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Climate camp site taken - people needed NOW!

Nick Martian | 18.08.2010 22:56 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Birmingham | World

The Camp for Climate Action has occupied a site at the headquarters of the Royal Bank of Scotland in Edinburgh.
An urgent message from the process group is appealing for environmental activists to get on site immediately to help defend it.

At 9.15 pm tonight Climate Camp took the site on RBS HQ.
Get on site as fast as you can!
Defence help urgently needed.
Come to RBS Gogarburn Gardens, off Gogar Station Rd.
More info later.

Nick Martian


Display the following 4 comments

  1. Why? — rbsboy
  2. Why — rbsboy
  3. Because. — Grafter
  4. A hint: If Climate Camp made Avatar... — transmitter