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US to Lebanon: Israel can completely destroy Lebanese Army within four hours

dandelion salad | 27.08.2010 18:27 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Other Press | Sheffield | World

A senior US advisor has threatened Lebanese army commander, Jean Qahwaji that should his army initiate additional fire exchanges with Israel, the Israeli army "would completely destroy the Lebanese army’s bases, centers and offices within four hours".

map of locations bombed by Israel during its war on Lebanon, 24-26 July 2006
map of locations bombed by Israel during its war on Lebanon, 24-26 July 2006

US to Lebanon: Israel can completely destroy Lebanese Army within four hours

[propaganda alert]

1) US to Lebanon: Israel can completely destroy Lebanese Army within four hours (27 August 2010)

2) Lebanon’s president: The Lebanese army is called upon to stand in the face of the lurking Israeli enemy (1 August 2010)

from the archives:

3) Israeli Deputy Prime Minister: Israel’s improved technological capabilities can be used for a war on Gaza, for a war on Lebanon, for a war on Syria, and also for war on Iran (10 May 2010)

4) Israeli minister: Another war with Lebanon is inevitable (23 January 2010)

5) Israeli general: The next war with Hizbullah will end in four or five days, with a decisive victory for Israel (11 December 2008)


excerpt from: US Advisor Says Israel Can Destroy Lebanon Army within 4 Hours: Al-Liwa’a

Al-Manar TV, 27 August 2010

A senior advisor to US special envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell has threatened Lebanese army commander, Jean Qahwaji that should his army initiate additional fire exchanges with Israel, the Israeli occupation army would annihilate his military within four hours, Lebanese newspaper al-Liwa’a reported Friday.

According to the report, Frederick Hof spoke to Qahwaji on August 9, following the deadly border skirmish between Israel and Lebanon and informed him of the Israeli army contingency plan.

The report further quotes Mitchell’s aide as telling the Lebanese commander that Israel had decided to carry out a plan “which would completely destroy the Lebanese army’s bases, centers and offices within four hours.”


excerpts from: Address of H.E.General Michel Sleiman President of the Republic of Lebanon at the Sixty-Fifth Graduation Ceremony of Officers

Presidency of the Republic of Lebanon website, 1 August 2010

” [The Lebanese army is] called upon to stand in the face of the lurking Israeli enemy and bury the strife that the latter plans for as an alternative to waging a revenge war and in an attempt to topple our democratic experience which contradicts the philosophy of the usurper enemy. […]

[We] strived to ward off external aggression, namely through our commitment to United Nations Security Council resolution 1701, to seek to compel Israel to fully implement all its provisions, […]

The Lebanese Army and the Internal Security Forces have succeeded to dismantle dozens of Israeli spying networks aiming at destabilizing the country. […]

In addition to that, we have brought the Lebanese case of confronting Israeli aggressions and threats before international forums and the United Nations Security Council in particular at which we won a non-permanent seat, while retaining our right to liberate or retrieve all our occupied territories through all legitimate and available means. […]

[I] call upon all citizens, no matter their confession, denomination, or beliefs, to listen to no other but the voice of wisdom and reason and not to be dragged by any form of provocation or violence, and thus the Israeli enemy would not be given the chance to rejoice at our internal front weakening or at any of our division or disparity.”

[President of Lebanon Michel Sleiman, speech at the Sixty-Fifth Graduation Ceremony of Officers, 1 August 2010]


from the archives:,7340,L-3887486,00.html

excerpts from: Ya’alon: Israel capable of attacking Iran

Ynetnews. 10 May 2010

“There is no doubt that the [improved] technological capabilities […] can be used for a war on terror in Gaza, for a war in the face of rockets from Lebanon, for war on the conventional Syrian army, and also for war on a peripheral state like Iran.”

[Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Ya’alon, speech to the “Air Power and the Challenges of Israel” conference, Herzliya, Israel, 10 May 2010]


Minister Yossi Peled: Military conflict with Lebanon is inevitable

Jerusalem Post, 23 January 2010

“A military conflict with Lebanon is inevitable. [...] Without a doubt we are heading for another round (of fighting) in the North. No one knows when, but it’s clear that it will happen.”

[Israeli Minister Yossi Peled, Beersheba, 23 January 2010]


Security and Defense: Preparing for a possible confrontation with Hizbullah

by Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post, 11 December 2008

To prepare for another possible war with Hizbullah, the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] has also drawn up operational plans that it believes will succeed in ending the battle – with a clear and decisive victory – in four or five days, not like last time [i.e. Israel's war on Lebanon in July 2006] .

"No village will be immune [...] " [said a senior Israeli general].


related link:

Beirut wants Iran to equip Lebanon Army

Press TV, 24 August 2010


dandelion salad
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US to Lebanon: Israel can completely destroy Lebanese Army within four hours

27.08.2010 18:46

Sayyed Nasrallah - Hariri assassination evidence expose - Full press conference (updated with transcript)

The Vineyard of the Saker, 13 August 2010

Editorial note from Vineyard of the Saker:

I urge you all to take the time to sit down and watch the 2,5 hour long presentation. It is a quite fascinating expose of Israeli operations in Lebanon, it features intercepts by Hezbollah of Israeli UAV flying over Lebanon and it gives some most interesting prospects on what the murder of Rafik Hariri was supposed to achieve.

This is also, arguably, the first "psychological" phase of the upcoming war on Iran. The USA and Israel are quite possibly trying to create chaos in Lebanon via the promised indictment of Hezbollah officials by the special UN tribunal which is likely to bring down the current Lebanese government and possibly result in some serious tensions inside Lebanon making it easier for the Empire to isolate Hezbollah and "defend democracy", by force if needed.

Lastly, the corporate media is trying its best to distract the world away from this press conference. Yet another good reason to watch it.


Video of Sayyed Nasrallah's press conference on 9 August 2010:


Full transcript of Sayyed Nasrallah's press conference on 9 August 2010:

Vineyard of the Saker


27.08.2010 23:38

And will they listen? Probably not. More the fool them.
Its the same with all these countries. Like iran trying to act like the bigman.
The west could flatten them in 2 seconds if they wanted.

I honestly think these countries are too dumb to realise their weapons are shit


Israel looking to ignite new war against Lebanon (by Latuff)

28.08.2010 00:42

Israel looking to ignite new war against Lebanon
Israel looking to ignite new war against Lebanon

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

High resolution version for printing purposes:

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4 hours? what about when Israel went toe to toe with lebanon

28.08.2010 12:49

4 Hours what a bunch of idiots. Last time Israel tried to take on some boys and girls from Lebanon in 2006 they got their arses kicked by Hizbollah and in the 1980's when Israel invaded it took 2 decades and ended up with Israel retreating with it's tails between it legs. Why is it they can do it in 4 hours now when the last 2 tries ended in Israeli defeat?


history, best focused through attitude

31.08.2010 09:56

And of course Eygpt, where they were destroyed by the migty Eygptian air force, trampled by their army and smashed forever the zionist dream....

Oh sorry wrong version.....

out numbered approx 3 to 1 took the soviet puppet and hidiously evil Eygptian forces apart in around 6 days. Biggest armed force in the middle east downed in 6 days.

Never back people into a corner or give them nowhere to retreat to. and of course try not to attack people who have been fighting for existance for 2000 years, they get cranky


Lebanon files complaint to UN over Israeli spy networks

03.09.2010 17:19

Lebanon has filed a complaint to the United Nations over spy networks planted by Israel in the country, in the first such move against the Jewish state.

Lebanon's U.N. ambassador, Nawaf Salam, delivered copies of the complaint to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and current president of the Security Council, Turkish ambassador Ertugrul Apakan.

The complaint, which was prepared by the foreign ministry, said the spy networks "constitute an aggression on Lebanon and on its sovereignty and a clear violation of international resolutions, particularly resolution 1701."

The letter also said that the spy networks had carried out assassinations and spied on high-ranking Lebanese personalities, including President Michel Suleiman.

It added that the spies have also monitored phone calls and forged official documents.

A list comprising the names of more than 100 people who have been convicted or accused of spying for Israel was enclosed with the complaint.

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