to animals (in Poland it is prisoning up to 15 years for killing a dog). That is, the animals stop consider man as kind, which constitutes a danger for the population, and therefore no need to save themselves the only way acceptable to wildlife - reproduction (this pattern is valid with respect to both animals and people, which was seen by the examples of growth populations after the war, epidemics or climatic disasters). Nature itself is able to adjust themselves: if the density of filling one type of environment than optimal rules apply "sanctions": epidemic viruses or females reduce or completely stop the birth (for example, laboratory research of L. Brereton on populations of hare, mouse and beetle). That is, animal’s population mechanism is able to inhibit reproductive function, and vice versa, "turns" her place in the environment if released.
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