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BNP Bankrupt in 14 days

Braz | 10.08.2010 11:15

sources suggest bankruptcy is imminent

Sources on the inside are chattering that the BNP will run out of money within 14 days and be forced to enter bankruptcy.
Election accounts are overdue and outstanding unpaid election expenses are running at
The Marmite scandal has been revealed to cost
source :

expeditions court costs are still outstanding at £60,000.00
Other outstanding debts are quoted as at least £170,000.00
The party has a mere £65.000.00 in total assets.

Bankruptcy is unavoidable as nobody will lend the party money.
Sources are saying they have less than two weeks to settle the majority of debts.
This could be the End.



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The state didn't destroy the BNP we did

10.08.2010 12:02

Okay before anyone points out that the "state" destroyed the BNP let me just say this, the BNP have been falling apart for sometime now after not winning a single by-election since 2009, Griffin, after revealing to despise gay people (shock, shock, horror) on Question Time was hated alot more after the programme was aired, they also performed very poorly in the last general election with most BNP supporters flocking to UKIP or just becoming a regular grunt for the EDL because they miss the ol' pa** bashing they used to get up to in the 80' awareness of how shit the BNP really is has given the last blow to the BNP NOT the state. Anyway now that the BNP has gone maybe we think about targetting ALL the political parties now? especially the cunts that are in power now

Bob Marley

Am I the only person...

10.08.2010 14:26

who doesn't care tht they're being ruined by the state and not the working class?

Seriously, it's hardly the biggest blow to Class confidence- it's not like we had our shit together to stop Hitler.

I'm glad it's Marmite who's ruining it, simply cos it reminds me how beautifully weird the world we live in is... MARMITE! RUINING THE FUCK OUT OF A FAR RIGHT POLITICAL PARTY!!!!

I wouldn't give a fuck if Rupert Murdock himself beat Griffin to death with a bag of blood diamonds and released the footage on Pay per view. In fact, I'd probably buy it.



10.08.2010 15:23

It may well be the end of the bnp as we know it.

I suspect though that other groups will merely fill that particular political void.
The fascists won't go away easily.

Keep on the streets!


Griffin's feathering his nest!

10.08.2010 20:10

Griffin is desperately pleading with BNP supporters for money, yet again - see We can assume that, as the party is staring bankruptcy in the face, he is desperately getting as much cash as possible from gullible racists to stash into his slush fund before he gets booted out or the party implodes. What a chancer he is!


Who will step up?

11.08.2010 16:36

Whilst this is good news, like the poster above I cant help but wonder who will plug the right wing gap?

It has often been said that Hitler surviving assasination attempts was a good think as if he had fallen, then the commanders who would have taken over would have been much more organised and effective.

I doubt that many will sway to the UKIP. Could this possibly lead to the EDL looking to make the move into party politics?


I predict....

11.08.2010 19:05

we already know the EDL & UKIP are bumchums so it surely won't be long before UKIP hoovers up all the BNP votes, become a lil more racist to please the inbred nonces left over in all this confusion and use the EDL as their foot soldiers....maybe UKIP will also change their name too...

The Oracle


19.10.2010 21:31

It is all very well cheering the demise of the BNP but the suppression of the BNP is also the suppression of one avenue of free speech and the next avenue may well be something you hold dear.
Like them or not, you either have free speech without restriction or you start down the slippery slope of expressive anarchy.