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Booker Bites The Hand That Feeds (grunto) | 23.08.2010 09:42

Strictly speaking the Guardian hack is putting the boot into the American media circus, but many a true word is spoken in jest....

"Clearly these particular Americans have either gone insane or been seriously misled. Where are they getting their information?

"Sixty per cent said they learned it from the media. Which means it's time for the media to give up.

"Seriously, broadcasters, journalists: just give up now. Because either you're making things worse, or no one's paying attention anyway.

"May as well knock back a few Jagermeisters, unplug the autocue, and just sit there dumbly repeating whichever reality-warping meme the far right wants to go viral this week."

(p.s. when following link make sure to re-size your browser window so you don't get brain-washed into buying something you don't need) (grunto)
- Original article on IMC Northern England: