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Disgusting, racist attack caught on film

A Man | 25.08.2010 18:30

This footage is hard to watch, it shows a group of fascists attacking an innocent person just because of his race.

This is a common sight in French cities because of the lefts inability to react to fascism.

This is hard to watch and proves just why we need to oppose Islamic facism in the United Kingdom before it takes a strangle hold here like it has in France.

Large parts of France are now no-go areas for non-muslims with attacks like this happening every week.

A Man


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rising to the bait

26.08.2010 00:34

I don't know what you are.

If the far right have anything in common it is to describe 'black people' beating 'white people' as a racist attack. Maybe it is, I don't know or care...

Perhaps you could provide us with some more details....

o defender of the white race.


not really.

26.08.2010 00:55

It shows a mob horifically attacking one guy, I can't tell what race any of them are from the video, oh and not every mob handed attack of one group or race angainst one is rascist, I once saw an attack with similar verosity on a black guy, it was over a girl. The background to this is vital, you can't post an ambiguous video, and use it as reasoning that Islam is evil.... nice try though.

fly poster

I smell the smell of an EDL troll

26.08.2010 01:50

"Islamic facism" - it's funny how you EDL trolls use such misplaced rhertoric so frequently. Facism is an ideology which employs tactics of demonisation, scapegoating and intollerance. In Hitlers day, it was the Jews, gays and Gypsies who were demonised. In current times, Muslims are constantly attacked, by both the mainstream media, political 'leaders' and radical right-wing nutters like yourself. By furthering the cause of Islamophobia, you are direclty contributing to the progress of a creeping fascism in our society.

Muslims are the new Jews dont you know.
