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B&K Universal fails to get planning permission.

Saphire& | 24.08.2010 17:56 | Animal Liberation

Hull-based B&K Universal, has now been bought out by New York based Marshall Farms (also trade as Marshall Bioresources)

Controversial vivisection breeder, Hull-based B&K Universal, bought out by New York based Marshall Farms (also trade as Marshall Bioresources) has failed to get planning permission to expand their disgusting business.

Activists demand that Marshall's take the hint cease their unnecessary trade.

The take-over has recently occurred, with B&K management resigning including Gerrald Christopher Bantin and others. It is likely that the company will now be put into administration and re-named as part of the growing Marshall Bioresources Europe, who also have a beagle breeding facility in Paris and Italy.

However, Marshall is more well known in the states for it's sister company, Marshall Pet Products who breed and sell ferrets to pet shops across the states.

B&K Universal are one of the few remaining commercial breeders of animals
for experimentation in the UK. Breeding dogs and rodents for labs, B&K
supply companies across the UK and Europe with animals to torture and kill
in barbaric experiments. Primates can also be obtained by the firm.
Controversial Huntingdon Life Sciences are one of B&K's customers.

B&K formerly acted as the UK broker of beagles for the New York station, shipping them in through Manchester International Airport as it was cheaper to do so. It is unknown if the beagle breeding side of the company at Grimston, Hull, will be closed down as it is likely to be more expensive than just flying the animals into the UK. For this reason, however, B&K may just become a holding station for larger animals, opposed to the current breeding station it is.

Campaigns have vowed to carry on campaigning at the company until they close their doors, whatever the name.



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  1. What planning application? — Mystery