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ENA, Brighton Bank Holiday Monday, Flier for counter mobilization

Brighton Anti Fascists | 25.08.2010 11:06 | Anti-racism | South Coast

The English Nationalist Alliance are hoping to march in Brighton on the August Bank Holiday Monday. The ENA are a fascist group who are trying to impose their far right idea of English identity on us all. Their stand on muslims is 'to send the bastards home cos we haven't got the room'. The march in Brighton, 2 days after the EDL hold their demonstration in Bradford, is to protest against 'the anti English activity in the area'' by ''militant students'', ''socialists'', ''anti war activists'' and ''attacks on industry by supporters of Palestinian Militants''.

We are a broad group from the local area and beyond who are are calling for a counter mobilization to show the ENA that their fascists views are not welcome on our streets and to stop them from marching in Brighton.

Bellow is a pdf copy of the flier for the counter mobilization. Please distribute widely.

Brighton Anti Fascists
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gas nazis

25.08.2010 19:28

kill the fascists

anti fash

ENA Sieg Heiling in London

25.08.2010 21:22

ENA Sieg Heiling in London

EDL supporting BNP, KKK, Combat 18

EDL Openly Display Guns and Knives

The photo shows EDL Sieg Heiling in Dudley

Juice Bar

Who Ate All The Bratwursts!

27.08.2010 15:31

Would-be Adolf Hitler with a Beer Belly...

Same fuhrer-worshipping loser who was snapped in that Swansea beer garden pic, as part of the WDL.


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