true or false
barry lindsey ( not a pseudonym) | 29.08.2010 11:41
to all whom having conspired again me,and falsified the trueth
constant unfounded allegation,unlawfull manipulation of rent aqccount.
unlawfull practises in county court.
unlawfull actions of solicitor,whom have changed document ,from my accussor,
consparacy,corruption in social housing.
my solicitor being funded by my accussors; conflict of interest;.
constant unfounded allegation,unlawfull manipulation of rent aqccount.
unlawfull practises in county court.
unlawfull actions of solicitor,whom have changed document ,from my accussor,
consparacy,corruption in social housing.
my solicitor being funded by my accussors; conflict of interest;.
barry lindsey ( not a pseudonym)
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