No borders clip
mat | 08.08.2010 23:23 | Migration | Repression | Social Struggles
People are used to associate summertime with relaxation and chilling out. But not all the people. For hundreds from all over the world, it is time of struggle for survival, time of hope for a better life. I mean immigrants, called "illegal" by the governments and capitalists. While the elites of Western world are enjoying their free time in health resorts, luxurious sanatoriums, high-level hotels and clannish cruises, those who are considered to be dregs of society, take a dangerous attempt to get to the better world. And that's not easy. Few years after opening internal borders of the Fortress Europe, hundreds of people die every year on the Schengen zone borders (more than in the total history of Berliner Mauer) - most often, people from Third World countries. Taking into account missing ones, those who die in transit camps and all those who for many reasons don't manage to achieve their destination point, there may bo thousands of victims. Map lines, drowen by a few percent of the most influential leaders, indicate who have a rigth to survive and who doesn't, who is legal and who is not. For the latter I dedicate this home-made clip.

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oversimplified and not totally accurate.
09.08.2010 13:33
are these people running to serve capitlisms in the 'west' - is this 'Orientalism' in reverse or just oversimplified 'analysis'. I really love being arrested by the global police force. There's no manufacturing industry to speak of here. There's a dispossesed population here too. Most of the property is being bought by international corporates and international individuals here too. I keep heering 'race' being substituted for ( economic ) 'class.' That's how propaganda works. Selling the streets as paved wuith gold is a capitlalist propaganda. You haven't accounted for the bric elites nor the use of religion as policing/repressive force ( this too is hidden under 'multiculturalist' -based class opression ). Another thing - this seems like sloganeering; There are all kinds of borders, geographical, financial, disease ( inc plants ) control etc. The we should also mention climate change and where the rich and their servants are running too.
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