Buying Israeli Goods is Funding Apartheid (Fresh artwork by Latuff))
Latuff | 25.08.2010 22:38 | University Occupations for Gaza | Palestine | Terror War | World
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against US backed IsraHell's state terror.
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---Israeli Zionist Project is a Supreme International War Crime---
26.08.2010 16:06
The anti-fascist fighters are the one mostly responsible for these arrangements for a liberation of the world and its peoples. Israel was formed from the start by the Israeli Zionist Project in collaboration with the British Imperialist Empire, which had taken over Palestine after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. This beginning was in the opening years of the twentieth century. The League of Nations in its security council allowed the British Imperialists to declare themselves the Protectorate of Palestine which was fully occupied with British Imperial troops, to police the Palestinian indigenous peoples.
With the fall of Nazis Germany and the Horrors of the Holocaust, the call for a Jewish Homeland became a huge driving force and a long sought final solution to the Jewish Qiestion which was a thorn in the European Imperial-Feudal Side for centuries, and a sore central point of European rascist discrimination set in motion by the Aggressive warmongering Imperial Empires. Hence once again the Zionist Euro-Centric Imperial Project was re-newed with a vengence. Since the European states did not want the remaining Jews after the Holocaust, there arose the need again to find them a Homeland.
This we must remind ourselves is because the Jewish People in their religion are basically anti-war, and believe as Jesus did in opposing the unjust wars of the Imperial Slaveholders Empire. In short then, in desperation the Zionist Euro-Centric Project begun aggressively to look towards Palestine for a return version of a state gone for thousands of years. Nothing of this project can be blamed on the innocent Palestinian People fully indigenous to the region. It was the Zionist Imperialists, and the British Imperialists after the rejection of the jewish refugees, who collaborated to form the Imperialist aggression that launched the Israeli State in 1948.
This was done not by consent of the Palestinian Peoples but by aggressive war, and masacres, and the outright theft of Palestinian lands and villages. With over 700,000 Palestinian refugees forced by military aggression to flee their homeland.
The United Nations did not allow for this initial war crime, a full recognition and would not seat Israel unless Israel would allow the right of return of the Palestinians to their homes and lands in Palestine. Only on that condition was Israel allowed to conditionally sit in the United Nations with its borders to be reached by collective agree of the people of Palestine (UN general assembly) and the illegal occupiers of the Zionist Imperialist Project, and the worlds people sitting in General Assembly. Trouble is the U.S.A. and the other Imperialists sitting and controlling the security council had a veto over the entire majority democracy of all the nations peoples in the world. The worlds peoples have spoken and condemned the aggression against the Palestinian peoples and passed resolution after resolution in the general assembly against the unjust war, and illegal violence done by Imperialist Zionist Israel. However, the U.S.A. has lost the world's peoples democracy by using its veto over every move to condemn the illegal aggression done by Imperialist Israel.
The anti-fascist covenants such as the Nuremburg Trials (1945) chaired by the U.S. Judge Jackson wrote into international law that the planning and doing of aggressive war is the supreme international war crime on the planet earth, as it actuates all other crimes high, low, big and small, and set off a reactionary chain reaction throughout the planet. He further says that it is the supreme international crime whether Germany does it or the U.S.A. does it.
Bush and Obama have thrown out the Palestinian claims of the United Nations for the 'right of return of the Palestinians'. They have denighed the democracy of the collective aggreement of the general assembly that the Israeli aggressors must get take their troops out of 'occupied Palestine' and assemble behind the green line which is the starting line of Israel before the unjust aggressive war, and illegal violence launched in 1967 against the Neighboring Arab States.
That is, the Imperialist camp in the United Nations has colluded to disallow the majority democracy of the Charter, Created and raison-d'-etre of the entire United Nations. Reparations and collective agree must be reached in the middle east and it must be on the basis of a just peace and with the well-beingness of the ecological green organic balance of the plants, animals, and peoples, as well as the well-beingness of the air, land, and water.
This is being denighed by the Imperialist powers who are egging Israel on to war against Iran and support the unjust wars and illegal violence of their Imperialist garanteers, the head of world Imperialism, the U.S. Imperialist state. Such arrangements are overthrowing the entire anti-fascist side and disallowing the peoples the just peace and happiness that the second world war portended for the whole world. War, after war, after war, is the method of fasicist imperialism in deciding the way of nations to settle disputes. Might does not make right, Unilalteralism does not allow collective agree as democracy, and Pre-emptive strikes are plainly illegal. All these discredited methods of the axis powers have again been taken-up by Israel, Britain, the U.S. Imperialists and their flunkies throughout the Imperial ruled world.
The Geneva Conventions of war, the Nuremburg Trials, the United Nations Charter (to make war a long distant memory), the world court of the Hague ( the Israeli Apartheid Wall is an illegal land grab of Palestinian land, and must be taken down), All these anti-fascist organizations have been discarded and the Israeli's given free hand to do as their new reich feel like doing. In a word Israel rather than being a democracy, and rather than choosing the side that lives in peace with its neighbors has from the beginning practiced military aggression against the local indigenous peoples and its Arab neighbours. Its latest SEIGE OF GAZA, AND ASSAULT ON THE FREE GAZA FLOATILA is but a small event in the whole system of massacres and killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians since its founding in 1948, and represents the Isareli Zionist Project completly, which from its start collaborated with the Nazis side, and in its project declares ethnic cleansing, a nazis war crime, as its method and pactice which is on-going it says until only Jews will dwell in Israel, the land stolen by unjust war, and illegal violence.
My purpose here is to expose the war crimes of Imperialism and call again, before its too late for the liberation programe of all the worlds' people to scrap the war machine and thusly to a more fully freedom for the people. Imperialism is guilty of restoring the axis powers to their aggressive positions again throughout the world by selling WMD- weapons of mass destruction, to all sides for money, not freedom or democracy. In that sense the jewish people are as much victims of Imperialist aggression as the rest of the worlds' peoples.