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Ian Tomlinson inquest doctor is "irresponsible" and "failed to meet standards"

dr doctor | 31.08.2010 14:51

Dr Freddy Patel, the City of London Police's favourite doctor, has been found to be "irresponsible" and "failed to meet standards"

A General Medical Council disciplinary panel has ruled Dr Freddy Patel, the pathologist who carried out the first autopsy on Ian Tomlinson who died at last year's G20 protest, acted in a way that amounted to misconduct during two earlier post-mortem examinations and his fitness to practise is impaired.


dr doctor


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no surprise there

31.08.2010 21:06

At least its heading in the right direction.


None what so ever

31.08.2010 21:22

yes, down hill and out of control, as in 'ordo ab chao' order from chaos-



31.08.2010 21:35

Harwood still stalks the streets.



31.08.2010 22:40

This is an outrage!



02.09.2010 19:35

this is bad news all round, with the post mared in its accuracy, there is no way to prove either sides opinions.

No justice just pre conceived ideas
