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I keep getting mail fro the Israeli Embassy!!.....

Wrong address | 29.08.2010 12:50 | Palestine

So I just have to keep forwarding mail to them.

Dear Occupier
Dear Occupier

Anyone else have this problem?

Wrong address


Hide the following 21 comments

What is your solution then?

29.08.2010 13:35

What is your solution then? Ethnic cleansing of every Jew now living in Israel? Yeah that would work wouldn't it? Prat!


:)me to, v strange, I keep getting these too

29.08.2010 14:17

hope they didnt force entry;)

Seriousy, if palestinians were given equal rights & serious lump sum, joint ownership could work,especially if UN, knights of Malta& Muslim round table groups support it



29.08.2010 14:25

I think an end to the occupation would do nicely...NO need to get hysterical.

Concerned too


29.08.2010 15:17

Great bit of agit-prop, I hope there will be a few printers on overtime now!


calm down dear

29.08.2010 15:47

for Christ sake, calm down people, it's just a bit of banter, although with a valid point.
Might try this myself, just for the banter of course.

oi oi

Re: solution (but WOULD it?)

29.08.2010 16:14

"I think an end to the occupation would do nicely...NO need to get hysterical."

Maybe need to look at the "then what happens next".

Let's for just a moment assume that the Israelis simply pulled out of 100% of the West Bank (they are already 100% out of Gaza). Let the Palestinians form their state under zero contraints. Does that get peace for the Palestinians? Even survival?

Unless they could then come to terms with the Israelis how do they manage. Would be TOTALLY CLOSED borders just like any other situation with hostile neighboring states. Zero movement of supplies or people via Israel. And a STATE is obligated to prevent attacks across its borders with the attacked state having the choice to offere restraint or consider it war. Do you imagine that even allowed to rearm the Palestinians would have a chance in that war? Or that the Israelis would necessarily choose to reoccupy? (and so have responsibility for the survival of the civilian population).

Sadly, the price of Plaestinian independence without a settlement of terms with Israel is "civil war" because the Israelis can make that the price for restraint. As civil war within a community is worse than just about anything else, we need to consider that the lack of progress might be that just about nobody on either side of this conflict can visaulize a better outcome than the horrible stalemate of the present.

That, BTW, is why some interpret the call for "peace for the Palestinians" as equivalent to a call for the non-existence of the Israelis. There isn't an obvious other way that they could have peace and the problem is within their own community perhaps as much as the fault of the Israelis. For the Israelis to JUST stop occupying/oppressing them does not appear to be enough.



29.08.2010 20:02

I was under the naive impression that Gaza had a border with Egypt. The West Bank has a border with Jordan - indeed, was once part of Jordan. No problem then, is there?


Re: solution (but WOULD it?)

29.08.2010 20:19

"That, BTW, is why some interpret the call for "peace for the Palestinians" as equivalent to a call for the non-existence of the Israelis. There isn't an obvious other way that they could have peace and the problem is within their own community perhaps as much as the fault of the Israelis. For the Israelis to JUST stop occupying/oppressing them does not appear to be enough."


The chances of Israel withdrawing from the occupied areas without an agreement with the Palestinean Authority and its Arab neighbours is beyond remote, so I don't quite understand your post.

A withdrawal to 1967 borders would see Israel recognized by the Arab nations and very litle support for any group in Palestine that wanted more than this.

The chances of Israel agreeing tto withdraw to 1967 borders is IMHO unfortunately very low.


why not end the Israeli state

29.08.2010 20:23

I mean its not like a real country anyway, it was basically stolen from the Palestinians by the British.


one of them insurance rat creatures from the telly
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

Yes, Egypt and Jordan

29.08.2010 20:33

But "cartographer", do you remember the history? The Palestinians didn't get much useful help from the Egyptians and Jordanians 1949-1967. In fact, the Jordanians killed more Palestinians putting down one of their uprisings than the Israelis have done in total.

That's the sad reality for the Palestinians. They aren't going to get favors from the Egyptians and the Jordanians and they know it. Likely to get as much (possibly more) from their enemy, the Israelis. I think THAT is why we are bogged down.


Odd thing really, MDN

29.08.2010 21:29

We get all these demos outside the Israeli Embassy but none outside the Egyptian or Jordanian. Why is that, I wonder?


Why not end the israeli state?

29.08.2010 22:46

Yes, indeed. It might be a little inconvenient that there are a few million people there who don't wanted to be 'ended', but I'm sure you'll find a final solution for that.


end the state

29.08.2010 23:42

not the people

meercat revival

all a bit wrong

29.08.2010 23:49

if i was to take over your land and build houses for my friends and family....

stolen land

Nice ideas but

30.08.2010 08:04

End the state, not the people. Nice slogan, pity about the reality. The government in Israel is probably the only one that is elected by full democratic elections. The people there want things as they are - and they're prepared to fight to keep them that way.

And yes, taking over people's land is wrong. About twelve million people were dispossessed by Stalin just two years before Israel was founded. Not a peep on Indymedia. Tibet, anyone? In terms of numbers of people displaced, the Arab/Israel conflict is a fleabite compared with what's happened elsewhere. But people do seem to get rather obsessive about it.


what a funny thread

30.08.2010 11:31

"About twelve million people were dispossessed by Stalin just two years before Israel was founded. Not a peep on Indymedia."


"The government in Israel is probably the only one that is elected by full democratic elections."

We had one of them recently, not that it got the people, so to speak, anything more than status quo.

party fears

Funny? Hilarious

30.08.2010 12:04

Lol = laughing out loud. So the dispossession of twelve million people is amusing? No wonder it's such a funny thread.

And the last election gave us the 'status quo'. Well, perhaps that's what people wanted. Perhaps not you, but we're not all so solipsist as to think that the only opinion that matters is one's own.


here here Cartographer

30.08.2010 14:39

Zionists with no sense of humor, like you and me, should set up our own news website where we can claim the moral high ground over these peace loving morons.
What is wrong with stealing peoples land and bombing the shit out of them anyway?
Get a life lefties, we've got the U.S. on our side were as you have, freedom, justice, love, public opinion, intelligence............oops.

Ordnance Survey
mail e-mail:


30.08.2010 15:25

who sez I'm a Zionist? and when did I say stealing people's land was right?


Israel a Democracy - Cartographer

30.08.2010 16:27

" The people there want things as they are - and they're prepared to fight to keep them that way."

Depends which people, Israeli citizens or the citizens in the land over which Israel has control!

A good article on Israeli democracy:

"And yes, taking over people's land is wrong. About twelve million people were dispossessed by Stalin just two years before Israel was founded. Not a peep on Indymedia. Tibet, anyone? In terms of numbers of people displaced, the Arab/Israel conflict is a fleabite compared with what's happened elsewhere. But people do seem to get rather obsessive about it."

Might have to check but I don't think indymedia was around during Stalins reign, and I don't think you'll find to many stalinists to support him or his actions.

Tibet does get mentioned on a regular basis.



30.08.2010 17:07

To put it another way, they're both prepared to fight - which is one of the current problems.

No, Indymedia wasn't around when Stalin was, but then it wasn't around when Israel was created either. Doesn't stop people obsessing on one and ignoring the other.

Tibet was last mentioned on the 14th of June - more than two moths ago. Put Tibet into SEARCH and you'll find it mentioned once in 2010. Never in 2009. Number 2 was in June 2008.

So much for 'regular'.
