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Oppose the EDL at the Al Quds annual march in London on Sept 4th 2010

anon | 20.08.2010 22:53 | Anti-racism | Palestine | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

The English Defence League are a racist, Islamophobic & Zionist organisation who have recruited Nazis to start a race war against all Muslims. They have rioted in Stoke, Luton, Dudley, Bolton, Newcastle, Aylesbury... and now want to disrupt the annual Al Quds Day demonstration and march in London march in London on September the 4th 2010..because Muslims will be there. That's the reason really.

The English Defence League London Division and English Defence Youth will be protesting against the annual Al quds Day march in central London because there are Muslims attending. They have said that it's an offiical EDL London / EDY event.

The EDL will protest at just about anything involving Muslims. They have claimed that they are "just against Islamic extremism" but their words and actions prove otherwise...they are against all Muslims. They have claimed that they oppose some of the speakers at Al Quds day but would protest anyway as this is a predominantly Muslim demonstraion and day. They tried to disrupt it last year. They and other Islamophobes / people with a Zionist agenda have attacked the Al Quds day speakers and made allegations about Iran. Iran support Hamas. The EDL oppose Palestine and support Israel which explains that one.

The EDL have recruited Combat 18, the BNP, Blood & Honour, Anarchist Nationalists, NF etc into their war on Islam. They are inextricably linked with Zionists described as Kahanists. They have placed pigs heads on mosques, attacked Muslim women, tried to stop mosques being built and have tried to stop existing Mosques do repair or refurbishmnet work. Their agenda against Muslims is no different or better than what Hitler did to the Jews and most Jews do not support the EDL. The EDL have extremist Sikh support [Guramit Singh...Sareeta etc] but are not supported by most Sikhs. The EDL helped form a Hindu Defence League to join with them which was messed up when EDL rank and file trashed a Hindu Temple in Dudley. The EDl are extremist nutcases who lie through their teeth. Pictured here with EDL is the EDL says "Islamophobic And Proud" and is displayed by many EDL.

Stop the EDL!

Al Quds Day demonstration and march starts at 2pm Marble Arch central London. Nearest tube Marble Arch.



Hide the following 20 comments

Maybe not.

20.08.2010 23:43

Nah, got better things to do.

Aren't you bored with this yet? Must be really crap spending your whole life in front of a computer in a dark room spamming Indymedia.

Still, you know what they say, if the money's good...?


Google is your freind!

21.08.2010 00:38

On another story on the newswire a story has just been published about the Englander Distractione Lassoo and somebody commented that they are here to stop the English protesting and giving the yanks and Zionista a hard time.

The reaction that follows says it all.

Benyamin Netan-yahoo


21.08.2010 07:18

it`s march for england that arranged the event not the edl, another indymedia mistake


mfe mfi who cares

21.08.2010 08:58

t`s march for england that arranged the event not the edl, another indymedia mistake

why are you here? you clearly hate indymedia yest you are here commenting away. do you believe the best way to stop people protesting is to stop them communicating.

the edl is a cover for foreigners

Jelly baby

To Anon

21.08.2010 11:04

Anon, you said: "I won't claim that "Mohammed teached peace" because Mohammed taught Peace unless one has to defend oneself or ones relatives or Muslim Brothers and Sisters."

So does killing captives count as "defence"

I'll give you an example of Muhammed killing a captive,

Uqba bin Abu Mu’ayt. was a captive put to death, The other captives were ransomed but Ubqba was not

"When the apostle ordered him to be killed, Uqba said, “But who will look after my children, O Muhammad?” “Hell.” The man was put to death. (Ibn Ishaq 458)"

Why did Muhammed kill Uqba bin Abu Mu'ayt?

Because previously, Uqba bin Abu Mu'ayt threw a dead animal at Muhammed

"When the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was lying postrate in prayer and around him were some people from the Quraish, 'Uqba b. Abu Mu'ait brought the foetus of a she-camel and threw it on the back of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). He did not raise his head until Fatima arrived, removed it from his back and cured him who had done that (ugly act). He said: O Allah, it is for Thee to deal with the chiefs of the Quraish. Abu Jahl b. Hisham, 'Utba b. Rabi'a. Uqba b. Abu Mu'ait, Shaiba b. Rabi'a, Umayya b. Khalaf or Ubayy b. Khalaf (Shu'ba, one of the narrator of this tradition is in doubt about the exact person). I saw that all were slain in the Battle of Badr and their dead bodies were thrown into a well, except that of Umayya or Ubayy which was cut into pieces and was thrown into the well."

Anon, is killing captives, a form of defence? If your answer to this is "No" then I believe I have won the argument.

Well because Muslims believe Muhammed to be a perfect man, most Muslims seem to worship Muhammed more than Allah.

No wonder Al-Queda believe they are doing God's work.

Does it matter


21.08.2010 11:36

At the last Al-Quds demo, there was Hezbollah flags. So there is nothing wrong in counter-demonstarting against Al-Quds day.


Mat Silva MfE Admin

21.08.2010 14:32

To correct your incorrect information, March for England are counter protesting this event we are the ones dealing with The Met Police organising the counter protest.
The only reason we have counter protested this event the over the years is groups the Goverment said they would ban sponcer this march and supply speakers. If Hizb ut-Tahrir and Hizbollah where not there nor would we be.
We take no sides in the conflict in the Middle East, we are there to stop extremists marching on our streets.
Mat Silva
March for England
Admin team

Mat Silva MfE Admin

When asked the EDL London Division said they & EDY would be there officially

21.08.2010 16:31

When asked the English Defence League and EDY said that they would be there officially.



21.08.2010 18:05

"We take no sides in the conflict in the Middle East, we are there to stop extremists marching on our streets.
Mat Silva
March for England
Admin team "

You have to understand the problems of the Middle East and the underlying political structure in place that all sides are using to distress the international community in order to prompt effective inaction over what both sides are doing.

If you say you take no sides that has to be read as a rather profound inability to understand this aspect of things.

And have you considered the fact that it is better to allow these 'extremists' (your words not mine) to march on the streets because if you don't allow that, you fundamentally undermine their right to exercise their democratic right to do so, thereby undermining the idea they are extremists. An extremist is unlikely to march out in the open. An extremist picks up the gun as a first action.

Exactly how do you square placing your right to march, above theirs? Exactly who are you to decide who can march on our streets?


stupid question II

21.08.2010 20:18

>>> Exactly how do you square placing your right to march, above theirs? Exactly who are you to decide who can march on our streets?

I guess it is a dismissal. However, I don't see what is wrong with that. People dismiss things all the time. If a beggar comes up to you and says "Give me some of your money.", what do you do? You dismiss (ignore) their demands and continue doing what you want to do.

Who am i to decide who can march on our streets? We don't need someone to give us permission to decide. Most organisations do the same. For instance, the UAF they come out and "stop" the BNP. Who gives them the right decide who marches on our streets? No-one, they just do it anyway.

There is no difference.

i've got a job

Two misses!

21.08.2010 21:39

"Who am i to decide who can march on our streets? We don't need someone to give us permission to decide. Most organisations do the same. For instance, the UAF they come out and "stop" the BNP. Who gives them the right decide who marches on our streets? No-one, they just do it anyway. There is no difference."

And that's evasion.

Try again.


stupid question III

21.08.2010 22:59

No it isn't.

i've got a job

Who am I to decide? Pity that people didn't stop Hitlers men marching

21.08.2010 23:25

Letting these people ahve frre speech and to march....look what happened in Nazi Germany.


Why not oppose both?

22.08.2010 08:58

It is worth adding that Socialists and Anarchists have demonstrated against the Al Quds day march in previous years, alongside Iranian victims of the Ayatollahs.

This march is basically a flag waving event for the Islamic Republic of Iran and their supporters.

Why not oppose it, and the EDL at the same time?

Paul Stott
- Homepage:

Really piss the DEL off...

22.08.2010 16:43

And demand the end of the occupation of Afghanistan.

Then bring the troops home.



22.08.2010 22:42

Quds Day is and has always been about Palestine. Yes it was Ayatullah Khomeini who came up with it some 30 odd years ago, but so what? Even then it was always about Palestine, thats why its called Quds (Jerusalem) Day! Just look at the banners from previous years, none mention Iran. So if you support Palestine join the march, if you oppose Palestinian freedom join the zionists and fascists in the counter-demo. Simple.


Al Quds March Is An Ayatollah's Flag Waving Event

24.08.2010 06:22

I and a few others on the left went down and opposed the 2007 Al Quds day march.

There were far more posters of the Ayatollah Khomeini on the march than anything about the Palestinian cause. We were with several Iranian exiles who were protesting against the event on that basis. One of these exiles became extremely agitated when our photographs were taken by a person who runs a London based Islamist website, who he believes shares his photographs with Iranian intelligence.

You can guess what happens to people who end up in their hands.

If you really want to support the Palestinians, the best thing you can do is keep their cause well away from flag wavers for the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Paul Stott
- Homepage:

@Paul Stott

24.08.2010 14:56

"There were far more posters of the Ayatollah Khomeini on the march than anything about the Palestinian cause"


Let people decide for themselves - just look at coverage from previous years:

Last years demo:

And the year before:

And before that:

You can see all the official placards (tell by their numbers and organsation names on them) are about Palestine. Yes there are one may be two two individuals who have brought their own photos of Ayatollah Khomeini to the demo.

One of the photos on the 2009 demo page (reproduced here) shows the official posters being made -all the captions are about Palestine:

End gaza Siege
Boycott Israel
In defence if Palestine - Al-Quds Day
Right vs Might
Zionism is Racism
Stop funding genocide
end apartheid israel
apartheid - wrong in south africa, wrong in palestine

Also your bit about "One of these exiles became extremely agitated when our photographs were taken.. shares his photographs with Iranian intelligence" is nonsense - any one on a demo gets photographed which all end up on youtube or the net somewhere so if iranian intelligence wanted to bother to see who was on a counter demo against Palestine they would simple look at the net, even indymedia or the so called iranian exiles own blog, or harry place for the photos! Just look at the three pages I highlighted, that had hundreds of photos from the demo and counter demo for all to see.

For those that support Palestine its important to show your support on Al Quds day as its the oldest annual international demonstration in support of Palestine - every year for over 30 years all around the world.


No To The Ayotollahs

27.08.2010 10:51

The year I booed the Al Quds day march, there were far more pictures of Khomeini on the march than any other figure.

I don't recall Malcolm X being mentioned once (the event was a virtually entirely Shia affair)

It tells us much that you so readily dismiss the views of those in London who state they are targeted by Iranian intelligence and that with a straight face you can link to the Inminds site, a site run by a long term Islamic Republic of Iran groupie.

Anyone who supports the Palestinian cause should give Al Quds day a very wide berth.

Paul Stott
- Homepage:


30.08.2010 23:02

You say you opposed the Quds Day demo in 2007 and most of the placards in that demo had Ayatollah Khomeini on them and there was no mention of Malcolm X. Well pretty good coverage of the 2007 demo is given at

Out of 100s of placards I can only see 3 with photos of Ayatollah Khomeini, each is different - suggesting individuals brought them to the demo. The giant blue banner which leads the march and which forms the backdrop to the speeches at the rally has a quote from Malcolm X - 'No one can be at peace unless he has his freedom'.

Yes I link to the inminds site, it has the evidence of your lies unless you are suggesting all their photos are fakes? I trust that site much more than zionist groupies like you. You dont support Palestine so how dare you suggest 'Anyone who supports the Palestinian cause should give Al Quds day a very wide berth'.

This is now better covered at:

@Paul Stott - you are a liar or blind