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Climate Camp Cymru meetup point announced

Climate Camp Cymru | 11.08.2010 21:51 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Free Spaces

Climate Camp Cymru, 13 - 17 August
Opencast is trashing the south Wales landscape - it's time to take action...

From midday on Friday 13th August you are invited to a convergence space in central Cardiff. The location of this space is Cardiff Quaker Meeting House, 43 Charles Street, Cardiff.

From here people will be directed to a train station, where minibuses will be available to transport people to the the site. Experienced cyclists may wish to bring bikes and cycle to the site.

NB: you will need £4.50 each way for the train fare.

The location of the site will be announced at approximately 2pm on Friday 13th August.

At 2pm on 13th August people will be sentenced at Merthyr Crown Court for the lock-on to the railway line between Ffos-y-Fran and Aberthaw power station. It would be great if people could go to the court to support them. Transport will be arranged to the site after.

The convergence space in Cardiff will be open until 5pm. We encourage everyone who can to reach the site on Friday night, although the minibuses will be available throughout Saturday from the train station.

Please watch this space for more detail.

Things to bring:

Sleeping bag
Warm clothes and waterproofs
Plate, bowl, mug and cutlery
Loo roll

and a bike could be useful too
07040 909 147


Fe’ch gwahoddir i man cyd-gwrdd yng nghanol Caerdydd o ganol dydd ar ddydd Gwener 13eg Awst. Y man cwrdd ydy Cardiff Quaker Meeting House, 43 Charles St, Caerdydd.

O’r man yna byddwch chi’n cael eich cyfarwyddo i’r orsaf trenau sy’n agos at y safle, ble fydd fws-mini ar gael i gludo pobol i’r safle wersylla. Mae croeso i seiclwyr profiadol dod a beiciau a seiclo i’r safle

SYLWER: bydd angen £4.50 arnoch ar gyfer cost y tren am y ddwy ffordd.

Bydd lleoliad y safle yn cael ei gyhoeddi tua 2yp dydd Gwener 13fed o Awst.

Yn ogystal, am 2yp ar 13eg Awst yn Llys y Goron Ferthyr, mae yna dedfrydiad o’r weithredwyr a glymodd eu
hunan i gledrau’r rheilffordd rhwng Ffos y fran a phwerdy glo Aberddawan. Byddai’n wych pe byddai pobl yn gallu mynd i’r llys i’w cefnogi nhw. Bydd trafnidiaeth yn cael ei darparu i’r safle wedyn.

Bydd Man Cyd-gwrdd yng Nghaerdydd ar agor tan 5pm ar ddydd Gwener a ddydd Sadwrn. Rydym yn annog i bawb i cyrraedd y safle nos wener, ond bydd y fysiau mini yn rhedeg trwy dydd Sadwrn o’r orsaf trenau.

Gwyliwch y gofod yma am fwy o fanylion.

Dewch a’r offer canlynol-

Sach cysgu
Dillad twym a dillad glaw
Plât, bowlen, cwpan, cyllell a fforc

Efallai byddai beic yn ddefnyddiol hefyd!!
07040 909 147

Climate Camp Cymru
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Legal support

11.08.2010 23:23

Legal support phone contact during the camp will be 07587 220197

Climate Camp Cymru

Arrest support

11.08.2010 23:36

Forgot the solicitors number -

Mike Reed solicitors

01267 281675

Climate Camp Cymru

how far?

12.08.2010 06:26

How far (roughly) will 'experienced cyclists' need to cycle between the destination train station and the site?
If dozens turn up with bikes, will they all be able to get them on the train?
At what point will the site become public knowledge so cyclists can make their own way there?


@ Cyclist

12.08.2010 09:23

The location of the site will become public knowledge around 2pm on Friday. I'm not sure about your other questions, sorry - will try to find out for you.


@ Cyclist

12.08.2010 09:34

Its about 6 miles....but some of it is busy roads.

You can usually get quite a few bikes on that train route - up to 6

Climate Camp Cymru