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JB Spray: eviction imminent (Notts IMC + Supporter) | 26.08.2010 18:24

The JB Spray squat in Radford were expecting eviction on the morning of Wednesday August 25th. Two County Court employees and two police turned up at around 10am along with around 20 supporters of the squatters. They were also accompanied by 2 employees of Portable Buildings Limited, the company which is employed to manage the building. After some initial inspection and drawing a map of entrances they gave up. A call to the bailiffs revealed that another eviction attempt is imminent in the next few days.

On the newswire JB Spray squat, resistance is still strong | No eviction at the Spray Squat .... yet! The pics | Resistance at the gate. JB Spray Squat | No eviction at the Spray this morning | URGENT: JB Spray eviction Wed 10am

Previous features: JB Spray: Ready to resist eviction | Squatters Retake Nottingham's JB Spray Factory | Spring Into Action Now! | J B Spray Building Occupied / Evicted / Reoccupied

The Spray has been occupied since May 2009. The former lace factory, which was empty and unused for many years, has been occupied and used for social and community purposes a number of times in the past. On previous occasions squatters were evicted quickly. This is the first time that people have been able to settle and make a proper home in the building.

The government admits to a total number of 62,528 vacant dwellings in the East Midlands, with almost half of these being vacant for more than 6 months. The JB Spray Factory has, in between periods of squatting, been vacant for years. The owners have left the listed building to rot.

The squatters are calling for people to come and support people who are making good use of an empty building rather than greedy landlords who just want to make a profit! (Notts IMC + Supporter)