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true or false

barry lindsey ( not a pseudonym) | 29.08.2010 11:41

to all whom having conspired again me,and falsified the trueth
constant unfounded allegation,unlawfull manipulation of rent aqccount.
unlawfull practises in county court.
unlawfull actions of solicitor,whom have changed document ,from my accussor,
consparacy,corruption in social housing.
my solicitor being funded by my accussors; conflict of interest;.

i challenge you all would you take a poligraph test,
99.8 accurate

i have no fear of the truth have you .?????

barry lindsey ( not a pseudonym)
- e-mail:


Display the following 12 comments

  1. Who the fuck are you? — Fat Kid
  2. lolwut? — roddes
  3. another comment here - looks like dispute with council/landlord — anon
  4. Care in the Community has failed by the looks — Fat Kid
  5. Even worse are foul mouthed fat children — Jim
  6. Polygraph — Sim1
  7. coward in our community — barry lindsey
  8. our troop fighting ;bringing civilisation — barry lindsey ( not a pseudonym)
  9. That clears it all up then... — Fat Kid
  10. FAT BOY — barry lindsey ( not a pseudonym)
  11. LOOK ON THIS SITE — barry lindsey ( not a pseudonym)
  12. LOOK ON THIS SITE — barry lindsey ( not a pseudonym)