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Fascist demonstration in Brighton on August bank holiday

Brighton Anti-fascists | 16.08.2010 21:44 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | South Coast

Call out for a counter mobilisation

On August 30th, bank holiday Monday, two days after the English Defence League are planning to march in Bradford, the English Nationalist Alliance aim to march through the streets of Brighton. The ENA want to impose their nationalist, far right idea of English identity on us all, their approach to Muslims being to “force out these bastards coz we ain't got the room”.
Whereas the English Defence League officially attempt to hide their far right politics, the ENA are open in their attacks on anti-racists, anti-war and anti-arms trade campaigners, anarchists and socialists. In their own words they intend to “protest against the militant students and attacks on industry in the region by Palestinian militants and socialist extremists, to support the English people of the region against the constant anti-English activities in the more support of Palestinian terrorists...militant students need to know their place...”.
We believe that fascists need to know their place, and are calling for a counter mobilisation from all sections of the community to stop them and show that they are not welcome on our streets. Be in Brighton for the morning of the 30th, the ENA demonstration is due to start at 12.30pm. Further information will follow soon, and will be posted on Indymedia.

For further information email us at

Brighton Anti-fascists
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Hide the following 19 comments

ENA scabby doggies, Licking the axxhole of Zionism, what a joke:):):)

17.08.2010 01:25

Should be a laugh turning up to see these rejects of the British class system.
If I can get there I will wear my england football top& some redblack& green, EDL& ENA can fxxk right over the whites cliffs of dover,they shouldnt be allowed to use any flag or what little democracy we have,
scabdogs dont care about the workers, scabdogs dont care british industry,
scabdogs dont care about you or me,
Nihilistic nazoid scum, LOLxx


English Nationalist Alliance Sieg Heiling in London

17.08.2010 09:12

ENA and EDL making Nazi salutes in London -

Near Coastguard

this march should be banned

17.08.2010 09:59

these marches are disgusting, the flag of st George is as offensive as the swastika, it represents the slaughter of innocent muslims during the crusades. the flag of st george is disgusting.

martin smith

the right uses leftist ideas

17.08.2010 10:57

So the right wingers who are commenting on this article (see above) decide to use left wing ideas to make their points. It is 'thought police' to suggest that "defenders" of all-white Christian hegemony are fascist. Although I am, like everyone else, shaking in my boots thinking that Sharia law is just round the corner (it has no better chance than all other attempts to change British law from below), I am not prepared to abandon debate and open exchange of ideas even if it does lead to the ever so likely prospect of me suddenly abandoning my atheistic ideals and becoming a muslim. And if that open exchange of ideas happens to be on the streets of Brighton with provocative marchers parading braindead ideas about what it means to be British then bring it on...

Laughing monkey child

@ martin smith

17.08.2010 11:16

I'm no fan of the st. Georges cross (or any national flag for that matter) but banning marches sets a dangerous precedent. We need to be able to sort this kind of shite out ourselves, without going cap in hand to our masters for protection. What happens when they start banning 'our' marches? Militant, direct opposition on the streets (a good kicking, basically), is what's needed here.

p.s. to the pro EDL numpties: just fuck off please. bored of the trolls now.


What makes you think everyone who opposes Islamic extremism is right wing?

17.08.2010 11:29

What makes you think that everyone who opposes Islamic extremism is right wing! I am not right wing at all and I would class my politics as well left of centre. Like I said it is a thought crime amongst the left, libertarian and anarchist movement to speak out against Islamic extremism. It is an extreme irony that those who claim to hold libetarian beliefs will defend extremist muslims while attacking those who speak out against them like the EDL. The EDL is only right wing in the minds of the politically correct fanatics of the loony left.

Get real


17.08.2010 11:39

All their hard men will have gone to Bradford, and either have been arrested or be at home licking their wounds. Few EDL will do two demos on one weekend 250 miles away from each other.

It'll be Bill Baker (aka William Richard, William Richard Baker, 'Grant Mitchell') and some of the older loons.

Yeah, they're not a nice bunch. But they're hardly worth the trouble.

Another Brightonite

edl brighton

17.08.2010 12:02

there are going to be a few bdl members on the march, ones that cant make the 300mile hike to bradford, listening to their chatter from the locals, theres defently evidence who they are and what they are like well at the mo i don't know except for a "peter panayi" who's a local and "liam hudson" the same.....

mr smelly and unwashed

brighton has a large anti fascist community

17.08.2010 12:33

why are these fascists coming to brighton, they have no support here. if the edl or the ena come here they will get smashed off the streets, go and push your fascist crap and nazi ideas elsewhere,

sussex anti fash

every religion is shit

17.08.2010 13:44

every religion is a hate religion and on top of that ENA is coming to Brighton to peddle their shit about who can be British and who cannot and to show us, "socialists extremeists" where is our place. Well, looks like we will show them where is their place- in a fucking gutter!


Who's organising for Bradford?

17.08.2010 18:48

Brighton do have a large anti-fascist community. I really hope some of them make it to Bradford on the Saturday and don't get sidetracked into organising for this much smaller local demonstration. Especially as the numbers on their 'England United' march will depend on what happens in Bradford.

A side issue but I don't see much point in making the distinction between ENA and EDL - who organised it won't make a difference in terms of the politics of who turns up. EDL people have discussed the Brighton demo on their forums. The ENA organised to join the Zionist counter-demo at Ahava just over two weeks ago, subsequently people under an EDL banner turn up in numbers. Its the same nasty racists who come crawling out of the woodwork when this sort of demo is planned that need to be confronted, whatever the slightly differing lines on the groups' websites.



18.08.2010 12:35

they announced gathering point- 12.30 railway station (as predicted )


Brighton and Bradford

18.08.2010 14:01

There's already infighting going on with some of the EDL pissed off with ENA over this, saying they're detracting from the 'big one' in Bradford.

To be honest, Bill Baker is organising this march more because he's pissy about students and the perceived threat of socialism. Yeah the rest of the time he hates Islam, but it's not the real focus of this march. Back after the March for England parade in April him and his groups were going on about coming back to Brighton to get-back at the UAF et al over the counter demo... this is what they're doing now. Lots of the EDL can't be arsed with this, because Brighton isn't seen as an important area for them. The Brighton EDL has about 15-20 members who are actually local, the rest are all supporters from other divisions.


Neo-Nazi Troll HQ!

19.08.2010 12:46

I've just found out where the EDL orgtanise most of their Indymedia trolling (that not co-ordinated through VNN or Stormfront): -

This link tells people to post here on this particular thread! They are so thick!


Toilet Troll

Why don't we have something like...

27.08.2010 09:03

@ Martin Smith
I grew up in NI and i understand the problems that marches bring, but i think there is a part solution, The parades commission. It's true you can't start banning marches because you just feed their fires and make them underground and worse. I would rather know when they are marching and where so i can protest then they turn-up out of the blue and no one can react in time. Weirdly bureaucracy is probably gonna pay in our favour against them, make them have to be open about who, why, what , where, route, times, limiting what they can say, if they can even make speaches....


Muslims in Brighton need defending too....

28.08.2010 23:42



"Martin smith" and "Get real" comments posted by EDL troll Jeff Marsh

30.08.2010 08:37

The "martin smith" and "Get real" comments above were posted by EDL troll Jeff Marsh.

As to the specific content of the EDL's trolling "What makes you think that everyone who opposes Islamic extremism is right wing"? We don't! Left-wing groups like Southall Black Sisters and Women Against Fundamentalism have been opposing Islamic fundamentalism for decades before EDL wankers tried to jump on the band-wagon; and, speaking of right-wingers, BNP chairman Nick Griffin originally SUPPORTED colonel Gaddafi's terrorist regime in Libya, supported the Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamo-Fascist regime in Iran, and supported the black racist leader Louis Farrakhan's group The Nation of Islam.

The photos are of EDL Nazi Wayne Baldwin in Bradford, and "relaxing" with friends


EDL Nazi Wayne Baldwin in Bradford

30.08.2010 08:40

EDL Nazi Wayne Baldwin photographed in Bradford, and "relaxing" with friends


EDL Sieg Heiling in Bradford

30.08.2010 08:42

EDL Sieg Heiling in Bradford

Master Class