Sheffield Free School 8-10/10 Prepare for a future without oil or governments...
Sheffield Social Centre Collective | 04.09.2010 17:27 | Education | Energy Crisis | Free Spaces | Sheffield
The Sheffield Social Centre Collective is organising a Free School, "Prepare for a future without oil or governments..." to be held in Sheffield over the weekend of 8th - 10th October 2010.
You might have noticed that our everyday lives involve being bombarded from all angles by people whose primary desire in life is to make money. This can have one or two downsides: the creation of a culture in which happiness and well-being are measured in pounds and pence, the systematic sacrifice of planet earth in the name of business, and the life of a person coming to be quantified in terms of their financial worth instead of their intrinsic value as a thinking, breathing human being.
For a weekend in October people in Sheffield will be coming together to push back against this tide of consumption and money-making by creating a space for the free sharing of skills, ideas, knowledge and entertainment.
Between the 8th and 10th of October, in reclaimed space in our city centre, come along to the Sheffield free school to learn the ins-and-outs of consensus decision-making, what anarchism can mean in practice, get help fixing your bicycle, discuss how to take direct action against the perpetrators of injustice, discover how to live (nearly) for free, or maybe even come and share a skill of your own.
If you'd like to help organise the Sheffield Free School or have an idea for an event you'd like to run at it, come along to the next planning meeting, the time and location of which you'll find at or email .
The free school is being organised by members of the Sheffield Social Centre project, which aims to establish a permanent space for non-hierarchical, non-discriminatory and anti-capitalist activity in Sheffield.
For a weekend in October people in Sheffield will be coming together to push back against this tide of consumption and money-making by creating a space for the free sharing of skills, ideas, knowledge and entertainment.
Between the 8th and 10th of October, in reclaimed space in our city centre, come along to the Sheffield free school to learn the ins-and-outs of consensus decision-making, what anarchism can mean in practice, get help fixing your bicycle, discuss how to take direct action against the perpetrators of injustice, discover how to live (nearly) for free, or maybe even come and share a skill of your own.
If you'd like to help organise the Sheffield Free School or have an idea for an event you'd like to run at it, come along to the next planning meeting, the time and location of which you'll find at or email .
The free school is being organised by members of the Sheffield Social Centre project, which aims to establish a permanent space for non-hierarchical, non-discriminatory and anti-capitalist activity in Sheffield.
Sheffield Social Centre Collective
Hide the following 13 comments
04.09.2010 21:27
From Matilda and the last failed social center, we note that the timing of this event is when The Middle Class are back in the city (students) and that the nature of these events have no real appeal to The Working Class.
Is not time WE MAKE THE MIDDLE CLASS HISTORY? and how we go about making this happen, is a workshop we would like to see..
If there is no sectarianism and The free school is , non-hierarchical, non-discriminatory and based on anti-capitalist activity in Sheffield, will underclassrising be welcome at the next meeting?
Of course not..
Students, middle class?
05.09.2010 10:30
Anyway, I'd like to see your analysis that make students middle class (what's with your use of capitals for this?). More youth from working class backgrounds are going to universities now than ever, especially with the decrease in public sector jobs. It's also false to believe that a degree will consequently boost that individual into a position where they could be called middle class- which is a social managerial position.
Your tired out bullshit is a relic of the past, time to get with the times, mate.
anarcho advice guy
good luck
05.09.2010 10:33
To underclassrising - perhaps a bit of introspection of your own, probably sectarian, behaviour might be in order. The way you write you sound like you can do no wrong and if you can't get your way then you will just disrupt - too much like as swappie for me. You are not the only voice to be heard.
Students, Middle Class?
05.09.2010 12:02
I agree in context with your comment, but The Working Class end up in serious poverty due to fees, etc and more often than not take underpaid work, and once more no generalisation The Students i come across often are over privileged Middle Class.
Here is a thought i know of empty's in Parson Cross/ The Manor would be there at the drop of an hat if you was to Sqaut such a place, and engage with The Working Class, and Pisgah House ( has now got planning to build housing that us The Working Class can ill afford, any one up for a land sqaut?
Reagrads The distopia that was Matilda here is a message from Mark:
Thank you all for your continued support through this difficult time..we are still fighting!
If you want to help, please take a minute to sign the petition to show your support..
Make sure you check your Inbox to validate your signature, otherwise it wont count..annoying detail I know, but we do appreciate your help and support!
We're still trying to make some noise to raise awareness, and we had articles published in various papers; Yorkshire Post (2nd September) on page 15, Sheffield Telegraph (2nd September) on page 8 and Sheffield Star (1st September) on page 14..
If you have time, spread the word any way you can, invite your friends and family to the group, raise awareness and get them to sign the petition, every little helps!
Once again, thanks for all your support, watch this space!
Keep the Adrenalin Pumping!!
This place becomes empty once more on The 23rd of September, any one up for taking it back even just for a weekend?:
Urban Regeneration to some has its good sides. Shattered concrete town centres have given way to swanky libraries and health centres, with flats and offices perched atop public buildings. The publicly beneficial being subsidised by the privately profitable has been a pattern for new building up and down the country. But now the boom time is over and the new generation is degeneration.
Nver has there been such opertunity to take back what is ours, open space not just as a publicity stunt, to apeal just to The Middle Class, but space that has some meaning where the Homeless of this city find love and Shelter..
The number of people living in squats in England and Wales has risen by 25 per cent in the last seven years, according to new figures. But contrary to popular belief, greater numbers of squatters are now professional, middle class and upwardly mobile.
It’s bad enough that that self-centered idiot, Shabby, gave squatters (and lesbians… and child actors… and hat wearers…) a bad name on this year’s Big Brother, but now this!
Arty shits tossing it off in Kensington, ( tight-arsed professionals who helped inflate housing prices in the first place and ‘gap year wannabe wevolutionaries’ only help to aggravate the housing problem. Squatting because it’s ‘alternative’ or ‘trendy’ is the worst form of social tourism. People who actually need to squat get a lot of grief just because the middle class want to look good in front of their liberal friends or, worse still, save themselves a few quid. FUCK ‘EM ALL!
good luck
05.09.2010 12:07
Students, middle class?
05.09.2010 13:10
You still haven't demonstrated why students are middle class, what power do they have in society that would make them social managers? Alot of students are not in the workplace, and those that are usually do part-time work in shops and pubs/bars, so that also detracts from your assertion of students being middle class, if anything they are in a class limbo until they enter the workforce. Also, with the housing issue, alot of students live in places which they pay for with a loan, which is to be paid back in a means tested way (to try and avoid this poverty you state working class students experience in later life). Students often live in student areas where the local landlord company has an agreement with the university to provide afford housing.
You appear to live in a time warp where university is still only available to those in elite circles, this simply isn't the case.
anarcho advice guy
UR have you bothered reading Marks petition then?
05.09.2010 18:30
"Yorkshire Forward (a government quango with a remit of CREATING JOBS, PROVIDING BUSINESS GRANTS AND IMPROVING EDUCATION) have served and eviction order on Adrenalin Recording Studios and their degree students, generating a domino effect on 20 other businesses."
and when has breakin into buildings to take arty foto's been a working class persute, and while i'm at it when has living off thats state benfits been without wanting to glorify workin and all but i've done the job in the NHS for 15 years...therefore your shit an I'm a proleterian it
see its easy to be critical of everyone else when no-one wants to talk to you or work with you anymore because you've pissed eveyone off with you twatish behaviour... just sayin
IM moderators please hide this comment as i realize its personal annd vindictive
UR have you bothered reading Marks petition then
05.09.2010 19:55
Re breaking into buildings to take arty photo's been a working class persute?
We never brake into buildings to make it clear:
“if life's journey be endless where is its goal? The answer is, it everywhere We are in a palace which has no end, but which we have reached, by exploring it and extending our relationship with it we are ever making it more and more our own”
Rabindranath Tagore 1861
underclassrising has pages that are a path to various unseen, lost, of limit and just forgotten parts of human civilisation. The results are untold amounts of derelict and forgotten places that pepper every corner of our world from factories, and transport networks to bunkers tunnels and mines
Out of respect for the locations as for any others who may visit latter a basic set “ethical thoughts have been followed during the exploration of the places we visit.
No forced entry
Leave no trace
Take nothing
Damage nothing
We like to see a building that is in the full flow of decay. To see the fabric of the building coming apart. To smell the damp and decay..........although eau de pigeon shit is not quite our thing!
We like things to be broken (naturally, mind!), although sometimes grafitti can add to a bland and bare building. We like to play with the light that enters a building through gaps that would not normally be there. We love the patterns made by the cracks in broken glass. We love the random crackles and peeliness in paintwork and the way the fallen flakes crackle underfoot.
We like to see vegetation entering a building through window frames and gaps in roofs. I like to see grass and plants growing on carpets.
History is full with the hypocrisy of those involved with Sheffield Social Center and cowards like yourself who can not use there real name, are you so in fear of The Working Class?
Yes its easy to be critical of everyone else when no-one wants to talk to you or work with us anymore because you've pissed everyone off with our "twatish" behavior, now we are not going to disagree on this, but be frank it stops us from getting involved likewise..
IM moderators please do not hide this comment as it its personal and vindictive rant with shit spelling and you work for The NHS.?
You just attack as always, give no thought to what we do as and the history we document while putting ourselves at risk, no thought to the documentation of The Working Class working conditions we all so document, it is far more than just taking a arty photo's that is the just a sum of what we do, and yes been unemployed gives us that FREEDOM and we all so understand the hypocrisy of being on benefits but we feel pride in the fact 2 of us have now come to 50 years of not working..
Long may it last, we have no intent of ever working, it is simple WORKERS OF THE WORLD RELAX PLAY IS EVERYTHING WORK IS NOT..
As all ways you fail to reply to what was asked and just attack, we have no doubt your one of the people that have spreed lies rumors and misinformation about us, but then you would not give a fuck about your actions, as long as you stay critical of others you need never ask are you all so part of the problem? Not The solution..
Social school stuff
05.09.2010 23:21's worth a go...IF it learns how to practice social INCLUSION and not social per underclass risings first post...first point.
Find this quote from UR..interesting too....
"When we point out The hypocrisy of the Petite Bourgeoisie, we are told we are being sectarian, no i just know that The Middle Class are nothing more than just fair weather friends."
That SHOULD shake the tin up a bit....but usually doesn', in my experience, the progressive ISN'T really has already been pointed out.
So the question STILL remains...are you one of them...or one of us?
Part of the problem- or part of the solution.?
........or why is it NOT acceptable to be both....Mr.M.W.?
I am here to learn, to discover the truth...and the way.
noah finnity
noah finnity
06.09.2010 07:10
Either if you please and still no reply from the people involved, just attacks from the SUB-NORMAL suspects..
or why is it NOT acceptable to be both....?
Of course we need to be The Problem and promote Anarchy as the solution..
“In a society based on . . . inequality of conditions, government, whatever it is, feudal, theocratic, bourgeois, imperial, is . . . a system of insurance for the class which exploits and owns against that which is exploited and owns nothing.”
Critique of Property
Proudhon’s analysis of property was seminal. The distinction he made between use rights and property rights, possession and property, laid the ground for subsequent socialist theory as well as his analysis of exploitation and his vision of socialism.
Property allowed the owner to exploit its user (“property is theft”) as well as creating oppressive social relationships between them (“property is despotism”). These are interrelated, as it is the relations of oppression that property creates which allows exploitation to happen and the appropriation of our common heritage by the few gives the rest little alternative but to agree to such domination and let the owner appropriate the fruits of their labour.
Proudhon’s genius and the power of his critique was that he took all the defences of, and apologies for, property and showed that, logically, they could be used to attack that institution. By treating them as absolute and universal as its apologists treated property itself, he showed that they undermined property. This meant that “those who do not possess today are proprietors by the same title as those who do possess; but instead of inferring therefrom that property should be shared by all, I demand, in the name of general security, its entire abolition.”
Property “violates equality by the rights of exclusion and increase, and freedom by despotism.” It has “perfect identity with robbery” and the worker “has sold and surrendered his liberty” to the proprietor. Anarchy was “the absence of a master, of a sovereign” while “proprietor” was “synonymous” with “sovereign” for he “imposes his will as law, and suffers neither contradiction nor control.” Thus “property is despotism” as “each proprietor is sovereign lord within the sphere of his property.” Freedom and property were incompatible:
“Thus, property, which should make us free, makes us prisoners. What am I saying? It degrades us, by making us servants and tyrants to one another.
“Do you know what it is to be a wage-worker? To work under a master, watchful of his prejudices even more than of his orders . . . Not to have any thought of your own, to study without ceasing the thought of others, to know no stimulus except your daily bread, and the fear of losing your job!”
Property produced exploitation, which occurred in production. Like Marx, but long before him, Proudhon argued that workers produced more value than they received in wages:
Everyone knows
06.09.2010 08:50
anarcho advice guy
anarcho advice guy
06.09.2010 14:32
Culture without the working class is no culture..
07.09.2010 12:25
Ann Archy.