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Stop the deportation of 26 year old Raba Hamad to Iraq

anon | 24.08.2010 17:24 | Iraq | Migration | Social Struggles | World

Stop the deportation of Raba Hamad to Iraq. It is likely he wil be killed if he is deported to Iraq. He is 16 years old, has no money and will not be able to cope or survive if deported. We have pasted the information from a facebook page made in support of Raba Hamad. See below for details.

deport 16 year old Rabar Hamad to IraqCategory:Common Interest - Beliefs & CausesDescription:Rabar Hamad Must Stay

Help us fight the forced repatriation of Rabar Hamad to Iraq, where both his parents were murdered. He has been told that as of the 5/8/10 he will be homeless and have no money.

Rabar Hamad is 16. He was forced to flee Iraq following the murder of both parents in an explosion targeted deliberately at his home., leaving behind Pawar, his nine year old sister. Pawar is now hidden in Iraq and he has had no contact with her for 2 years. He arrived in the UK after a long journey hidden near the wheel arch of a truck. On arrival, aged 15, he was age assessed by a social worker as an adult and lived in a hostel for a year with no understanding of English and unable to read any of the Home Office papers which arrived or to properly feed himself.Following a tribunal hearing , he was then correctly age assessed as a minor by a doctor and placed in a children’s home where he has thrived. However, Wigan Social Services failed to notify the Home Office of his change of address and he was judged to be an absconder. The social worker and her line manager who did this no longer work at Wigan! A representative from Wigan suggested this may be to do with incompetence. Because of the confusion, the Home Office have said all his evidence is unreliable. Anyone meeting Rabar would know he is not 20, as claimed by the Home Office. He is a sweet, kind and quiet boy with many friends at school. he is talented in football, having trialled for Fulham and Bury. He had almost no education before entering the UK and now is working on GCSEs including English. He recently achieved a pass in a piece of course work on Macbeth. No easy task. If he is returned to Iraq his life would be in danger. At school he has made huge progress and is now doing GCSEs.

You an help by signing the online petition at

Please help in any way you can. Spread this out and send messages of support to Rabar on here. I will print them off and take them to him. He is very depressed and needs your help. Also if you would like to, you can post notes or cards to Rabar Hamad c/o Breeze Hill School, Roxbury Avenue, Oldham OL4 5JE Thanks


Please return completed paper petitions: Rabar Hamad Must Stay c/o 55 Den Lane, Springhead, Oldham, OL4 4NN (read less)
Rabar Hamad Must Stay

Help us fight the forced repatriation of Rabar Hamad to Iraq, where both his parents were murdered. He has been told that as of the 5/8/10 he will be homeless and have no money.

Rabar Hamad is 16. He was forced to flee Iraq following the murder of both parents in an explosion targeted deliberately at his home., leaving behind Pawar, his nine year old sister. Pawar is now hidden in Iraq and he has had no contact with her for 2 years. He arrived in the UK after a long... (read more)Privacy type:Open: All content is public.
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Good luck!

24.08.2010 21:32

I'm sick of hearing acounts of incompetent social workers and uncaring solicitors leaving so many desperate asylum seekers faced with deportation, after shoddy case preparation and with too little time to appeal etc. You can tell it's not their own lives on the line.. I know there are really good, caring people trying their best to help, but it seems to me that they seem to be the unpaid and wonderful volunteers and not the workers actually being paid to do the job.
I wish this boy good luck.


Politics in a state school

25.08.2010 10:40

I shall be writing to the council about someone using a school's postal address for a matter of a political nature.

Most taxpayers do not expect their schools to get involved in affairs of this kind.



02.09.2010 09:46

Need to change the title of this post.
