The labour movement must mobilise against the EDL in Bradford!
Bradford United Against Racism | 15.08.2010 21:19 | Anti-racism | Workers' Movements
Hope not Hate have put out a statement opposing any counter demonstration against the EDL in Bradford on the 28th of August. This call has been backed by Yorkshire and the Humber TUC and some other trade unionists.
This is the Bradford United Against Racism groups response.
This is the Bradford United Against Racism groups response.
The racist English Defence League plans to rally in Bradford city centre on Saturday 28 August. Their actions in Stoke, Luton and Dudley have shown that when allowed the chance they run rampage, attacking Muslim people, Muslim workplaces and places of worship. They single out Muslims for vilification and Asians in general for racist abuse, but they are also enemies of the workers' movement in general. They have disrupted anti-racist meetings and threatened trade unionists.
Some trade unionists are arguing against a counter-demonstration and are trying to persuade trade unionists and others to stay at home on 28 August. Nick Lowles from Hope Not Hate has led these calls. He says: "We believe that Bradford cannot afford further disorder and we fear that thousands of EDL protesters descending on the city, matched by thousands coming out to oppose them, could well provoke it. And this time the city might not recover." These calls have been backed by the Yorkshire and Humber TUC and some other trade unionists. We believe this approach is not only fundamentally wrong, but also potentially catastrophic.
Leaving the EDL to march through Bradford without mass opposition does not guarantee the safety of the local Asian population. On other EDL demonstrations the police have at times been unable or unwilling to control these racist thugs. In Luton the EDL managed to smash up Asian owned shops and in Dudley they attacked a Hindu temple. In both of these cases the anti-racist counter demonstration was small or non-existent. Only a large, organised counter-demonstration that outnumbers the EDL several times over will be able to guarantee this kind of attack cannot happen.
Thousands of young Muslim people in Bradford have already made plain that they intend to oppose the EDL on the day. We cannot leave these young people to face the racists alone. The labour movement is built on the principles of freedom, equality and solidarity regardless or religious or ethnic background. If trade unionists do not take the lead in organising anti-racist struggles and uniting people around these principles we may see reactionary organizations exploiting the feeling of isolation in the Muslim population to their own ends.
Bradford United Against Racism and the Stop Racism and Fascism Network are organizing a counter-demonstration. Unite Against Fascism is also calling for anti-fascists to demonstrate against the EDL in Bradford city centre. We call on all trade unionists and anti-racists to support these demonstrations and mobilise the biggest possible opposition to the vile racial and religious hatred of the English Defence League.
Some trade unionists are arguing against a counter-demonstration and are trying to persuade trade unionists and others to stay at home on 28 August. Nick Lowles from Hope Not Hate has led these calls. He says: "We believe that Bradford cannot afford further disorder and we fear that thousands of EDL protesters descending on the city, matched by thousands coming out to oppose them, could well provoke it. And this time the city might not recover." These calls have been backed by the Yorkshire and Humber TUC and some other trade unionists. We believe this approach is not only fundamentally wrong, but also potentially catastrophic.
Leaving the EDL to march through Bradford without mass opposition does not guarantee the safety of the local Asian population. On other EDL demonstrations the police have at times been unable or unwilling to control these racist thugs. In Luton the EDL managed to smash up Asian owned shops and in Dudley they attacked a Hindu temple. In both of these cases the anti-racist counter demonstration was small or non-existent. Only a large, organised counter-demonstration that outnumbers the EDL several times over will be able to guarantee this kind of attack cannot happen.
Thousands of young Muslim people in Bradford have already made plain that they intend to oppose the EDL on the day. We cannot leave these young people to face the racists alone. The labour movement is built on the principles of freedom, equality and solidarity regardless or religious or ethnic background. If trade unionists do not take the lead in organising anti-racist struggles and uniting people around these principles we may see reactionary organizations exploiting the feeling of isolation in the Muslim population to their own ends.
Bradford United Against Racism and the Stop Racism and Fascism Network are organizing a counter-demonstration. Unite Against Fascism is also calling for anti-fascists to demonstrate against the EDL in Bradford city centre. We call on all trade unionists and anti-racists to support these demonstrations and mobilise the biggest possible opposition to the vile racial and religious hatred of the English Defence League.
Bradford United Against Racism
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trade unions are run by communists
16.08.2010 06:58
Oh noes, teh communists!
16.08.2010 08:27
Lol :D
muslims are being used by marxists
16.08.2010 09:22
the owl
16.08.2010 09:36
IA Ninja
And the EDL is run by BNP activists
16.08.2010 09:36
Salman Rushdie
hope not hate campaign
16.08.2010 10:10
gerry gable
Is this a hate group too?
16.08.2010 12:26
If not then why is the EDL racist?
If the EDL is racist then so is this group
16.08.2010 12:50
Oh noes! We're rumbled!
Jog on, you fucking clown.
Bloody Italians... oops, i mean Christians, coming over here...
16.08.2010 13:07
Oh please.
If they were using Christian as a code word, and went around beating up people who "looked Christian", and shouted racist abuse, and organised demos where the symbols were national flags and the rhetoric nationalist bollocks, etc etc, then yeah, it would be.
For instance, if the anti-pope demo's consisted of people waving union jacks, telling him to fuck off back to italy, and demo'ed in "italian" areas, and they smashed up pizza restaurants and attacked people who "look italian", then yeah, that would be really fucking racist. No question.
But they aren't. So it isn't.
oh please
tool you deluded idiot
16.08.2010 13:11
16.08.2010 13:43
First off, tool was the post title, not the name i signed it with. Idiot.
Second, i assume you mean the SWP organised Marxism conference, rather than some super secret one chaired by their shape-changing lizard overlords where they plan their world domination? Because if so, that's a conference ABOUT Marxism, rather than a conference OF Marxists. There are plenty of folks there who aren't Marxists (so i'm told - never been, no interest in the SWPs stuff), they're just interested in the topics being discussed or what have you.
Also, there's a difference between being a communist and being a marxist. The least you could do is wiki the ideas before you come on here and parade your ignorance for the world to see. God, i'm actually embarrassed for you.
"the bolton uaf demo looked like the gaza strip because there were so many muslims on it. one good thing when the muslims take over, is that you stupid lefty idiots will be wiped out."
Wait, how can you tell if someone's a Muslim by their appearance?
OH NOES TEH MUSLIMS ARE TAKING OVER!!! Frightening stuff. Seriously, get a fucking clue. International Muslim Conspiracies, Marxist run everything, vaccines are an NWO plot, where will it end?
And finally, i'm not a lefty, i'm an anarchist. There's a difference, though i expect its lost on your oh-so-keen mind.
karl marx wrote the communist manifesto !
16.08.2010 14:25
Tony Blair arrested an hour ago in Singapore!!!
16.08.2010 14:46
(You didn't really think he'd been arrested did you?)
In response to further tool-ery
16.08.2010 15:25
Christ on a bike... So much wrong with that. Not all communists follow "marx's ideas", because "marx's ideas" is a pretty meaningless statement. Do you mean, communists try and do what he said in the communist manifesto? Because that's not true. Do you mean, communists agree with the actual politics he practically advocated? Because thats not true either. Do you mean that communists subscribe to every single theory he wrote? Because thats also not true! And what about the communists kicking about before Marx? Gerrard Winstanley, for instance. What about anarchist-communists? If being a Marxist is "following marx's ideas" then how do you account for the massive difference in terms of actual communist organisations politics? I could go on, and on, and on...
Sort yourself out, mate. 5 minutes reading won't hurt you.
"and they were muslims on the bolton demo, because they had long beards and a banner with "allah is the greatest" they were of pakistani origin, as bolton has a large pakistani community."
And you think a group of Pakistani's (stood amidst a load of white people) looks like the Gaza strip? Do you know where Gaza is? Fucking hell...
"and if you`re a true anarchist, then you will be against all religions. anarchists do not believe in the existence of governments.
I am against all religions, you pillock. Where have i said anything to the contrary? Or are you just assuming that anyone who doesn't wave a union jack and intimidate people with dark skin is a massive fan of religion?
"there is no muslim conspiracy,because it`s totally obvious that they will take over because of their high birthrate. eventually britain will be a muslim state. "
Glad you admit that there is no muslim conspiracy to take over the world, thats a rare admission from the EDL crowd. Speaks volumes that you are one of the saner ones.
First, you're assuming that birthrates stay constant. Second, youre assuming that they and their chilfren will remain muslims. Third you're assuming that the form of islam they have will be one that has political effects, rather than a muslim equivalent of the C of E. And so on, and so on. Its really quite tiresome to keep pointing out the stupidity of your ideas.
Im off.
in response to lol
16.08.2010 15:51
EDL shout "Fuck the N*****s"
16.08.2010 20:24
EDL call Police "Paki Loving Bastards"
Zoe Trope
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